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canibanol cannonball said:
the more coffee i can take in, in the morning the better - same goes 4 the herb. Is there weed flavoured coffee in amsterdam-i think i gotta move!

Lol, the truth is the truth. I went to work today stoned out of my mind. And I had about 3 cups of coffee before hand. I love just waking, baking, cleaning up while listening to some dank music, and then just hitting the bowl before heading off to work. I was in such a good mood today. Lol, atleast thats what every said!
Rambler said:
give me a cup of tea anyday over coffee, no milk either just a cup of refreshing tea please.:)

Not much of a Hot tea drinker my self, but I love ICE TEA. ESPECIALLY GREEN ICE TEA. The lipton green tea with citrus, is amaizing. I highly recomend it to anyone drinking ice green tea!
Kludge said:
Well, I for one am a Mormon and we do not drink the Devil's drink!
Lol, coffee is the devils drink huh? I never heard that one before. Why is that?
nothing beats a couple cold beers and a bowl or two that is the perfect buzz!!!!!!
I do agree, I like to drink some beer when I smoke. But I hate drinking and not smoking. It seems so useless! Which is why I am always smoking!
SmokinMom said:
I don't drink coffee very often cuz it cleans out my digestive system. :eek:

But I do love Diet Dr. Pepper 1st thing every morning. :giggle:
Lol, Diet Dr.Pepper! I never really craved that, but I do know this, If I have one Coca Cola, I will possibly drink the entire 12 - 24 pack throughout the day. That **** is addicting.
but then if your hammered already and then you smoke, i end up ralphing man there is a fine line for me i think. but i love to amoke and drink it is a nightly thing for me....if i have a bunch of ganja then i will drink less and smoke more!!!!
yeah, that is true. There is a fine line before your too far twizted. But I love to push the limits, if not, then how do you know how far you can go! The sky is the limit yo! So fly
have'nt had a cup of joe in years, it messes with my stomach to bad. i drink mountain dew every morning, and lately that is beginning to give me acid at night if i over-do it during the day...
yo, lol thats what happened to me, but I had to drink the coffee, so my stomach is starting to get use to it. But good luck with that problem yo. let me know if you find anything that will help that.
i drinks coffee only if its cold outside as winter season.. sometime fall season, but if i start with beer in the morning, I will do cigarette next, when i get the buzz, I will grab the joint, or pipe, bong whatever that will hit me and expand my mind and ingore the sorrybutt problem and enjoy the rest of the day its pretty day ain't it? maybe start off with growing shrooms? is it legal yet today?
fyi guys, you know all this caffiene and weed in the morning just shoots your blood pressure through the roof yah? lol i dont know how some of you can do it with THREE cups of coffee plus like multiple bowls of weed. crazy man crazy

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