Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Good morning peeps,

Keef good for you moving more, that is what helps, darn it. I really wish it wasn't so.

So, i am not sure how this day will go, i just put hair gel on my face!

Budlite, good morning.. I hope your day is a good one.
Speaking of moving, i am off to the trainer.. I don't wanna go.

Good morning YD, I see you down there. I hope your day is a good one too.
I'd have to say I'm pretty excited for these 4 little girls 2 are sour diesel and 2 are white cookie the White cookie is white widow cross Girl Scout cookie aren't they cute


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OFC good morning! Suns out three days in a row, Wow!

YD, hey that was a great visual, quite a philosopher you've grown into. Peace
What up O.F.C. ? -- Man I have torn this house up !-- We had decided to use this time we gonna have apart to try to move more !-- We have a habit of hanging out toking away !-- She had to take the job 3 hours away so we adapting but not having someone to tell me no have led to problem before ! -- Been making me a grow room proper !-- Probably get in trouble but that's what I do !

What up Dan ? -- Sunshine ? -- I got plenty for today !- We gonna hit mid 80s but thunderstorms tonight and tommorrow !
Dog -- Keep the notebook !-- I had one like that and lost it in the fire ! -- I was amazed at how I changed over the years !-- Seems Iike as my horizons broadened so did my world view! -- The world was a different place when I was 7 years old !-- It was 1962 !-- A time of seperate but equal that was never fair !-- but at 7 what did I know ?
I do know some stuff ? -- Like that weed I grow will rock your world if U ain't use to it !-- I also know that Strawberry Brandy will kick your *** !-- The Blueberry Brandy is perfect !-- Plenty potent but tasty !-- I got 5 more gallons of Strawberry brewing !-- I'm have to make it weaker and temper this some !--
YD keep it up. The little snippets in life become fond memory bubbles. Popped some beans that are getting old. White train x X18 paki. I have a few very terpy strain waiting to bust out. Temple booty = grape pixie stix, f*ckberry = exotic fruit, A11 = pineapple Cheetos.
I'm alive just busy busy busy today. I'll check with all ya in a bit.
YD keep it up. The little snippets in life become fond memory bubbles. Popped some beans that are getting old. White train x X18 paki. I have a few very terpy strain waiting to bust out. Temple booty = grape pixie stix, f*ckberry = exotic fruit, A11 = pineapple Cheetos.

Can't wait to see how they turn out that stuff sounds like some craziness hope you're having a good day so far buddy
I'm a glutton for punishment !-- I coulda waited but the doctor he did say I had poor decision making abilities !-- I know what happened though !-- I took some caps then I was tasting the brandy to see if it needed sweetening !-- It did and I had to taste several times !-- Strawberry is brutally strong !-- I only took little sips to taste but that alcohol took that THC straight to the brain !-- Been looking for my screwdriver for a hour !-- Found it when I sat down for a break !-- It was in my back pocket !--
YD, I don't know how I missed your post this morning. What an amazing memory and your writing is descriptive and eloquent. Thank you so much for posting that.
Might better take some more caps and taste it again ? -- Taking that water bed apart found one of my old straight razors !-- That coulda went poorly !-- She still sharp as a razor too !--If it were open that water bed would be toast !-- I gave up looking for that thing !-- Caps !-- Taste the brandy ! -- What was I doing ?
Rose, we posted at the same time. Its odd, I am unrefined in many ways, but my tongue does like to have some style about it. Haha
Thank you, I am no writer. I just try to hot down what I can, and build on it later.
Feels good here, motorcycles are out in droves, I need to get mine fixed. I have one bike I have not ridden in more than two years now.
Oh! -It hurts !-- Just pick a spot !-- Then I come in here and sit down and the news ?--- I got nothing I can say I'm just shaking my head in ??? I don't even know anymore ? -Is there no limit to the ??? --Never mind-- Keef out !
Strawberry Desiel too Umbra ? -- Cuz U done stepped outside of luck and accidental !-- I was impressed with The White -x- Nepal Indica and rightly so !--but - This way too many keepers in a row to be anything but purposeful !-- How U learn to do that ? -- One of the 3 has some Strawberry smell !-- Finishing fast too !
Everytime I think I got a plan Umbra say here try this !-- Now I'm need a chart or something !--
I got a question ? -- How many caps is too many caps ? -- Too many caps to ride a motor scooter ?
I bet I can !
I haven't smoked it yet either but Snow Desiel too ! -- I expect great things out the girl Umbra !-- See that the problem when U good at something !-- People expect the extraordinary out U !-- Cuz U need to quit trying to chase the flavor of the month and go your own way !--- There's lots of states besides California where they would love to lay hands on your weed !-- Expand your market place and give them west coast hustlers the middle finger if they don't make U smile !
Evening OFC
Keef playing Easy Rider at the beach.
Yarddog I felt as I was there. You have hidden talents.
Umbra i want to pop some to. No place for them. My Wife already thinks I am Crazy.
Budlight I have WidowGum and Girl Scout Cookie. I found the the stuff need to S1 a plant.
High Rose, Dan, Kravens.
Time to get high :48:
Has anybody on here smoked real headband I'm just curious because I have this headband raspberry Kush and man does it ever smell like stinky feet not sure what's up with that but just curious if that's coming from the headband side or not really not that fond of the smell but does she ever do her thing here's a couple pics of her.



Hey Hippy hope you're having a good day buddy widowgum sounds like it could be pretty tasty :48:
I have Loompa's headband. It smells like sweat, hence the name headband. It is flowering now.
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