My first indoor grow 250hps soil autos

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Jun 17, 2014
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Hey. I open new topic about my first indoor grow. This setup is easy. Using 80x80x180 tent with 250hps sonlight lamp.
Your plant doesn't look very happy. You are running a hps in veg? How many hours are your plants under the lights a day?
I killed 2 plants. Becouse they was retarded like that small one. Leaves going yellow. That smaller plant is 2 weeks older.
Are you feeding them anything?
What kind of soil is that?
Do you check the ph when you water them?
No i dont check ph. I m gonna buy electronic ph tester and ph- and ph+ liquid. I bought soil in supermarket. Mixed 2 different soil soil package ph was 6.8 if i remember. Yes i feeded with wrong nutrients at the start, after feeding plants get sick.stopped growing and leaves turned yellow. Now i use only pure water
Cannabis can be kind of finicky about the soil you use, the food you feed it and the pH. I would suggest that you might want to do a bit of reading up on what makes a pot plant happy and productive. You do not want to use any soil that already has nutrients in it or any that has those moisture crystal things. You are also going to need to feed them. Look for nutrients formulated for cannabis--in other words, do not just go out and buy some Miracle Grow or Scott's fertilizer. Get something from Fox Farm, Botanicare, Advanced Nutrients, etc. You do need to pH your nutrient solution to the correct pH. When you say you are using pure water, do you mean tap water (which isn't pure water) or RO water, which will be very close to pure?

It is imperative to keep happy and healthy as they live a set amount of time and don't have time to heal up if they get sick. Everything that causes stress or sickness will directly affect the amount of bud you get from autos.

I'd also recommend kicking the light up to 20 hours a day.
Thanks i used water that i get my kitchen. And oh yes i dont feed my plants and they look like stopped growing.
That plant would not look like that in MG potting soil. I dont recommend using MG unless you have no choice,,but i know it will grow weed,,i have done so. Your plant is getting no Nutes at all. Needs Nitrogen,,thats for sure.
THG gave you some good advise. I personally would run my lights on Autos at least 20hrs a day.
Set your tap water out for 24hrs before you use it. Get rid of the Chlorine.
Thank you. Gonna switch light 20h. And gonna buy some nutrients
I usually run 24hr on autos, 20/4 when they start budding. Nutirents are a must. Can't wait to see progress
But if i use 5.8 now for only few times. Im ordering on internet new nutrients. Now i have nutrinent with ph.5.8. Should i use it or not
you can use them, but you should use pH up to bring the pH of your feeding solution and water up to above 6.3.
Recommended pH for soil is a minimum of 6.3 and a maximum of 6.8 to avoid lock out. You can go above and below those numbers if you need to correct a soil pH issue.

I usually bring my feed solution to a pH of 6.8 because I find with FoxFarm nutrients the salt build up drops the soils pH over time. So I combat that with higher pH feedings.
Have you gotten your pH pen yet? It looks like you have nutrient lockout due to pH imbalances. If you're using soil that had nutrients in it already, I doubt its lacking nutrients yet. They look too young to have used up the nitrogen in the soil so Im leaning towards pH lockout. In this case I would continue with just pH'd water.
Also if you water enough to get some run off out the bottom you can pH that and get a ruff idea of what your soils pH is. If your soil has a low pH than you water with high pH water and visa versa.

I've helped a few of my friends get started with their own grows and the biggest thing I stress is keeping the pH in the proper range. All the nutrients and light in the world wont do a darn thing if the roots cant absorb the food you give them. I've done grows in the past where I didn't used any nutrients outside of the soil they started in from a river bed. All I did was ph the water and I got decent results.