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Kraven, the carts appeal to me in so many ways. i think it is safer to use as far as smell goes. and the convenience! i am going to look into going the cheap route at first, to get me by. but a proper press is my goal. i broke up an icookie bud last night and packed my nighttime bowl. i bet icookie presses good. i could prolly press oil out between my fingers. j/k
Morning O.F.C. !-- Time to do this thing !-- I woke up high but it's Wake and Bake !-- Coffee and a pipe in the morning is a something U gotta do !--
Dog I think there is a place for oil but sometimes U want some bud !-- As pot farmers I think we should learn to do all this stuff like pressing oil !-- If for no other reason but to recover the oil from trim to get all we can for what we do !-- If U can't press oil and do these other things like making edibles someone is gonna buy your worthless trim for a song !--- turn it into oil and make nice profit off your work !-- I would like one day to carry a THC cart on a lanyard around my neck the way I carry my nicotine e-cig now !
I'm only about 50-60 dollars in and everything but the hair straighter has dual purposes ;)

If there is interest i will do a quick tut on what i'm doing, it's just a beginners foray into pressing resin. I'm excited that the first carts came out ok.
Good thing I collected all these girls !-- When it comes to what varieties make the most and best oil ? -All I hear is --It's variety specific !-- Some produce more than others ?-- Ain't nobody say Keef this variety is what U looking for or such and such a variety make lots of good oil !-- Leaving me knowing nothing more than when I asked the question !-- I find out !-- I keep all these girls till I can run them thru a press ad find out for my own self !-- I answer my own dam question about what make what when it comes to oil !--
Keef ICookies, HS and Grass Monkey all give good returns....I'll let you know as i go through each strain. Peace
Thanks Kraven !-- I wasn't upset or anything there's questions been asked around here sometimes that no one knows the answer !
Night Shade hanging !-- I gotta get me one those trim machines !-- I'm not a good trimmer and I don't like doing it !
Gonna take some more caps --smoke a little then back to the sticky fingers job !
I gotta clean that up some more that's a pitiful trim job !

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Dog said something about my Mctrays ? --Yard sale --garage sale --a quarter each !-- I believe in letting someone else do the stealing when possible !
O.K. break time is over time to get back to trimming Keef !-- Don't tell me what to do I kick your a** !-- U wanna take this outside so nothing gets broken !-- Bring it !
my mom said if i didn't have anything nice to say just to hush. I hushed for a couple of hours.. no more.

Bud has now hurt his shoulder and I think a rib is out because when the doctor told him to use a wheelchair, he said no. I will be finding him one today. I can't kill him cause he is already hurt.
Thanks Kraven !-- I wasn't upset or anything there's questions been asked around here sometimes that no one knows the answer !
Night Shade hanging !-- I gotta get me one those trim machines !-- I'm not a good trimmer and I don't like doing it !
Gonna take some more caps --smoke a little then back to the sticky fingers job !
I gotta clean that up some more that's a pitiful trim job !

Nothing wrong with that trim job unless you planning to use the trim for hash. In my world if it has sugar it gets smoked. I used to trim real nice but as you know it's hell on the hands.
my mom said if i didn't have anything nice to say just to hush. I hushed for a couple of hours.. no more.

Bud has now hurt his shoulder and I think a rib is out because when the doctor told him to use a wheelchair, he said no. I will be finding him one today. I can't kill him cause he is already hurt.

Hope he gets better.
Rose hang in there !-- Us men we get banged up sometimes !--- Mr.RB gonna be fine !-- U get in a fight with a ladder ? -- Ya gonna get hurt !-- These are things that will heal Rose !--(If U don't kill him first !)-- When I was on morphine and being a Wildman -- I got tangled up in the yard tools and fell --stuck a tine from a garden rake in under my chin !-- D.D. took me to the clinic for stitches -- Doctors gets thru and say do U need anything for pain and other Keef he said sure !-- He bad !-- Nother time I got in a fight with my Sawsall-- I lost !-- Stitches again !-- Quite a few stitches !--
Bud can't be that bad !
Then there was the time the po-po brought me home after a fender bender !-- That was a memorable event !-- He should never have threatened to put me in jail if he caught me driving again and put the dog to sleep !
She coulda handled the jail part but when he threatened to put her dog to sleep !-- I just shut my high a** up and sit down to watch the show !-- Poor guy !-- Not !-- Left with his head hanging low but I didn't laugh at him !
my mom said if i didn't have anything nice to say just to hush. I hushed for a couple of hours.. no more.

Bud has now hurt his shoulder and I think a rib is out because when the doctor told him to use a wheelchair, he said no. I will be finding him one today. I can't kill him cause he is already hurt.

That really sucks Rose I can feel his pain I've been hobbling with a really bad knee for about eight months now finally got into the surgeon but anyways it's caused me to fall quite a few times just because of the lack of stability and pain in it let me Telya definitely not a good time I sure hope he feels better soon is he using a cane at least when he walks
I'm watching yall on this press stuff. All i have ever make was iso.

These guys are a bunch of bad influences Giggy I can see it now me and you both are going to have one of these machines fairly soon :48:
2 people who have the ability to shape steel to thier will can't create 2 tons of pressure at 270-300 degrees ?-- Dat's a Rosen Press !-- Put bud or hash in one the mesh bags like Kraven just got ! --Fold it a piece of parchment paper !-- Put the heat and pressure on it and the oil squishes out onto the parchment paper which it doesn't soak into !-- When it cools the oil will be a solid and can be flaked off the paper !-- People are doing this all sorts of ways but that's the basics !-- I'm ready to get started myself !-- I can get empty carts out of China for 5 for a dollar !
Thanks you guys, his life has been saved for now. I am sorry budlight about your knee, are you have surgery soon? Knee pain sucks. We remodeled this house to make it wheelchair assessable, all we need is a ramp. But it has to be a cute ramp. A meandering ramp that goes thru the gardens. lol We will see if all our planning was right when i get a chair today. His fall 18 years ago was much worse, but i was younger than.. OK! I am done complaining, we have a lot to be thankful for. Thank you again.
Morning Bud !-- I got a root extract recipe that dates back to at least the Romans for gout and other joint pain !-- I know U got roots !--I haven't tried it yet !-- Boil The Roots for several Hours strain then reduce the liquid to a thick black paste apply generously and wrap !-- There's supposed to be a whole different set of terepenes in the roots !
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