Mr.Unsleep's 1st Bagseed grow!

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Been in flower 1 week now- One of my females turned out to be a dude !
Ah well. So I'm left with 3 females of 8. Moved my 3 others I started later over to flower room as well. My retard plant, one my cat chewed to hell, and the stinky one. This one reaks of skunkiness. So I have 6 plants in flower now. And anxiously awaiting the last 3 to show sex soon.

Retard is the one with tri-split stem and odd growth patterns. Cat chew toy is a real stetcher- tall and lanky.. Stinky is just that.

Been feeding with FF Grow Big at 1 tps per gallon. Been watering every 3rd day usually as my 1000watt HPS kind of cooks alot of water off. That or they are just thirsty girls! Going to up the dose next feeding- Anyone have any experience with Humboldt County's Own "Bushmaster"? I got a free sample from the hydro store a while back and I've been interested in using it- Bottle says to use 2 weeks into flowering or use as a foliar spray.
Added 2 tps to 1 gallon. Going to do 2 Bushmaster feedings and see if it helps.

You can see flowers starting in some of the pics. Sorry about the quality- cell phone camera *****. Looking good so far. Anyone have experience with Bushmaster?

closet vent.jpg








whats up Mr, I jus threw my ladies(hopefully) in flower this week. You dont have Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom by FF to feed to them during flower??? Grow big is for veg.Ya ladies are looking great , and try to get some flower nutes for them
Thanks BFOK- I don't have any flower nutes yet- will take me a week or so to get the funds to pick those up from the hydro store. I figure the extra dosing of Grow Big will help until then- the yellowing is still there, obviously still Nitrogen hungry. I still have that 18-18-21 MG tomotoe fert, but I'll wait on using that till next week maybe.

No more burn so far, just slight yellowing, and it's turning around imo. Also, I still have those little white bugs on my crop, but few and far between. I think I killed maybe 4 today. They are hard to see but don't seem to be over running my plants, or affecting them too badly. Just little tiny chew spots where they feed. They seem to leave behind a little slime trail. Kind of like a slug but they have 6 legs... Def not mites tho. Something totaly different. I may try a Isopropyl foliar spray to combat this- just hasnt seemed that urgent so far.

I'll post more pics in a week for comparison :)
Sounds like aphids. I don't ahve experience wiht them on MJ, but i've seen their work in my regular garden. You have to wipe off that slime or else it will mold. I used to use an insecticidal soap in my garden. I saw someone mention a crazy citrus juice concotion on the forum somewhere. I think it was 4 drops per gallon of water, or something like that. See if you can search it. The problem is, that stuff will only kill the when it actually makes contact with them.

Good luck!
looking good Mr.Unsleep:hubba: wish you all other 3 will be females! good luck with the ladies:aok:
Well good news and bad news. Guess I'll go with the good first. I confirmed 2 more females today! Yay! So out of the 3 late additions to the flower room, 1 turned out male ( my cat's chew toy..) Retard and Stinky both have a few white hairs and calyxes.

Ah well, I set the male outside of the closet and let my cat have it's way with it. He doesn't quite eat the plant, and just chews and mangles leaves here and there. Now he can do it all he want till I chop him up in a couple hours :rolleyes:

So the bad news is.. Well, 2 fold here. 1 Being that when I chopped the males about a week ago I noticed that they were a little rootbound. Thick ring of roots at the bottom of the pots. So.... That could explain my persistant yellowing problem and slow flower growth. Making a trip to Wally World later to get bigger pots..

Secondly, I tried to feed them 1/2 tbls of MG 18-18-21 tomato feed which led to catastrophic results. Fed them as the lights went out and when I woke up my leaves were in bad shape! Black spots all over em and worse yellowing. So I flushed all 5 girls for about 10 mins each, will be sticking to FF line from now on.. Now when I flushed, I saw roots coming out of the bottom of my pots, into the drainage pans..

Here's a few pics. My Sativa (unknown) seems to got hit the worst of all, but hopefully they will all pick back up soon =)

1st and 2nd pic is my cat's fav as you can tell.
3rd is my Sativa top bud. 4th is my most of my sativa.
5th and 6th is Retard- her growth is getting even weirder with inverted leaves and major twisting, sad, but I'm keeping her!
7 is bud site shot
8-9 more buds.
10 is example of 1 of the leaves

Thanks for stopping by guys.










more pics! Still using a cell phone camera, bleh :mad:






Whelp I do say, verily I am displeased that my my 1k HPS light has malfunctioned. So, my 5 are crowding my named strains in the veg closet till I get a replacement solved.

1k to 400w - hope this doesnt stress them too much. I'll be moving them from room to room every 12 hours manually until them.

The buds are putting on alot of weight, and tipping my branches some. Some are about a 1/2 roll of dimes in size. They are already pretty dense, and I can only thank that high powered HPS goodness =)
Well, it seems I missed the UPS guy yesterday, so my new replacement light should be here today when I'm at work.

One of my plants has pink buds! pink hairs all over the place, can you spot it?
Pics of recent progress, under 400w MH =/

Enjoy =)










hey US, i see them pink hairs there, they look cool. they doing Ok under that MH, but i bet you cant wait to get that HPS on them ladies :D

keep up the good work bro 85C
Well judging by flowering length, most of my buds should be done flowering in 2 weeks ( 8 weeks). I had a radio shack microscope, but appearently it fell on top of my heater on day and melted and warped the plastic. now the dails won't even turn. Bummer. So, I need to pick up a new one here soon. Speaking of which, that think was hard as heck to use and gave me eye strain. So I think I'll just swing a Jeweler's Loupe off Ebay. $7-8 for x30 and looks more user friendly anyways.

Aside from that my thrip infestation has been getting worse. But I am going to leave them on the plants for now since they are so close to harvest. I do have "Bug Be Gone" from Fox Farm. Pyrethin based spray that can be use up to 3 days until harvest, but going to pass for now. I have started using in on my newer sprouts though, so they will be bug free soon as I finish these flowers, scrub down that room and such.

And my flowering Sativa probably has the best and most plentiful buds so far. It's the girl with the long bent over arm. It's the main cola and it's like 2.5'-3 feet in length almost! Glad I bent her over or she would be in my light! And she smells exactly like GRAPFRUIT ! Yay! This was a chronic seed I got back in the day, so she's superb imo. Problem is.... She's turned hermie on me and started producing pollen sacs... I recently noticed about 3 only on 1 bud cluster, so i pinched them off, only to have one explode and spew pollen all over my fingers! Well, I can now seed some seed production near that site. It would be great to get a seed or 5, but bleh..
My question is, will these self pollinated seeds also produce further Hermies if I grew them out? And Secondly, I've noticed that the pollen sacs are multiplying in number each day and moving to new buds in the general area I first removed them from.... So. I'm torn wether to cut her now, or let her finish. Should I keep pinching the balls off as I find them? Trichome crystal production is doing really nice- really packing on the sugar on most of my plants now. I just don't know if she's ready yet. Since she's a sativa, I think she's going to go longer than 8-9 weeks for sure.....I pinched the entire bud off with the balls ( removed them) and sampled some of the bud, but imo, it's not ready yet- got me stoned, but mildly... it wasnt left to cure or dry that much though- only let it dry about 48 hours ( about 1g)

Pictures below, and any advice is greatly welcomed =)









That's a tough call man, Me personlly I would harvest in a week or so better ok bud then *seedy* bud, Buts it's really up to you.
Besides that they look very good man, Love the arm cola, It's reaching out to hug you bro:cool:
Good Job:D Good Smoke;)
Looking good i think id have to agree with Dr.Dro , probably should harvest in a week for less seeds. nice job tho man
Also about the seed(hermie)question I really don't know, But my guess is that there would be a greater chance to produce hermies but like I said I'am not sure.
But I know who does, Just HOLA! at HICK
My trichs are turning slowly amber- maybe 10-15% now. All are cloudy on all plants though. I'd say another 2 weeks, like I had originally planned and me, the girls, and my scissors are gonna all have a date together-

Most plants are shedding leaves daily now though- I didnt think they would start dying off this fast, but yeah.. Less trimming I for me I guess.

Getting excited!~ And in in good fashion I've stocked up on flavored blunt wraps - Blueberry, Kiwi/Strawberry, Peach, Banana, Mango, Lime, etc. Plus I picked up a new pipe. Gonna be a good Christmas for sure =)

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