I can't stop mainlining (Manifold first timer)

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I don't think he meant to make the whole plant 90 degrees. Haha
HP I have super cropped all the way up to three weeks into bloom w/o significant weight loss. The problem is his level of finesse, we could easily pull it off but asking him to make that kind of move is risky at best. imho just trying to get the mains supported now should be his main concern. Not meaning to butt in, just giving my angle.
You are correct Kraven, and this is opinion based forum so no problem here with butt-ins :) I am always open to new information. Yeah, I am not afraid to do anything with mine but I am very hesitant to tell someone else to do anything that can be stressful to their plants, especially if I don't know their level of experience. I was hoping that they would take kindly to gentle bending but it looks like he may be better to do the SC method and hope for the best. I think most decent genetics will allow for SC throughout the flower phase without issues but I have seen some that had issues(but no guarantee that was due to SC so there we are):doh:

Pappy, don't worry about the hermies. That is unlikely but we try to not encourage them if we can help it. I don't use LED but it is my understanding that the plants use way less nutrients when grown under LED, so that could easily account for the lack of nute use by the plants. However, if you are using synthetic nutrients like Flora or Jungle Juice, these will leave behind a certain amount of salts that will fool you as to how much nutrients the plants are using.

I use JJ and I never see my PPMs go down even though I know they are using the nutes. In fact, you can often see the ppm go up if the plants are drinking more than they are eating because the ratio of nutes to water goes up as more water is taken out.

To your question about bending the branches over; you will get more branching that will come off those main branches that have been bent over as that is their nature. That is why I use a screen. I can tuck those branches under the screen and spread them out to get many colas. However, since you have already started flowering, you shouldn't get a lot of extra branching as the plants are in the process of switching over.
Great stuff, HP,

What's SC ? Sea of Colas ?

Never hesitate in this thread. I'll never dump on anybody here for what goes wrong in my grows. I'm melding advice from several sources so I wouldn't know who to blame hahaha
Besides, I've been crashing all over the place for 3 or 4 years now but I still somehow end up with some pot.

I'm using GH FloraNova one-part for Bloom 4-8-7
and the minimum dose 1ml/2L

I swear they are just eating LED and drinking.
The ppms never move, well they did one short ramp once.
It's tricky that ratio thing (especially when yer stoned(-:
nutes to water, got it.

Does "switching over" mean they start making the colas?
I don't want to touch them for another 2 days but I'm wrong trying to lay down those colas, aren't I?
I should just let them grow straigt up now, there's room now,
Is there a visual cue when they "switch over"?
I don't think he meant to make the whole plant 90 degrees. Haha

What else could I do? no more head room, the internode length wasn't in my plan. I still don't get that, it's a LED.
the 90 was easy, they are so long, it was a pretty gentle bend and she almost stayed there which should have been my warning :-(
I didn't realize how much it weakened the stem and I had done no squishy squishy, I was sure it was going to break away as I was trying to hold her up and grab some tape from too far away.

this plant cause me a lot of stress but she giveth and she taketh away
almost 3 weeks in to flower, I'm to start my seeds next week...
I want to try the manifold again BUT
Look at this mess
How the heck did that happen? why did I get such huge gaps between the nodes?
Alright, SC is supercropping, which is the "squishy squishy" that you said above. If they seem to stiff and will break too easy upon bending then supercropping should allow you to bend them without breaking.

"Switching over" or "flipping" is about the plants changing from veg phase to flower phase. Flipping is what we do when we change the light cycle from 24hrs on to 12/12. Switching over is what the plants do when they change their internal chemistry from the veg function to the flower function. You can tell when they have switched over or when they are almost switched over because the tops of any stems will start producing bunches of white hairs rather than green shoots. You may see shoots and hairs together initially but then the further on it gets, the more white hairs you will see at every junction.

I think laying the branches over was the right thing to do in your situation. The reason you have such "stretching" between the nodes is because you did the mainlining. From what I can tell, mainlining will make them stretch more because you not only cut off the leaves, you cut off the little branch growth at the node so the stem will stay bare. So all of the growth hormone is focused at the top of the branches. Had you cut off the leaves and left the little side branches that were developing at each node, you would have nice bushes now.
Here is a pic of my 2 clones. The one on the right is a Blue dream that rooted faster than the Sweet tooth on the left. It also has more Sativa trait to it. But 2 weeks ago it looked like the one on the left because I cut away all of the side leaves but left the branch growth. This is a defoliation trick combined with FIM to make the plant more bushy. I intend to set it into my flower room when I harvest the others and then do a scrog over it. I will then make those branches grow and spread out across the underside of the screen until it is 2/3 filled, then I will flip it to flower and all of the little tertiary branches that will form off of the present branches will become the bud colas. :D

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Here is a pic of my 2 clones. The one on the right is a Blue dream that rooted faster than the Sweet tooth on the left. It also has more Sativa trait to it. But 2 weeks ago it looked like the one on the left because I cut away all of the side leaves but left the branch growth. This is a defoliation trick combined with FIM to make the plant more bushy. I intend to set it into my flower room when I harvest the others and then do a scrog over it. I will then make those branches grow and spread out across the underside of the screen until it is 2/3 filled, then I will flip it to flower and all of the little tertiary branches that will form off of the present branches will become the bud colas. :D

lordy, I have a week or so to make up my mind how to proceed with the next batch. I don't think I want bushy, I know I don't think I can do the scrog thing. I'll post pictures and you'll see what I mean.

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Alright, SC is supercropping,
good stuff snipped--
the reason you have such "stretching" between the nodes is because you did the mainlining. From what I can tell, mainlining will make them stretch more because you not only cut off the leaves, you cut off the little branch growth at the node so the stem will stay bare. So all of the growth hormone is focused at the top of the branches. Had you cut off the leaves and left the little side branches that were developing at each node, you would have nice bushes now.

SC is supercropping, jezus, I had to ask?
yabut yabut yabut, that's not what the tutorial said to do, their plants didn't stretch like that
Sopappy, I was being sarcastic. In reference to one of your pictures in the post I quoted was sideways.
Sorry, I should have been clear. You are already getting hammered pretty good with the grow at the moment. Didn't want you to think I was kicking a man when he's down.
Sopappy, I was being sarcastic. In reference to one of your pictures in the post I quoted was sideways.
Sorry, I should have been clear. You are already getting hammered pretty good with the grow at the moment. Didn't want you to think I was kicking a man when he's down.

I totally missed that.
Yup, I feel like that guy that rides the bomb at the end of dr strangelove,
I roll with the punches, but I must admit, I'm always expelling CO2 in there
Pappy I hope you don't think I am beating up on you, I'm not trying to do that. I'm just trying to help you understand whats happening as best as I can tell. Don't get frustrated, you will have success here with what you have going. You will get some nice smoke out of this.

The problem here is that there are so many different methods for doing the single thing that we all want, which is to maximize the yield. When you are new to growing, or new to the latest ways of growing, it is very easy to get confused about what does what and for what reason.

Methods develop for reasons of personal and individual circumstances, and they develop to suit certain strains of plants because there are various growth traits in MJ and one method that works fantastically for one strain in a certain environment, may be a disaster for a different strain in the same environment. Or it may give mediocre results for the same strain in a different environment. There are many variables that have to be worked out.

That is why I tell people (who are new to today's growing) to pick one method and one or two strains and then try to grow them a couple times before changing methods and/or changing nutrients. If you change too much at one time then what works can quickly get lost in what doesn't and you will continuously chase your tail.

So Pappy, don't lose hope. If you don't have more that 6' of vertical space then You shouldn't do mainlining. You can do something similar as there are variations to every method. You could possibly do a form of mainlining but just keep it smaller on the next run.
Looking at your latest pics, they look like they are doing well. You may find that they will finish far better than you expect, and you may want to stick with this method that is evolving into something that works for you. You will find if you grow long enough, no matter what methods you use, you will modify them to best serve what works for you. :)
Not at all, HP but Kraven took quite the swipe I thought hahaha
Really, it was cheap to get in, nothing upsets me here, just some plants :)

I didn't pay any attention to strains, to me, it's like wine, I'll drink red or white. But growing too, I see what you mean now. I think these two are gangly like that because they are sativa or dominant. Poor choice for this.

It all started with tiring of getting rid of the old dirt, I tried coco but dirty or bad batch of seeds, had a horrible go of that, came here for help and saw the hydroton in buckets and was sold. With the close nodes with LEDs, and only two buckets, manifold seemed ideal.

I'd like to try it again but haven't the faintest idea how I could keep it smaller. I'll be starting seeds end of 3rd week, gotta make up my mind.
Looking at your latest pics, they look like they are doing well. You may find that they will finish far better than you expect, and you may want to stick with this method that is evolving into something that works for you. You will find if you grow long enough, no matter what methods you use, you will modify them to best serve what works for you.

They want you to wait 6 nodes, top at the 3rd, (for thick stems I gather)
Then you continue like that, waiting 3 nodes each time
I'm topping at the 1st node each time next go

Well, lots of healthy looking green in there, can't be bad,
I hate the look of the canopy though, it'll be hard to resist arranging them all the time, all that wasted light.

I've been buying nothing but fem seeds lately and got sloppy. Look how far this bastard got before I caught him. If that happens in one of those buckets, it'll really hurt.

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I didn't post this picture because the focus ws so bad.
I wish I had, one of you might have caught it.
So, smack me upside the head, how did I miss this?
You're right HP, going in there stoned IS a risk.

I had those branches intertwined for pete's sake,
I didn't see any open but too, too close, I am sick to my stomach,
she's a nice plant and 6 more in dirt in same room

On the brightside, I have a nice 2 x 4 ampitheatre canopy that fits nicely under that LED and lots of headroom.

I also left the drip ring on the floor overnight and leaked all night. So a reset, she was drinking and eating too,
Hope she's not too upset about losing her boyfriend (sob)

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I am not seeing what you are seeing. I assume you are saying the top picture(closeup) is a male? I don't see any balls but it is rather blurry. However, if you had balls developing then you have to do what you have to do.
Crummy picture, but yup, male. It's amazing how you (meaning me) try to talk yourself out of it being a male when you're staring at it in slack-jawed disbelief.

I got a look at the roots. I think they are healthy as all get out. No slime, they smell great, I don't like the staining but I am quite sure that it is not pythium, riiiiiiiiight?
ooop.... trouble uploading pictures tonight, later

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Oh yeah I see the balls now :doh: Yeah that is just some staining of the roots. That is normal with hydro and synthetic nutrients. Mine are quite healthy and the roots are mostly brown stained.
i am checking mine every night i dont see any signs yet but im gonna stay vigilant, good grab