MrStoner's First Grow

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I would recommend that you get that foil out of there. There is nothing good about having foil in your grow room. It is stealing your light. Foil is a very bad reflector and can cause hot spots. If you cannot afford mylar or panda film, flat white paint is far superior to foil.
Interesting intersting. they still look a wee bit droopy. have you tried lowering the amount of times you water?! i dont think that over watering is really allll that bad... i know that when i switched my room yesterday i left them in water during the duration (last time i left em out of water for 3 hours or so all the roots coming out the bottom of my net pot died) to prevent them from dieing. they did get a little droopy. i suspended watering for eight hours and they perked right back up!
Tanks for the advice. I know what I have been doing wrong. The soil that I am using is Miracle Gro. I know I know. Not too many people use it. But I thought I would give it a shot. It feeds plants for up to 3 months. Then I was giving Bloom Boost from Miracle Gro every week. Mixing 1/2 teaspoon with 1/2 gallon of water. The plants started to droop like the next day. obviously too much nutes for the plants. So - I have stopped with the bloom boost and I am just using water. And they look alot better. Now as for my clones. Just perfection. As you can see in the pics. I was going to use cfl's for the cloning area but today I bought a 4' floro. Just a regular shop light with two t-12 bulbs. I have a 6" fan blowing on them that is connected with the timer for the light. The clones are 18 days old. I planted them on May 5th and transplanted into 6 1/2 inch pots on the 21st. My big plants that you see in the pic are on day 54 of veg. The smaller ones are about a week or 2 younger. Let me know what you guys think and I have got rid of the foil.






Thanks MP. The plants are so much healthier lookin now. I hope the floro i bought today is enough for the clones.
I want to put my tall clones on 12/12 to sex them. How old and tall should they be. Today they are about 20 days old and 8 inces tall.
You can flower once they have root mass. You should be good to go! :)
Thanks MP. I will have to start that somewhere. Kind of running out of room.
I got my flowering area all ready for the clones and started on 12/12. I hope that they are females or all this is for education. Will post pics tonight when i come back from the Indians game.
educations not a bad thing,man :)
crossing my fingers that you get at least a few ladies for your efforts!
good luck!
hey man here's some green mojo, hope you get some ladies man! I like the coat hanger light thingy's lol, stoner ingenuity is the best haha.
Well the Indians game is sold out - so I will post some pics. Yeah the hangers were the easist way for me to put the lights exactly where I want them. No limits - LOL
I gave the plants a haircut. Didn't cut any clones just took off some of the big fan leaves that were dried out and dying. Her are some new pics.





Lookin' good. They are nice and healthy. Appears you have a great growing environment!
Thanks MP. I also took 1 of my clones and planted it outside in the woods. Just for shitz and giggles. Lulz.
Things are looking good so far. Keep up the good work and keep us posted. Take care and be safe. Careful with the cursing...just a thought...
I HAVE A FEMALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 so far will post a pic soon. but I am going to go check my other plants. AH! I'm so excited!!!!!!

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