Help needed quick !

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Hi every1,
i need some help, i live in the uk an my setup consists of 4 600w hps inside a grow tent thats 2meters long by 2m wide by 2m high, i've always vented all the heat out of my tent with a 250mm inline fan with ducting going to an open window, this has always worked fine but the problem is the police have started flying over different estates in the city where i live using there thermal cam to look for any strange heat signitures on houses that make them stand out from the rest of the houses in that street, an i mean any strange heat at all even a small roof vent thats hotter than every 1 elses or widows that are hotter even the slates on roofs ! so i need a way to cool the air coming out of the end of the ducting before i can vent it outside :confused: i thought of using an ac unit untill i descovered that they have to vent the hot air out to rather than actually cooling it down and then blowing it back out :hairpull: does any1 have any ideas ?
help please an thanks in advance.
Dryer vents blow hot air out all the time. Maybe you can figure out how to attach it (your exhaust) to your dryer vent. I don't know where your grow room is compared to a vent like that, but they shouldn't bother you for that. heat signatures are usually large spots like walls and attics that are hotter than the rest. Do you have a garage or some other place you can push the air into?

Do you have a filter on it so it doesn't smell? If you do, I would imagine you can put the exhaust anywhere that is normally getting heat and it won't put up any red flags. Again though, reading heat signatures they look for things such as hotter-than-normal attics, rooms, etc.

The heat usually comes from the lights reflecting off the walls of the rooms, thus making the walls hotter than normal, and the authorities look for abnormal heat on walls. If they are using helicopters they most likely wont bother with a dryer vent.

If I am wrong someone enlighten me, I hate giving false information.
thanks for the thought but thats no good even a small vent for your normal heating or your dryer or anything else is no good, it still stands out compared to the other houses on the same street so i need to cool the air before venting it i was thinking of maybe getting a big water butt and filling it with cold water with my ducting coiled around inside it an then going to the window but i'm not sure if it would cool the air in the duct enough before it reaches the end of the duct an goes out the window, i might have to add bags of ice also which seems like it might be alot of work having to freeze all that ice on a daily basis. an yes i have a carbon filter so odour isnt a prob.
How hot is the air coming out of your grow room? I can't imagine it's hotter than a dryer vent.
its hot ! its all the heat of 4 600w's and its constant a dryer vent would only be hot at certain times not all the time.
Dryers do not vent for 12 or more hours though! Be careful man, maybe scale down to a single 600w until you feel the ambient air wont be so dramatic compared to the exhausted air, like in the upcoming spring/summer. You could have the air from a single 600w exhaust into your room instead of out of the house. Do you live in a house or an apartment, do you have an upstairs and downstairs, or single-level? If you have a downstairs you could vent it to the downstairs and deal with it, maybe turn down your heating and save some money? If you are in an apartment I would think scaling down and having it dump into the room the tent resides in would be the safest given your PO thermal Nazi situation. Sucks to be on a small island where they can do such a thing feasibly, here in the states there is no way in hell they could pull that off, far too much land area, sure they could do it but only if they had an inkling to begin with.
Hi tact,
i live in a 2 bedroom house with an up an down stairs but the heat of all 4 lights would make the windows an walls glow on there therm cams if i just vented into diff areas of house, its mad how fast the heat builds up if its not vented outside. an i smoke to much to only have 1 light on, i wouldnt have enougth bud to see me from 1 crop to the next, lol
Can you vent to your attic if so make a distribution box and spread the heat in it and let the roof vents pull the heated air out it will on harm this air mass 5 deg or so. Or gut a window AC unit the heat sig will just look like a room AC unit running
Hey man what about this?

Pull air from outside, over your lights, then dump that air into your house. I pull cold air from outside over a single 1000w light and I can literally put my face on the 1000w hood glass and its not even that warm, the ambient temp of that glass cannot be much hotter then 75 degrees, if that. Then if you dump that air into your house, possibly downstairs? Do your lights have 4", 6" or 8" flanges that can fit ducting onto them to allow for such a system? It is really easy to do, this is far from a perfect system but your situation calls for alterior motives to how you go about it given the specifics of fuzz with thermals sitting in the sky munching on donuts and ruining peoples buzz. FU*K THE POLICE, go stop a real crime! :rant:
hi ozzy,
the way things are in the uk now any heat signiture that looks diff to the other houses near by is enough for the police to get a warrent and bust you so venting any hot air out is a no go now matter how its done, i need to cool the air before venting.
there diy hoods with the ducting attached sucking the heat directly out from light like a cool tube its the only way i can keep the temps in the tent getting to hi.
tact dosent that make the temps drop to much tho ? its cold in the uk right now !
Its snowing here as I speak, but actually you would be surprised the cold-air does not effect the room as much as you might think, it hits the light and then its out the other end through ductwork and out of the tent. If you use your lights as a heat source then yes, it will affect your temps. I grow in a concrete basement, I pull 6" ductwork over a 1000w light, then duct it out of the room, and actually out of the whole house via a dryer-looking exhaust flap to the outside. I have to use a space heater at night otherwise the temps get to the low 60s, but this is due to it being in an unheated part of the basement. So if that room the tent is in is a temperature that works with the plants, and you don't use the light for actual heat then don't worry about pulling air from outside over the light to "cool" the tent, that air doesn't stay in the tent it goes over the light and then exits the tent in less then a second, over and over. Now if you use the light as a partial heat source, you may have to get a space heater. Is that worth it though, piece of mind, cops don't have sh*t on you since your tent and light is within 3 degrees of your house temp, etc.
nice thanks tact,
i'll give it a try, i have a 400w for veg in same room as tent which i dont vent an that keeps the hole room and tent just right temp wise.
Hey man no problem, good luck and make them waste their gas in the air.
ozzydiodude said:
....Or gut a window AC unit the heat sig will just look like a room AC unit running

OMG that is brilliant, I thought I was good at subterfuge, but this genius

Try venting it into your heating duct....use it to help offset your heating costs
if its cold theres no sense in wasting heat
Do you have a basement or crawl to disburce(?) the air in to it will help heat the floor and the heat sig of a house would only show a little warmer at the floor extra insultation would explain it and should not raise a red flag to :cop:
i have a small attic but thats a no go an i dont have a basement, i'm gonna give tacts idea a go an hopefully it will work,
thanks to every1 for all the advice.

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