My other Ladies... rosemary

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Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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Planted 100+ lil rosemary seeds in a container 4 days ago.

Nothings happening.

Come to find out Rosemary seeds are retarded. Most don't like to germ.

So now it's a challenge. Let's see how many babies I get! Pics to come when something happens.
good luck Diz''re "up" to that challenge..;)
Hmm. Nothing yet.... how the heck is rosemary harder to grow than weed.


Nothing happening at all. Anyone have any ideas... Or maybe a good indoor plant...i'll try anything just want some new plants. But i want to start them fromseeds
Alright first seedling popped up. About time...

Hoping more come... 100+ seeds. Rosemary is not an easy plant to get started!:rolleyes:
Cool, very cool...cant wait to see your feild of herbs.:aok:

Some veggies do take a long time to germ...monthes even.

Good luck bro, and cheers for posting up your progress.
Hey one way to improve germination is to put a heating mat underneath ur seed tray. you should also put a piece of cling wrap over the top of it to keep the moisture in. It will help tremendously. We use this method at the garden center with an average of 95% success.
bowlin high said:
Hey one way to improve germination is to put a heating mat underneath ur seed tray. you should also put a piece of cling wrap over the top of it to keep the moisture in. It will help tremendously. We use this method at the garden center with an average of 95% success.

Gonna try that ... 100+ seeds 3-4 babies... accidently decapated one while spraying them lol... they are so fragile as babies. No wonder weed it the king of the plants.
They are hanging in my grow room with the smokables.

Anyhow they are so fragile, have to be careful when watering.

Sorry for low quality pic, but they are so small. They grow slowly.


Well, I have 5 seedlings still...

They grow so freaking slow...

I love rosemary, but at this pace I might just buy a plant lol.
Rosemary is nutty plant lol hope it hits a growth spurt soon. Nothing new to report.
just want to add that Rosemary is great. it has that perfect smell to compliment and mistakenly cover up the smell of bud. Iv got it surrounding my grow area outside. oh yeah and the grow is less then a 100 yards from the police station and have been growing there for over 5 years now. :)

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