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Good morning every one hope every one is off to a good start :48:
Umbra I got my 1st -- Blue T.E. hanging -- That would be a Bohdi's Tranquil Elephantizer mom and a B.B. King dad ( another child of my Trips )-- Anyway she got more blueberry than the B.B. King !-- I got 2 plants left to sex looking for another boy -- a stunted PB-x-Strawberry Desiel and a B.B. that survived the Juice !
Didn't plan on keeping a B.B. boy but that's my choices for now !-- I still got Herman the Wonder Berry --I'm just not sure what to do with him !
Naw keef you can germ the NS bean. If I really wanted it I could get it I'm just being lazy and bitchin tbh. I have gotten pretty involved in making S1's now, I got plenty of time to get to that project. When I start I want to devote all my time to it, it's the one that will put me on the map if I crush it.....but that will take time and patience. Umbra the GT looks rite for 6 weeks, she gonna slam a ton more weight just before she gets ripe. May not hurt to run stringers now to get you through the last 6-7 days so you can just hook off and move on to the next bud.
Been stuck like chuck a time or two myself.....learned from my mistakes ;)
Keef is it possible to do this reversal process to the pink Kush or would they just come out sterile
Afternoon O.F.C. !
Bud Doing the S-1 on that Pink Kush ? --That's what I was talking about doing and Kraven disapproved !--
Might be higher hermie rate just like with regular Diploid plants! -- Not so high that the process is not worthwhile !-- We used to watching for that already !-- We need another tetraploid to breed it !-- Such as if U ever laid hands on UBC Chemo did an S-1 on either Pink Kush or Chemo and breed it to the other !-- Both ways would be nice !-- Now U got a new tetraploid variety and more than that a tetra breeding program !
If I didn't live more than 100 miles from the ocean, I'd say we were having a tropical storm.
I saw it on the news Umbra !-- Sheet gonna be bad if not already !-- Just go to ground and wait it out !
During Katrina even the ground seemed to shake !-- D.D. said --I'm scared !-- I said --Me too !-- Blowed the leaves off the trees that still stood ! - Took down every privacy fence in the hood !-- The falling trees we called house killers cause that's what they did !-- We were lucky !--
How's the face Bud ?

Pretty Herton man they got me on a home intervenous now feel like I got a war going on inside my head hopefully feel better in the next couple days thanks for asking though
Take care Bud !-- Get some decarbed weed in your belly as caps or whatever !-- It'll make U more comfortable !-- D.D. was gonna come home yesterday but she running a temp and probably got the flu ! - I told her just rest and get well me and the dogs are doing fine !-- If it gets bad enough I can go bring her home !
Really Bud Make some caps or canna something !-- I take the caps for pain !-- Almost 10 years a legal morphine junkie !-- The caps are what I take now ! -- They will work !-- I also take some Tumeric fairly regular too and it also helps !-- I know pain listen to ole Keef !
Keef what I was tryin to say was I have approval from the breeder to self his work for my convenience. I would never work with a strain that is the property of another breeder. Now some mutt poly-hybrid go to town on it, use it for your own projects....but the special ones C99, A11 and 13, BeP, GM, ChemD, Trainwreck... these are all money makers for the breeders....would be all kinda wrong to step on their shoulders without first getting permission. Wouldn't you agree. Kinda like the old sayin....whats done in the dark will always come to light.
Kraven I understand what U saying !-- It is honorable and right not to jack someone's work and claim it as your own !-- If it was someone I knew ?- There's no way I could do that !-- That Pink Kush is for sale-- clone only -- but I'm not allowed to buy it !-- I don't want it for what it is I want to use it for something else !-- I figure I was nice and tried to do the right thing and was denied for 2 years !-- So now ? -- Shoulda just sold it to me !
You walk your own path, as I walk mine. I don't have an opinion of your opinion. Peace
Cool Kraven !-- I'm just a product of the society that shaped me !-- Life shapes us all differently !-- I don't live in a black and white world -- It would be a nice world I agree !-- There's just too many windshields out there to be a bug !
They got this thing called situational ethics !-- Says never say never !-- If your neighbor has food and refuses to give / sale /or trade for it--your family is starving --How long until U go get food for your family?
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