Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Hello, Hippie, Keef, Kraven, and OFC. Got a artic cold coming down to GA. Going down to the 20's. And, the wind is howling. We got so much rain here in the past two week it put my well under water. Got a ditch problem and the city just does not seem to know how to fix it. tj (my husband) had to come back from FL to dig the ditch right, now, the water has gone down, so, we are all right. Now we just have to get the water clean flowing.
I just realized I have a piece of Trips and the T.E. in Frog dirt and beside them I got 3 of they babies !--Giggy Nes, Dog, Cane, Hippie anyone else -- if U got some seed I sent out they old enough to germ !--- Mine did !------Hippie's Dawg seed and Rose's Purple Haze almost all came up !as well as that CWO !--Gonna have me a GG#4 - Bubblicious -- Papaya --Aurora Indica and Pure Power Plant line too ! -- I turn loose of what's not working ! Keep what does !--
Keef, I got the Aurora Indica three going, The seed pop out of the dirt 1/21/16 and now they are 5" on day 19 day. They are healthy looking nice and green. I'm a happy camper.
Thank You, Keef, I am a trooper. It just seem everything work out when time are down. With tj being home makes it even more wonderful. He is going back to FL in about a week and half. To see his Dad, he is in rehab. to get stronger for his operation. The puppies all three are getting so big. I just know they have a lot of Bull Mastiff in them. One is taking all ready. I would like to keep one, but I don't know. That means one left and I think there will be no problem getting a good home for that pup.
Nes I don't know if U saw it but I have some more seed put aside for U when U want them !--They are something Hippie bred !--Some most potent bloodlines -- He had a long name with lots of times this times that but I just call it Hippie's Dawg since one of them was a Chem Dawg !--

Giggy--Dog --I'm sorry I didn't make it to the post office yet !-- Bout a half one them bottles full and they very fertile !

Hippie--I could be germing seed from my first attempt !-- I will succeed in making a tetra but no body gonna know what it'll be like !---But a survivor is gonna need a name !--it's up to U --U bred it !--What about Hippie's Mutant ? -- No that doesn't roll off the tongue right does it ? One right plant that's all we need !
Keef, I would love some more seeds. When ever your ready, send them along. Keef, I been thinking of those tetra seeds. I just wish I could help. I have this buddy who lives in CA, babbling Bob, he said he was going to send some seed to me a long long time ago. I wish he would make contact to us. I been praying he does. Sure hope he is well.
No Nes don't worry about it !-- This is something I gonna do myself !-- There's this chemical U can treat seed with but it will kill about 997 out of 1,000 seed !-- The survivors are gonna be Freaks !---Hippie sent me about a cup of these high grade seed !--D.D. ordering this poison for me tonight !--So in a couple weeks when it comes in I'll treat a batch of seed and try to germinate them !--- I'm not looking for just any survivor so it could take many times or I may never find what I'm looking for ! If I find something special it may be only one plant !-- So when U can U might want to learn to clone !--it's easy --We'll teach U !--
Rose -Umbra -Kraven -anyone else ---I got plenty Hippie's Dawg seed ? -- I didn't ask if U wanted some because U guys always seem to have a lot of stuff on deck !--I put some up I'm not gonna kill if U want some !
Thank You, Keef. Your so kind. Well, I'm off to see how much Delta tickets cost to go to NH in Oct. if everything go right. My whole family is up in NH and MA. I have six grandchildren and one great grandchild. Everyone is growing and I am missing so much. Then, I'm going to shop for more Fox Farm soil. I fine that I am having good luck so far. Got to keep the babies happy. Have a great day!
No problem Nes !--When prohibition ends lots of seniors who remember those joints they smoked when they were young that gave them the giggles but we're forced to stop by drug screens and the war on weed ! We won't all be able to afford the prices at the weed store !--Many gonna want to grow they own !--Who they gonna look for to teach them a bunch of teenagers or someone they own age ?--Like it or not when the law is about to change --We gonna have some company up in the O.F.C. !
Well im setting in my Hotel in Hot Springs. Just smoked a bowl and drinking me a Dos Equis. Already miss my Wife and Granddaughter ,,,i know,,, i sound like a big Sissy. Lol
Hopper we here with U !---Not the same but we do entertain ourselves !

Hippie don't play cause that's what I'll call it !-- I hope I find a breeding pair !---U breed freaks they gonna have little baby freaks !--The opposite of a stable variety then we go fishing around for the right freak ! Then clone only !-- Then we shake something else loose !
"1969 at a V.A. hospital ( location classified) there was a chemical spill that leaked in to the morgue which re-animated the corpses. the military regained control and sealed the re-animated corpses in steal drums. The chemical responsible is called 245 Trioxin.
245 Trioxin was developed by the Darrell Corporation for the military. It was meant to be used as a pesticide to combat Marijuana crops. It would kill off healthy plants and mutate seed germination, so as to remove the pleasant affects once the new plant strain matures. The military had high hopes for 245 Trioxin, it would not only kill off and mutate marijuana plants but also infect other Marijuana plant not exposed directly to 245 Trioxin threw pollination.
What the Darrell Corporation failed notice before it was to late was the affect 245 Trioxin had on animal matter, living or expired. if inhaled, absorbed through skin swallowed or injected the infected will turn into a zombie class T 245. Time till infected changes varies based on the dosage. if exposed to body fluid or bitten by the infected, the victim will also turn into a Zombie class T 245. a corpse bitten by infected will turn into a Zombie class T 245. symptoms of exposure include flue like symptoms, lowered body temperature, Head ache, paleness of skin, stiffening of joints. this is however signs that the victim is already dead, and those conditions are actually sings of Rigor Mortise setting in. One should note that though class T 245 zombies are mentally defective, they do in fact retain much of who they where. Speech and many memories are retained. A re-animated corps has a heighten sense of smell and in particular, they can smell living brains and have been quoted “ Your brain smells rich and spicy”. Class T 245 Zombies don’t eat flesh its brains they want. when a zombie is re-animated it feels pain and the consumption of brains( endorphins )alleviates that pain, also military researcher have discovered that the electrical discharge from neurons in the brain is sought after by the class T 245 Zombies as this stimulates neuro receptors and facilitates ambulatory activity. they can feel old injuries that may have caused their death. they can also feel themselves rotting. The zombie becomes passive once it has eaten brain matter, this is only short lived and they will soon be in search of more brains. warning a head shot to the brain wont stop them. you could chop them up and the pieces will come after you. If you cremate them the ash could contaminate corpses in grave yards or even animal road kill. the infection is not limited humans. Just a quick note the class T 5 (Trioxin 5 ) Zombie are identical to class T 245 Zombies except a bullet to the brain will re-kill a T 5 Zombie. When the military realized the weapons possibilities of class T 245 Zombies, research was taken over by Pentagon Special Operations Department. Their researched showed a 25sec re-animation rate of corpses exposed to Trioxin 245 in its gas form.The most cost effective and safest means of disposal of infected is cremation. but an industrial bio filter is required to prevent contamination. the military had experimented with a nitrogen based endothermic bullet to suppress the infected, pressurized air was used as the propellant as a powder based propellant would damage the bullet and render the nitrogen ineffective. this attempted was a failure do to duration of inactivity of the infected subdued by the nitrogen based bullet which only lasted 1min 30 sec. In 1969 prior to the invent of bio filters. the re animated where contained in insulated steal drums along with nitrogen. Do to a military mix up some of these containers where shipped to the wrong locations. To this day not all of the containers have been accounted for. If a container is discovered, do not temper with it. immediately call the following number “311-555-8674“ where the military will provide further instructions." - Author Unknown
evening everybody, hope everybody had a great day. hopper i know what your talking about. my wife is my best friend and she is the only one who understands me most of the time. if you see me you'll see her too, that's just the way it is and when i'm away from her it does get lonely.
Kraven...ah very well written fiction. And so you know, there are no phone listings with a 555 anything except 555-1212 which is information. This why all the movies use it, because it is fake with no real phone numbers associated with it. Kind of like the 13th floor in a hotel that is labeled 14th floor.
Oh !--That's appropriate! --Liquid Zombie Juice ! --
Here I'm looking for a freak that no one else has after prohibition ends because everyone will be extracting the same plants and making the same e-cig juice as me !---Realized the other day that no body see is doing this !-- Extract and and reconstitute the original weed !---That's 2nd generation first is just THC/CBD!
I like it Kraven !--I thought U were just quoting the opening dialogue of one of those Zombie movies !--Still ! --Maybe that will be the myth that goes with the plant !--They wouldn't be able to get enough !--I'm blaming it on Hippie anyway !---They strap me in a lie detector and ask me who bred the freak !!--I'll say Hippie did and pass !
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