monster fan leaves

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Dec 14, 2008
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i have monster fan leaves would it be ok to trim some of these seems like there blocking the inside of my girls from getting light also is it ok to run hps and flos at the same time
dude your fan leaves power your plant.. your want them on.. yah you can run both..
whats the advantage of me running both lights
or should i just go hps
more light = more lumens

the more the merrier.
Don't cut Fan Leaves off, with out the Fan Leaves the plant has nothing to make energy for the plant to grow or produce buds with.
NO NO NO!!! :yeahthat: They said it right. The buds do not even need light brutha! The bigger the fan leaves the more plant able to create photosynthesis and make your plants grow. Fan leaves are key, leave them all on. Do not even worry about shifting them so the buds can get light, again the leaves need light, not the buds.
Just so we're clear...DON"T REMOVE ANY LEAVES...

unless you want to do this really cool trick and make most of your harvest disappear before it even grows..awesome, huh?
The fan leaves on my Mystics are 9" across and I see them as giant solar panels. During the dark period they droop down but when the lamps are on they move up and orient themselves to receive maximum light.
To answer your question, I run 2 x 150 hps and 105W of CFLs, works great for me. I'm planning to add another 100 W of CFLs to run 500W total for all stages of growth.
And I think enough ppl have already told you not to remove leaves . . . hey, YOU have twenty fingers and toes! You don't need ALL of them, why not prune a few off?
I think I 've seen you regulars answer this question a million times now. I'm mistaken in assuming people would know this information already. Pateince truly is a virtue. GL with your grow and dont cut those leaves.

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