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I might live ! -- I got another midget to trim --Part 5 of 8 moved to bloom and the pharm is on auto pilot !
So I got about a month till that press need to be working !-- Got a couple ideas !-- As usual I'm not taking no for an answer on whether I can make this hat press work !

It is good to hear of someone who beat cancer !-- Yes he got to have follow up scans but he's still kicking !
I want to know how Joe used weed to help !-- He can rock some DWC !-- Joe why U change from NOX to a blower ?

I used "dabs" throughout the chemo and needed -0- of their anti nausea drugs
I use RSO right before bed while I'm on the chemo. I sleep like a babe! (still have 2 tubes Rose, been keeping just for the treatment week)
I take concentrated CBD also
and a pile of supplements directed by a naturalist

Doc says 1 in 100 do as well as I am doing but still won't say more than, he knows a few patients who have lived 10 years with this cancer.
time to be unique was my (internal) answer

as for the turbo, I've never owned one. 2 supercharged (Pontiac GTP, Caddy CTS-V) but never a Turbo.

Time to do things I've never done yet (just in case)

Spoiled Mofo ? -- I resemble that remark Joe !-- I live at the beach -grow weed and make liquor ! -Life is good I can't complain !---On that Dino run I kept expecting a loud bang at the end !-- She was cranking !-- Cars always just been a tool for me but I grew up next door to an auto repair shop and daddy had a metal fab shop !-- Little brothers did some racing !-So I got a basic understanding !-- My swan song was to be a new type marine engine but I can't build much since my fall !
I thought I was really on to something with my wet heat engine --It would bust the weight to power ratio with no moving parts !-- Since the head injury my mind had to rewire itself and is different now !-- I went so much further than wet heat in my mind !-- I know how to use the ocean as a battery !
Evening OFC. Working on my first buzz.

Joe sending mojo your way. Nice Vet.:48:

It is so Humid out, not a place to be. I don't remember a summer being so hot.

Hippy, I will repot SD. I sure hope it female. Got that little widow, I'll be putting her outside.
Evening OFC, Doing seed inventory, The ones I won showed up. Got 25 fems of 3 kinds and 30 reg of 3 kinds. We got some back up stuff Keef. Got 3 new girls. Panama Powerhouse, Firestarter,Blazing Blues. They were all Female seeds.
Joe Congrats, Awesome you were able to do this with Cannabis.
Rose, when TJ took Lilly to be fix, he was to late and the vet could not fix her. Well, yes, she got pregnant. Just what I need. I wish I could give the pups away to you guys. They will be happy pups. I just hate giving them away.
Oh no ness, more pups, is it the pit again? They will be loved by you. Howard is feeling so much better, he scared me. Nice to have him back.

Joe, there is more oil coming your way, I think you should be taking it nightly. Not just for treatments, but you are the boss. Hugs and I am so damn happy. Would you take more if you had more?
Ness If it's not I am getting ready to clone mine. I know I could get you a clone down there. Gonna make some for a buddy in S. C. be sending them this fall.
Shoot, just lost a post.
Ness, your puppies will be loved and you will find good homes i bet, but yeah, just what you need.
Joe, if you had more oil would you take it more often? I think you should I can send you more now. We have wonderful peeps that donate to me to make for you when i don't have enough.

This grow is looking pretty good so far. Should have a nice line up of cbd's. And you are welcome to them.

Poor bud, walked outside with his walker and now he is asleep, this may take a while.
Ness If it's not I am getting ready to clone mine. I know I could get you a clone down there. Gonna make some for a buddy in S. C. be sending them this fall.

That's very kind of you Hippy. I would be proud to take care of her.
Thank You Rose. There off to a good start. Now, Max the Dad, he is now fix. Poor guy.
Hang in there ness. Baking trim for caps to get through the week. Going back to work after 2 weeks off is not easy. Rose your to sweet. I got a cross today called Velvet Hammer. Made me think of you.
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