Not much bud but some!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2007
Reaction score
Since I've had this little fella growin for a bit, I thought I'd share her a little. I accidentally started to flower it early and it didnt seem to want to revert back so I kept the 12/12 going. Havn't been feeding her much nutes and the light schedule isn't perfectly 12/12, she's receiving roughly 4800k lumens but the temps aren't perfect all the time. With the lights on sometimes it's only 17 degrees plus the humidity is way high ranging in the 70's 80's. But with all that said, she's still doin fine, no pests, mold.

I'm guessing I might not even get a gram off her when she's done. Who knows..



gonna get a bit of kick butt weed in the end :woohoo:

keep her on that 12/12 the best you can ;)

grow on
remember to make sure all of the soil in you potter is wet. sometimes there are spots where water doesn't get to the roots, especially when the roots branch out to the sides, and cause problems.

looks great so far, so keep it up.
ahhh, if it is just a gram, at least it would be the most pleasurable gram you've ever had.
Ha ha, that is awesome! She's a cute little lady, she just might bulk up for you by the time she's done. And like Choking said, buy that girl a drink!
Like they say mang any FREE weed is good weed. ;)
Cute liitle lady, ain't she? Nice and dank, though!!!!!
Capt. Skinx said:
Cute liitle lady, ain't she? Nice and dank, though!!!!!

It looks like its gonna be good i see triches all on on her, how long see been in flower??
I would have to see she's in flower for about a month. She's made slow progress but lately I have been seeing noticable difference now that the timing schedule is on track (almost but not quite) and recieving daily waterings and fert. One good smell and oooohhh boy, smells sweet and sour.
hard case lil lady there aight yeah somes better than none but
Some updated pics for all who might be interested. I'm also noticing some hairs are starting to turn brown.


Looks like you have some decent bud growing though... :D Also, does this count as a micro grow?

BTW Hippy, It's a good guess, I'm gonna go with that
She's looking for crystally than ever. I think the cold evenings have something to do with it... I read somewhere that the plant tries to protect itself from the cold by creating resin or something similar. She seems to be growing awfully slow, but then again it's a very small plant, and it's flowering. I have a second one like this out in the bush, in the ground. It has nothing close to what I have in this grow but the one outside is a tad 'smellier'. I'm guessing when I pull the plug on this grow, I will get probably 3 grams give or take.
Looks like you are having problems with her.

Ph or nute problams, just by looking at the leaves.

Just a thought though. I hope she treats you well.:cool:
Yes, definately. A while back it had lacked the feeding of fertaliser for a little bit. The soil had been used to grow another plant but she hung in there. Thanks for all the replies. I sometimes wonder how potent she's going to be.