mom got into bad car wreck

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ok ppl, just checking in- shes ok but shes in pain. she had a bone scan today and she has a fractured shoulder, hand, and 2 bulging disks in her neck. i have to take her back for anotther mri in a day or three- to see if the bones will heal right. might not be on much for a lil while but i hope i can make some time in the nights.

thanks so much everyone for the kind words... but ive got something funny to say tho on a lighter note.

i got in about 12 lastnight and my mom was really hapy to see me, she said hey! guess what?! i was like what? she said "remember when i lost that ounce that i thought R****** (my s brother) had taken? i was like "yeah".... well i was going through my old laptop bag she said,....and look

and flops out a fat sack of buds (like on supertroopers). i asked her "well what did you say when you found it?"

she said "Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!" lol

she smokes so her spirits are high now that she found a nice sack and that i brought her some buds too.

on another note my sister broke on of her older bowls the other day and saved the pieces (she never cleaned it out) so i plan on making some pipe hash (never tried making it) with a 4-5 gran resin ball with bits of nugg all in look out for a diy thread tomorrow when i finish the process.

my mom also found on of her wooden pipes that she has had FOREVER she told me i could have it so look out for some new photos when i get a chance :)

i plan on starting some seeds down here and getting some outdoors in the ground where i started some plots last year- it has been very rainy here so im prayin for a wet spring/ summer. the holes are ripe for planting and ill be down here for a couple weeks so be prepared for a new OD thread to be started till i leave here.

anyway thanks agian everyone, im sure shes gunna be ok. yall ALL have a good night :)

Thanks for the update on how mom is TOA, good to know it wasnt as serious as it could have been. fractures can be mended, ill be watching the boards about the bulging discs though. HUrry with them pics man and GL on the OD grow ;)
Your poor mom- OUCH!!!! I bet she was happy to find that bag of weed. It will help her pain more then any meds would.

I hope she heals quickly. What a great son you are to help take care of her. Makes me smile since I am kinda doing the mom thing here too. ;)

Check in when you can.
find her some amber harvested indica's for that one mom, glad to her shes doing good. Thats a sstoryyyy lmao hahah
Hippy is absolutly correct,
As your mom see's your strength, and charactor she will be strengthened by what she see's. Imagine what thoughts are going through her head as she watches how your handling it all. I bet she is proud. If you were my son, I would smile such a huge smile knowing that my son really is a man.
That's what I look for in an individual, The way he can show care for others says so much.
Keeping you both in my prayers, see ya soon Bro.

smoke in peace
I second everything that's been said here .
Glad to hear that she isn't in serious trouble .
Let her know your friends are thinking of her.
Swwet, good to hear she's doin ok and found a bag of buds! thats just ace! Hope everything heals up all ok and yea she'll heal so much quicker with someone like you around for her. Good luck with everything :D
Hey TOA, I just caught this thread. Sorry to hear your mom is had the accident, but I am also glad to hear she is on the mend (and that she found a bag of buds).

Sending prayers to Savannah.