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looking good keef.
it shocked me the child died form the asthma attack. i mean i know you can die from it, but in this day in time it is still a shocker. really, have we stopped just to think of all the things we can die from? its a wonder we make it to old age..
speaking of,, I found a patch of gray hair yesterday. about 8. was wondering when that was going to start happening. i will be 29 in a month and a day. I aint skeered of getting old. not yet.. maybe i will be when AARP starts hitting my mailbox with fliers. lol
Hey Dog -- I wish mine would go silver !-- I'm not dyeing it some unnatural color! -- I'm old I earned my grey hair !-- I'm happy to still have it ! -- There's another thing about growing old that ? -- Well ? -- U just don't give a Duck ?-- Don't be talking bad about AARP !!--- I'm a junior myself but U do not want the "Walker Brigade " of the AARP after U !-- They brutal and they don't give a duck what U think !
Not uncommon if a child dies of asthma, if they don't have a rescue inhaler, and they have an asthma attack and there is no albuterol around the child will quickly pass out and die. Thats why i only work on older folks, kids can go south and die in less than 20 minutes. I won't put my hands on a child under ten....not my kind of nursing and it just breaks my heart to see a sick child. I'm very sad for that family and all the families that it affected......sadly this could have been avoided most likely. Period.

Saw the VA doc today, got cellulitis in a lower leg wound [I'm getting old, I fall down...but can still get up] so the got me on ABX for the next ten days....whoohoo.
Plus they added more breathing meds.....I didn't do well on the PFT test....so now two morning inhalers and a rescue inhaler I have to tote around......So getting old has its ups and downs.

I hope everyone has been well, I have been super busy this month....headed to the cup in Denver so trying to get ahead. Have not been on as much....Rose hate you have vertigo...hope it resolves well. Peace
looking good keef.
it shocked me the child died form the asthma attack. i mean i know you can die from it, but in this day in time it is still a shocker. really, have we stopped just to think of all the things we can die from? its a wonder we make it to old age..
speaking of,, I found a patch of gray hair yesterday. about 8. was wondering when that was going to start happening. i will be 29 in a month and a day. I aint skeered of getting old. not yet.. maybe i will be when AARP starts hitting my mailbox with fliers. lol

Both of my older sisters starting going grey in their 20's. I was turning grey when I moved to Cali, but it has accelerated considerably since then. Compared to most of the people I graduated high school with, I am less grey, lol.
Went to the grocery store yesterday and noticed I saved more than usual, so I looked at the receipt and I get the senior citizen discount now.
Kraven U better take better care of yourself !-- I'm really lucky that I don't have any lung or breathing problems !-- Might have a bad left wing and a left arm that don't always do what I tell it but I'm alright !
I hated working on kids too !-- Since I was a surgical assistant and an EMT I worked the ER sometimes !
Child got to close to dogs food bowl and the dog chewed his face up !-- I had to hold him down so the doc could sew !-- I cried the whole time but I held the little bastid still !-- Takes so much out of U !-- D.D. is da MAN !-- She weigh her patients in grams and they very sick !
I don't want to be involved with sick or hurt people. In a pinch i would do what i needed to do to help someone, but it is not a job i would want each day. I like working on vehicles. if i get it wrong, or maybe an engine explodes itself, no body dies.
Not uncommon if a child dies of asthma, if they don't have a rescue inhaler, and they have an asthma attack and there is no albuterol around the child will quickly pass out and die. Thats why i only work on older folks, kids can go south and die in less than 20 minutes. I won't put my hands on a child under ten....not my kind of nursing and it just breaks my heart to see a sick child. I'm very sad for that family and all the families that it affected......sadly this could have been avoided most likely. Period.

Saw the VA doc today, got cellulitis in a lower leg wound [I'm getting old, I fall down...but can still get up] so the got me on ABX for the next ten days....whoohoo.
Plus they added more breathing meds.....I didn't do well on the PFT test....so now two morning inhalers and a rescue inhaler I have to tote around......So getting old has its ups and downs.

I hope everyone has been well, I have been super busy this month....headed to the cup in Denver so trying to get ahead. Have not been on as much....Rose hate you have vertigo...hope it resolves well. Peace

K, I have been to a couple of the cups out here in Cali, and it was an eye opener for sure. I had so much fun not having to hide anymore. I know you will enjoy yourself. Stay safe. If you run into NCH, tell him I said hi. If anyone asks, tell them the OFC rocks.
K, I have been to a couple of the cups out here in Cali, and it was an eye opener for sure. I had so much fun not having to hide anymore. I know you will enjoy yourself. Stay safe. If you run into NCH, tell him I said hi. If anyone asks, tell them the OFC rocks.

I fosure will Umbra, only a few more days now and then I'm off for a week. I'm gonna enjoy seeing the mountains, smoking the herb....gonna be good times. I'll be meeting up with a group of my friends so it's sure to be a good time.
O.F.C. -- I need some Mojo !-- My nephew is napping and I just got word his sister my niece died this morning! -- I'm gonna have to tell him and I don't know if I can !
Evening OFC. Keef so sorry about your niece. How old was she? I just got Life Insurance it starts up in May. Have to wait two years before I am fully cover just can die until then.

Keef sending Mojo your way. Beautiful Bud Porn. Kraven wishing you a fun time in Denver enjoy. Going to get into my seed to see what I want to pop. They will be soak in about an hour. I like using the paper towel to pop seeds seem to work fine for me. Rose thank you, I sure will do my best in this year grow. 420 :bong2:
He found out from my daughter's Facebook page !-- Before he found out I got enough caps down him to twist me sideways !-- Then I took enough to get me sideways !-- Her husband beat her to death !
Thanks guys,,yall are awesome friends. And yes it is very sad that Asthma can take a childs life so quickly.
I personally almost died from Asthma when i was 7. Luckily i out grew it. I feel guilty that i have lived thru so much ****,,and this poor baby did not make it to the age of 7.
My Granddaughter seems to be doing fine today my Wife said. Again thank you my friends.

Keef those buds are looking really nice Bro. Good job.
Love ya Rose. And yes i will be giving her a big hug soon. The US ATTORNEYS offices are closed friday so im going home tomorrow. Yehaaaaaaaaaaa
Well, I have started popping my seeds. 5 NL, 3 Umbra's Surprise, 1 White Widow Fem, and 1 Master Kush Fem. Will see what pops. I like to Thank You Keef, Rose, and Umbra for sharing your seeds. I need some mojo sent my way. I wishing for a good harvest.:farm:
O.F.C. -- I need some Mojo !-- My nephew is napping and I just got word his sister my niece died this morning! -- I'm gonna have to tell him and I don't know if I can !

OMG ,,,im so sorry Keef. Sending you positive energy Little Brother.
Keef We are here for ya Brother. So Sorry to here this. It is Tragic.
Hope the cap's help the Nephew.
Evening All
Thanks guys !-- We gonna be alright !-- D.D. on her way home !-- Going home for another funeral !--
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