Leaves cupping and curling

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Sep 8, 2007
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I just checked on my plants and saw that my white widow, that is about 3.5 to 4 wks into flowering, is drooping and one half the leaves are cupped and the tips are curled. here is a picture to help you out. ive been feeding them with what AN recommends for their Sensi 2 part and SensiCal grow & bloom every 2 watering. The last time i watered was yesterday with plain ph'ed water. Anybody have an idea of whats going on here?


Try this link from Wise Man.
I've already checked a few of those and didnt see anything that matched. thanks though.
danknuggets420 said:
nope, just watered them yesterday, the soil is still moist. Good guess though.

They look over watered too me. let that soil dry out and see if the stand up.
Growdude said:
They look over watered too me. let that soil dry out and see if the stand up.

That was my second guess.
I always mix up: If leaves curl down, its over watered, if leaves curl up, its Under Watered.
I think it's over watering bro, The picture in the link of over watering matches your plant.
Well, i would agree but they are always dry when i water them, i always let them droop a little so i know its dry. Then i give them a 1/4 gallon each.
Someone pointed out to me that this could be due to, too much nitrogen. I thought this was a very possible theory. Do you guys concur? I plan on flushing but i just wanted a second opinion before i caused more damage.
good point, they are pretty green...

ive learned a lot from your post thank you all.

i have the same problem, but really curled over, getting better, i just cut nutes...

to dry the soil faster, i used a chopstick and carefully mare 4 holes all the way to the bottom of the pot.... helping the air to dry below...

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