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Nice nap !---
Evets it's not easy as it sounds !-- Takes 3 or 4 complete grows before U start figuring things out in the south !--- We got bugs and critters that love weed !
I need some coffee --Time to burn !
OFC! I took an easy day today. Been smoking and eating all day. My sister went home today. They want to do radiation as a precaution. Seems like she will be OK. Thanks all for your thoughts and well wishes.
Good news Dog!-- Will she use cannabis ?-- Might help !-- If U can't get RSO my canna caps are better than nothing -- Eating weed in some form would help her get through Chemo !-
YD, i hear that uterine cancer is very curable... I am glad she is going home. How old is she? she may have some hormone issues...poor lady.

went to a plants sale today with proceeds going to hospice...win win.
Got to rack the wine this evening !---Huh ?--Now U know about as much as I do about making wine !--All I can do is follow the directions !--- I already see a problem using fermentation to create more available CO2 in the grow room !-- Primary fermentation only takes a week and to get enough CO2 to make a difference I need to ferment in a 5 gallon primary fermenter --5 gallons of wine a week !---Sorry but that's a lot of wine !--- My evil wife D.D. -- When I explained it to her she say isn't there a way to concentrate it so U don't end up with that much !--- Next day she starts showing me pics of stove top stills and copper pot stills !--- Did U know that a still has to be shipped in clear wrap so everyone can see what it is ? -- That ain't right !---
I guess if I had a still it wouldn't cost anything for the alcohol to make RSO !--- If get caught I'm gonna be in soo much trouble !--- I don't even drink anymore !--- I'll make her some wine then I guess I start making sugar shine and ferment it in the grow room !--
Wow Rose, How cool is that. ..but to many b has full blown M.S. the other one has a mitochondrial disorder that they can not figureout. ..she recently had an episode were she had no control of movement. .I guess it was not pretty ...Anyway. ...
Keef keep making that wine. ..I love it but no more for me. ...Hey mama wants to get high....:48:
Got D.D. off to work !--Time to burn !-- I don't know Cane !-- I'll make her some wine but I'm not so sure about CO2 for the grow room by fermentation! --- Prohibition Ends --- I need alcohol for RSO --- I can make it !--But I'm kinda committed to some Cherry Brandy !-- For which I'll need a still !--I'll just have to make me one !--Ain't hard !
About weed -- I don't want to say it out loud because that might jinx me !--- If it lives ?-- I have succeeded in making one of them U know whats !
Cane, we need to get you growing Harlequin or at least nordle for your family, i know you said they aren't interested but maybe with all the new research? If I remember right the mitochondria is the energy part of the blood? That sounds horrible for your sister.
Ummm. If you want co2 for the grow room. Set a bowl of baking soda somewhere and hang a dropper bottle above it with vinegar in it. Vinegar and baking soda makes CO2. :). Or have you tried that and it failed? Never tried it. Just read it somewhere and thought it was a kool way to do it
And I grew up with my father making homeade wine. His was like brandy tho. It would burn like whiskey if you drank his personal. He made some great wine and I've made a few batches but I have tried to get him to make some but he doesn't. My dads kind of just sitting out in the country alone withering away He's earned his land and house Wish he would try the canna medicines tho. I think it would help him alot
Evets, have you talked to your dad about it? how old is he? was he a hippie in the day?
U know it Rose !--- but this can't be a one time thing---I want this as a skill !--- Of course I want a girl but I had to have all these girls to do what I want if it is a boy !-- Sure I'll have seed for the locals !--- Terminator seed !--- Good Luck if they try to breed them !--See ya when U want some more seed !

Cane sorry about your sister --That's a genetic disorder isn't it ? --

Evets I'm just messing around !--- If the grow room was isolated I could put in a CO2 tank and regulator system but we have to live her so there's not much I can do right now !
I don't know. He doesn't and won't answer....honestly at-least He is 64 And he is afraid it will mess with his epilepsy so he won't even try it. He said before that a seizure is the worse feeling in the world and he just sounds like he doesn't want to risk having one cause his meds have kept them away for a long time. He goes years without them. But I told him one time. Dad. Do you know any potheads who have epilepsy. He though to himself and said no. I.said well there ya go then. Lol. I was like 16 maybe tho then. Lol
It's kool Keef. But yeah I figured the baking soda and vinegar thing is natural and supposed to work to make co2 So why not if its effieceint. If it is. Lol. Wasn't sure if anyone else ever heard about that or tried it
The chemical reaction actually occurs in two steps. First, there is double displacement reaction in which acetic acid in vinegar reacts with sodium bicarbonate to form sodium acetate and carbonic acid. Carbonic acid is unstable and undergoes a decomposition reaction to produce the carbon dioxide gas.

The carbon dioxide escapes the solution as bubbles. The bubbles are heavier than air, so the carbon dioxide collects at the surface of the container or overflows it… A dilute sodium acetate solution remains after the reaction. The resulting reaction is not efficient enough to make it feasible.
Dala got the chemistry !--Evening Cuz !-- U got any microbiology up your sleeve ?
Hey. I was just wondering. Has anyone else heard of this low stress technique of just pulling the newer side leaves around and underneath the old ones. So the light actually gets down to the smaller branches while the plant grows out still. Does it have a name. I just read about it and seen it somewhere years ago that when you top a plant. Twist those around and under the old branch and the light gets to the trim and smaller branches better for bigger budding too. Anyone ever seen this. Done this? Heard of this? Lol

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