Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Rose your outdoor look nice. It's going to be over a hundred tomorrow. Whew.
Umbra, I was tripping out bout the milk thing. Uhhh. If I even think the milk has started turning i dump it out asap.
St Nick stay safe, that is scary.... Umbra, yuck on the clumps.. almost spit out my coffee. lol

good morning YD, i see you down there. Keef i hope you got back to sleep.

New neighbors are moving in today.. need to get out curtains up so they can't see the grow:(:doh::hairpull::shocked::eek: I really liked not having any neighbors in that house for a year... young kids, hopefully not red necked, but very possible in this area.
Rose, your plants and yard look stellar. Neighbors and curtains...when my mother was dying she told me about our 1st apt after my mother left my father. They didn't have child care back then, so my mother hired a woman full time to care for my sisters and myself while she went to work. Apparently with moving, finding a job, and finding a full time baby sitter, my mother missed buying curtains. A neighbor had seen the babysitter through the windows and was offended because she was African American. After my mother came home from work, she made dinner, then we had baths and stories and then to bed. The same neighbor called my mother on the phone and gave her a hard time about having dirty dishes in the sink. The next day at lunch time, my mother bought curtains.
Rose your outdoor look nice. It's going to be over a hundred tomorrow. Whew.
Umbra, I was tripping out bout the milk thing. Uhhh. If I even think the milk has started turning i dump it out asap.
When I was younger, that stuff would bother me too. Now it's more an inconvenience than pure repulsion.
Umbra, i like your mom.. what a nosy neighbor. Gladys Kravits? The curtains are going up very soon. We had crazy bad neighbors there before but we loved them in their crazy ways, my point is i think i can get along with anyone that isn't against pot or a redneck.. Harvest with skunk and haze etc should be interesting. Guess i will take a note from keef and be making smoked something all thru harvest.

Good morning Cane, windy and chili here this morning.
Rose tell us true --you've done this before ?---I have to finish plants before they get that big !-- Just not enough room !
Nick hope the rain let's up before U wash away but looks like the house is high enough !--I would suggest U get on the back porch and get high as the water !-- Be safe !--

I know down here bad weather is smuggling weather !-- The worse the better !-- Fly that AWACS up there with your downward looking radar !-- They can't see sh** in the rain !--- Maybe I should hit me a street dirt bike and ride 20 miles of wild beach every day !-- Them things Umbra calls "Square Grouper" wash up sometimes !
Wow keef, you upped your game, nice job. Yum, how many weeks in from the flip?
I forgot Rose !-- They be ready when they ready !-- Probably got at least another month !---The BPU-X-B.B. starts putting out a nice blueberry smell at about the beginning of the 4th week !-- Smells yummy !-- This just a test box !-- I got 6 boxes more behind it !--
Just a matter of time !--

Wow brother, you got your game elevated since the last time I saw your grow. Still not sure why you don't fill one box every 2 weeks and then you have a rotation set, flip them as soon as the transplant shock wears off and they get some legs, and have 24 one foot cola's a month....I'm seeing where a box could give up three maybe four nice zips with no trash x 2 so that = close to 1/2 lb a month without changing anything your doing. Just my two cents....smoke the brick till you have a qp saved and never ever have to smoke brick again.....be nice to not donate to the cartels. Plus cutting the side branches so that all the energy goes to the cola will produce some massively dense buds and it will be a breeze to trim w/o all that extra crap and leaves. Like I said just a few points to ponder. This was grown in a 4"x4"x6" pot

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Thanks Dala !-- I was running a rotation like that before the bug wars but I kept moving them over smaller and smaller trying to keep the rotation going !-- The plan was a 60 day finisher and run 8 boxes moving 2 to bloom every 2 weeks !-- I just didn't wait for the plants to get big enough !-- I probably go back to a rotation when I start the spare bedroom grow !-- 20 boxes -- 5 every 2 weeks ?-- As for the big kolas --I'm bringing in that CO2 extractor this fall !--- Come harvest the plan is to strip any remaining fan leaves and turn it all into oil !--- Start stocking up !-- I gotta run a cycle like Dala said with big kolas and compare weight !-- Lots I don't know !
Dala -- That looks nice !-- My boxes got that checkerboard pattern on the lid -- 5 rows of 7 squares each 4 inches square !--- I used a 2 inch hole saw and drilled 35 holes in each !-- My production boxes I'll drill just 6 3 inch holes !-- Everything else will stay the same !-- I'll veg them in the present grow and move them to bloom! --- Those numbers were close to my estimate !-- I'd be happy with that !---
Keef looks nice Bro....break time here..still taking down the neighbors wind break.almost got it little bit at a time...then we rent one of those big chippers & chipper up.......time for a little cheese:48:
We've worked hard to get that box of pretty flowers! The veg area is improving as well. I started seeing a turn around after I started using the beneficials; looking much healthier. Of course, we've been close to "getting it together" a few times in our freshman-junior year here at Mari High! Hope we make it this time! As we all know-- growing weed is work & you can lose it all over night! Wish we could grow it like we grow weeds in our yard!
What up Cane ? --- I gotta make another run at trimming my sage bushes !-- I didn't touch them for several years and they outta control !-- Not sure it'll be today ! --
Dala runs a straight up sterile res. and we put Micos and other beneficials into our boxes --We not organic but close !-- I can't use peroxide cause it would kill the good stuff in my Res. too ! --We working it out !-- Still got lots to learn!
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