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Gotta take the pups to the vet soon for shots !--
Nick --How's them little plants doing ?
got to be careful with cats. they may purr, and sink teeth in you at the same time. my big orange male likes to go to the vet. he purrs the whole time. weirdoo. lol

I say vet and these 4 are running for the hills

The little guy is the ringleader he bosses the other three around all the time it's really funny to watch
Mine might be ankle biters but they quick !--- Don't have much trouble getting them in the car cause they think they going to the ( beach) !-- We can't say that word or they head for the door !-- The princess gonna give U the evil eye for the rest of the day !

I am having trouble getting motivated today !-- Pharm is fine --I think the plant I'm moving to bloom is the first B.B. clone to survive the juice !-- Looks normal to me !-- I'll have clones but I can start putting these things thru the pipe test !---We will be seeing if it is any different !
He is perking up....gave him a few treats, he is sure sore about the whole trip to the vet....told him it was worse on me than it was for him. He is still not buying it....lol
YD I have one that likes to go to the vet too, sometimes he just rides along and goes in, he loves getting weighed.....I thought only I had a weird one like that.
cats are unique, i have four, and each one is entirely different than the next. my orange male eats fruit, bread. he likes to sit on the dash of the truck and ride. he talks too much! talks all the time, sometimes it is aggravating.lol but you can call his name and he comes running! i call my cats 10-95's. they are little bastard hooligans. i love them though
Dog I can 100% agree with you I found this little devil on my birthday in the backyard underneath some wood miaowing away so I finally tracked him down and brought him in the house he was so hungry and thirsty he was only about eight weeks old I think the momma cat gave him the boot and I don't think he was doing very well on his own within in I few days he wanted to play fetch now whenever he has a Drinkle water he wags his tail exactly like my Chihuahua does let me tell you he is crazy as hell has me laughing all day long I definitely have to keep a good eye on him because he likes to try to get in and play with the girls and that's not a good idea i'm pretty sure he came from the group of wild cats that live on my block because every once in a while I see an identical twin to him and think he got out of the
Still not high enough to chunk that pollen !-- Plant structure ? --it will be a good cross !-- Trips may be dead but he got all over my girls last time !-- I don't want that to happen again but I'm gonna do it!
And, good afternoon OFC! I kid you not, I woke & looked at the clock & it was 4:20! I thought, time to get up for sure! Seems I picked up a cold from my new patient! Just what I need! At least I have some medicine, speaking of which-- think it's time for another toke. Need to go check my clones!
Just getting in the door. Lite day. Paper work, meeting other co workers. People bring their dogs to work here, lol. I like a company like that. My dogs were waiting for me when I got home. They aren't used to me being out all day. Weather got cold, high in the 70's. they had rain and hail north of me. Hit some rain on the road, but not much at all.
I watched the new season opener of Shameless. There is 15 yr old girl who just had a baby and she can never get any sleep so she hires a night nurse to take of the baby while she sleeps, lol. DD I was thinking of you.
Pic #2 and Pic #3 post to be the other way around !-- Pic # 2 is the baby B.B. Box!
Upside down?? Lol
budligt, watch that cat. He crazy looking sketchy.....
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