help i got my babies and now i dont know when to start fertilizing

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Stop Snitchin
Mar 2, 2009
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ok its my first tim growing and im not sure when to start fertilizing i got some clones from a buddie 2 weeks ago and the one is just huge from when i got him and i was wondering if i should transplant him and start fertiliveing i got my metal halide on order shoud be here friday i havent bought soil or nutes yet planin to tomorrow if i could get some help i dont got any kind of shop were i live just the local frower shops that were i plan to go should i just buy poting mix and what kind of nutes can i start tomorrow when i buy them please help's what you do...go to the website hxxp:// and read up. Much P&L ;)
Hit the Resources tab, that's why its there. No offense, buddy...
hey guys ive read threw this **** tons of times and it never makes any sense and i was just trying to get some help i thought that was what this place was for
After you choose your soil then you should be able to grow in it for 3 or 4 weeks before having to add any nutes. Then when you choose a nute you want to use start out at 1/4 strength and work your way up from there. The soil you choose should have a dark rich look to it. FFOF, Promix, ect.. are good for growing MJ but I would stay away from MG products. But there is plenty of info on here to search and read,read,read...Knowledge is the key to success my friend, and by the way welcome to the forum...take care..
thank you i am planing on geting some organic soil that the local stores carry if i transplant into a five gallon bucket do i got 3 weeks from that day or 3 weeks from the day the clone was tookin im also just gonna order my nutes of the net so i make sure to get something good for mj do you know of any good sites with keep prices
let me save you a month and 40$ in organic pesticide.... make SURE the dirt bag isnt not perforated, doesnt have drain hole, is not wet, torn, or exposed to the outside. The dirt needs to come in a thick heavy duty bag. nothing from an outdoor gardening section cage. make sure it is pasteurized.
I would recommenced that you go to your local book store and pick up a book called Marijuana Horticulture, The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible. By: Jorge Cervantes. This book has helped me SOOO much. Please pay cash for it!
P.S. if your buddy was nice enough to give you a clone, why don't you ask him to help you get started out? It's never good to rush into this. Given your situation you kind of have to, but you have a lot of reading to do.

Go pick up some Fox Farm Ocean Forest, put it under that metal halide, and let it grow. You will need 100 other things too, good luck.
We love to help ppl on here, but also love to fascilitate theyre own learning as well. "give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day, but teach a man to put a dead fish under his plant, and he'll smoke for a lifetime...." I didnt realise it, but I had been grooming myself to grow MJ from the time I was a pimply faced teen wistfully thumbing thru Cervantes original MJ bible. Knowledge is power my man, and as frustrating/tedious as the reading and researching can be, if you dont have the patience for this step then you prolly wont have the patience to grow good MJ. So good luck, good reading, and good growing man!
Crash course to get you started:

Soil: Medium draining, no time released crap in it, pH of 6.5 or so.

Nutes:Fox Farm has 3 basic liquids that will get you there if you follow their feeding schedule (can be obtained on-line if there is no hydro/grow store about). I use all 6 Fox Farm nutrients straight-up by the book and had excellent results.

Lights: you say you've got a metal halide and that's fine for now and will suffice for flowering if necessary. If you can spring for it, get a HPS conversion bulb for your MH ballast--it'll give you a lot more lumens for flowering and you'll need all you can get.

Transplanting: if they're huge--huge covers a lot of ground--by all means transplant ASAP if you're in anything smaller than 1 gallon. There are resources here about making your own soil but I'm way too lazy for such nonsense. Tell us what sort of stores are around you and someone will have suggestions on which brand. I, personally, am a FF nazi and use Ocean Forest.

pH: and for God's sake, get you a pH tester and keep things around 6.5. This one I can't state emphatically enough--get a pH test kit or meter.

General advice: if I was somewhere that had no hydro stores, I'd still go to FF's web-site and try to duplicate their soils and nutes as closely as I could. But you're not the only member here who doesn't have access to a good hydro/grow store--ask and someone will chime in. Everyone here is really up on helping others do this thing--be patient even through your frustrations and you'll get more answers than questions asked, I guarantee it.

Luck and peace.
Well put Pencil H! I think a "Newbie crash coarse" should be stickied. Basics only. Then, if a newbie catches on and graduates he/she can delve into the plethora of supplimental info on here. It is currently ALOT of information for someone that is not familiar with gardening.
Nice post PencilHead- but why bother?

If you fail to plan, then you better plan to fail.

You post no viable info about the conditions you've established to grow- there's more to it than just what nutes you need.

You talk about 3 weeks- 3 weeks for what? If it is "huge"..... and you are referring to when to put into flower....and it is a she (you keep referring to "him")....then you can flower right now.

The information on this site is
hey guys ive read threw this **** tons of times and it never makes any sense
not a bunch of **** and if you spend some more time you'll end up with something useful.

Otherwise, you're wasting your time and your money.

Good luck to you.
Bubba_Smokes said:
hey guys ive read threw this **** tons of times and it never makes any sense and i was just trying to get some help i thought that was what this place was for
if this is true.... that none of this makes any sense ...go fishing.
Bubba_Smokes said:
hey guys ive read threw this **** tons of times and it never makes any sense and i was just trying to get some help i thought that was what this place was for

wow guys gime him a break ....:eek:when i first joined the above made no sense to me,,,i had just been given a clone and didnt have a clue it was threw the patience and kind people from this forum who helped me have a succesful first grow ..and once they had helped and told/showed me ,,it was then that all the growing guides started to make sense ,,,
but saying that this forum has changed a lot in the last 2 yrs :p

i miss the old days :giggle:

goodluck ,,,and i never give nutes till at least 3 weeks old from seed or once a clone has established it self with roots and new growth :peace:
as for soil ,,,if ya can go for a organic potting soil ,,if not available something for seedling s should do the job ,,just try to stay away from miricle grow or heavily added ingrediants :48:
good post ukgirl totally agree good luck on your clones bud:D

good day
well thank you all im glad to hear that there are some people out there that will help a guy out in his time of need right now i dont have the perfect grow set up relly its probley one of the worst see 2 weeks ago i got my medical card and i was over excited but thats understandable i called the only grower i know the next day and drove out of town and got some clones and all i had was my flouresnt light not the smartest idea i always planed that i would have this big grow room vented tons of lights the whole set up but that not how it went now right no im growing in my closet but as soon as i can get the cash i got the hole room to make into my grow room right now im on limited funds and can only spare 300 -400 a month on my room
if you guys will bear with a new grower help him out teach the willing i will start a grow journel and post picture so you guys know whats going on and can help me out i got some pictures already i start that tonight look for it under bubba's 1st grow
Hello Bubba :)

Welcome to the forum.

Each comment above is helping you with advice, you just dont understand it yet ;)

We all started our grow experiences with basics and we all made mistakes, you will too, the difference is you have us to help :aok:

No-one is giving you a hard time, sometimes a sharpened pointy stick is needed to make some people open their eyes :shocked:

We will be following your Grow Journal :cool:


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