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well the Holland's Hope page warns of over feeding them. I don't think I have to worry about that. In a few days I will not be able to do it anyway. I'll be lucky to get water to them all. I'm getting good at this LST stuff. Just noose them up high on the tender stems and pull them down and tie them off.
Morning all, well it's 12:04 so afternoon, time to smoke a bowl, spent 2 hours in a friends garden and about 2 in mine so I'm pooped. Here is a shot of veg/ flower that I have going on right now. Veg is 4 BC Purple Kush x Herijuana, 2 Ghost Train Haze # 9. Flower is 1 Barneys Farm Critical Kush, 1 Sweet Seeds Dark Devil Auto, 2 Barneys Farm Critical Kush Clones. Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday.
Back in the day I didn't know about LST but I knew if U took a piece of string and tied one end near the top of A big plant U could bend that thing right over !-- I tied to whatever was at hand !-- Bozzo what bothers me most about power bills is that I could produce all the power I need and more but the interface with the grid can't be had !--
Good morning gentlemen.

Nice pic Kraven, nice plant, very pretty.

Umbra, you and i got re-upped on or med license on the same day... I think it was Jorje who said while standing in the middle of a grow in Northern Cali, to see these plants reach their full potential and turpine expressions under the sun is a site to behold. I know what he means, and so do you. You said the sativa expression shown ..... I hear ya. It is an amazing site right now when everything is reaching its full potential. When they are all broken and wind blown and rain blown in October I won't feel the way I do now. This is the best part of the grow.

I hope everyone of you ofc's are having a nice comfortably numb day. Keef as always you make me laugh daily, thank you.
Good afternoon OFC, Keef, Rose, bozzo,
umbra....nice pics
Kraven...nice pics too.
I been busy today, picking up the mess from trimming up a spruce and a pine that were over hanging my garage, but, no more cause I went ballistic on `em. Will not need trimming for a few years anyway. Now to pay for it the next couple of days. This getting old sucks.
Rose one day maybe I can do that !--- My Widow be 65% sativa and maybe she wasn't made to grow the way I do but she'll work !-- I'll be getting this Blueberry Blast in aero in a few days -- once I got a viable clone I'll send the original to bloom see if she keeps throwing triple leaves and how she smokes !-- As for the grow -- I keep taking and it keeps giving !-- Giggy -- I been trying to get all the bugs out my little rotation because when they blow the whistle -- I get to build 4 more "Grow Units". So I plan on about 8 little mothers -- 2 per unit -- so I can alternate varieties !-- I got 3 ! If I can SOG a Widow - I ain't afraid of A sativa just takes longer to finish !
Still get "upload of file failed" when I try to load pictures.
Keef the keef grow (2 widows) are my favorite . They just are pretty. both the seed one and the clone. But my friend that had 5 strains ,said that the widow put out the least weight of the 5 .
Yopper, please send a note to TechAdmin, thanks.

Keef, what you got going on works and I am glad you can fly under the radar and be safe and stoned at the same time. You are ingenious in your pot growing.
Bozzo the Widow is a strange variety -- Some look more indica but most show more sativa traits !-- They all over the place !-- My black line makes harder bud and finishes a little earlier but it's slower to clone !-- While my pink line takes a few days longer and the buds aren't as hard !-- She clones easy and grows well !-- I'm still tuning in the T.E. so I don't have a lot of experience growing a lot of different varieties !--That's why I decided I needed to try some other's -- if I can get seed to germinate !--
Rose it's not that complicated -- it's not that different than a yard sprinkler system -- pump underwater in box-- timer turns pump on for 15 min. Then off for 15 min.-- water spray up thru micro sprayers then falls back down for another trip -- The " Water" is a nute solution !--an aquarium bubble helps oxygenated the solution !-- it's great !-- take the plant out to inspect root development or move it to a better spot !-- All I have to do is monitor nute pH ,and water level in the boxes- weed drinks a lot of water ! I don't change my nute solution during the whole 2 month bloom cycle !-- I just top it off ! That's a sin isn't it !
If it's something other than a bottle, you'll have to find it yourself.:) Never had a problem with the other stuff, but I could see one coming. A wise man knows when to say when.

Just got done weeding the pot pen. Nasty hot out there. It's surprising at what little physical effort it takes to make a fat old hippie sweat. Got one from the house to transplant, but I'm gonna wait 'til my testicles aren't melting.
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