I could use some help

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Jul 10, 2009
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Me and a friend are going to grow outside for the first time
we have been searching around for a good spot to grow
we have found a nice field with really healthy grass and trees
could you tell me some tips and if its to late to grow
or just normal things

I know some of the beginner things

Once i get my seeds im going to germinate on papertowels
after that I plan on moving them into a cup filled with soil and wait for them to sprout then plant in the ground
should i do something else
a little help would be nice
thank you
Hello Sirpoptart5 :)

Welcome to the forum.

Why have you waited so long before ordering your seeds?

It is very late to consider growing outdoors.

What seeds have you ordered?

Okay, germ the seeds. Put them in a light, airy soil medium in a relatively small pot (1 gallon). Peat moss w/ pearlite and fermiculite work great (Promix). Soak them through and allow them to dry out almost completely before watering again. Make the roots search for water. I wouldn't use fertilizer at all at this initial stage. It's hard to say with-out future pics but once the plant has developed some vigor you can plant it and approach feeding at that time. You can also plant them directly outside. There are many variables to growing healthy, productive plants. Outdoors is a great way to start. Although it is quite late in the season a short flowering strain and milder climate could still yeild a modest harvest. Choose a spot with lots of light. More light = more production. As thing progress so will you growing methods. Good luck
well actually im getting seeds from my friends
its alright marijuana and its mostly just a practice crop
also im mostly just trying to get seeds from females so i can be uber ready for next grow season

i live in south florida so im a little nervous about bugs

the place i found is a open field with a few shrubs
my plants will get tons of sun
All seeds come from females.

Has your friend got a seeded plant and is planning on giving you some of those seeds?

Sirpoptart5 said:
yes is there something wrong with that?
Well that depends on how the plant was pollinated. If pollinated by a true male and both the male and female are of good genetic standards then you should have a 50/50 (male/female) ratio of healthy viable seeds. But if pollinated by a hermie plant (whitch happens alot with "bag seed") then you will have poor genitics. Hence hermies just make more hermies not good in the MJ kingdom...take care..

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