Numero Uno

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2015
Reaction score
Alright everyone, I'm a newbie and seek constructive criticism. I said I wouldn't start a journal on here until my tent got here, but screw it. That being said, I have a 48"x24"x50" tent and a 6" fan/filter ordered - both should be here within a week. My budget is stretched at this point; between beans, soil, lights, tent, fan, and filter, I'm in about $600. I really can't afford much more.

Anyway. I've got five plants growing. Four are and the one in the left-rear is World of Seeds Strawberry Blue Fem (not auto). I know there aren't a lot of good feelings here about autos, but it is what it is. I'll see how this first grow goes and go from there.

I know the pictures aren't great quality, but again, it is what it is. My light is a 600w Apollo MH/HPS - currently has the MH in it. I've got two fans on the hood (it's cool to the touch) and another fan moving air. The ballast is at 75% - should I turn it up to 100% now? I'm watering heavily, and letting the soil dry well before watering again. No nutes as of yet.

I expect criticism...friendly criticism. But I am a noob, and I am here so that you guys can help me not be a noob. And it begins!

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Well isn't she a cutie pie. So congratulations you have a grow! Glad you doing the watering right. What soil is that you have there? Others will be by to tell you what their thoughts are... Glad you here and we will be kind, no worries.
We own the same year / model trailer I believe.... lol. I have those exact same walls

Mojo for the grow :aok: Will tag along and see if I can help, but others may be able to help more as you're in soil and I'm mostly a hydro guy :)
We own the same year / model trailer I believe.... lol. I have those exact same walls

Mojo for the grow :aok: Will tag along and see if I can help, but others may be able to help more as you're in soil and I'm mostly a hydro guy :)

Hah! Beautiful singlewide! I read your first grow journal (every page) and I've got to say that I hope mine ends up half as good as yours DGF!
Oh neat my first one? That was "Grow Journal of a Cannabinoid Android" ya? :)

There's definitely a lot of journal entries from me to read. Glad someone is soaking them up! :aok:
Looks like you are off to a good start! I'm a new grower as well. I'd say the 75% should be quite enough for now until your baby leaves fall off and you start feeding them nutes. But what do I know?
I am a little concerned about your soil. What exactly did you plant your babies in? It looks a bit dense and barky and that it may not have good drainage capabilities. I add perlite to all soils I use.

I would also suggest getting at least one of the fans so that it is pointing at the plants and moving the air around near them.

I thought that in another thread you said that you got a 4 x 4 tent? Or am I confused?
I am a little concerned about your soil

I am always concerned about soil.... but you know why THG lol. I loathe it now-a-days.. but people sure can do wonders with it. Just not me! :D

Anytime someone posts a pic and says "what's wrong with this plant" I always want to say "You're using soil" hahah.. but not in a mean way! Also, as soon as I think of saying that, I think of the people on this board alone that destroy me at all angles with their soil runs! :D

*Hydro for life!!* ...runs away fast....
I am a little concerned about your soil. What exactly did you plant your babies in? It looks a bit dense and barky and that it may not have good drainage capabilities. I add perlite to all soils I use.

I would also suggest getting at least one of the fans so that it is pointing at the plants and moving the air around near them.

I thought that in another thread you said that you got a 4 x 4 tent? Or am I confused?

It seems to have pretty good drainage (as far as I can tell); water runs out the bottom pretty easily. It's organic soil from Lowes - nothing special, just what I was able to get.

No, you're not confused. I have a 4x2 tent on the way, but it won't be here until Saturday or Monday.
It seems to have pretty good drainage (as far as I can tell); water runs out the bottom pretty easily. It's organic soil from Lowes - nothing special, just what I was able to get.

No, you're not confused. I have a 4x2 tent on the way, but it won't be here until Saturday or Monday.

If this is your first grow I would transplant the babies into FF light warrior and then make the final move to FF Ocean forest, it's a little hot so they need to be ready to veg before you drop them in that, but you wont have to feed for three to four weeks and by then your into flower. Nute choice is up to you but like THG says that soil looks a bit suspicious. I'm pulling up a chair to see your grow, good luck you among friends :)
If this is your first grow I would transplant the babies into FF light warrior and then make the final move to FF Ocean forest, it's a little hot so they need to be ready to veg before you drop them in that, but you wont have to feed for three to four weeks and by then your into flower. Nute choice is up to you but like THG says that soil looks a bit suspicious. I'm pulling up a chair to see your grow, good luck you among friends :)

Thank you. Is the FF available in any major stores? Or just online? And like I said, money is tight. Here are some updated pictures from just a few minutes ago. And thank you!

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Hey everyone, sorry for taking so long to update. Work has been hell. I've been lurking, and here's an update.

I got the tent set up. The exhaust is doing a great job (the fan is just a lot louder than I anticipated). Vents at the bottom are open, and the negative pressure is working well.

Initially, I believe I had too much heat/light. The plants yellowed, as you can see. I dimmed the light to 50% and moved it away. Within a day all of the plants got a deeper green and began growing more quickly.

I've currently got the ballast at 75% and the light is about 20" from the tops of the plants. The one with the highlighter is the Strawberry Blue. Using the fan visible to the left to keep air moving on the plants.

I'm really enjoying it, but today I noticed a MJ odor coming from the tent. Isn't this peculiar, considering the age of the plants? No signs of flowering, but there's a definite odor. Thanks, everybody.

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Wow, your progressing fantastically, your plants look really good. Greenest of mojo :aok:
I believe that the mj odor may be part of you just knowing you have a grow. At this stage, it is very unlikely that they are giving off any kind of odor, let alone smelling like MJ. But, where is your fan exhausting? You are a long way away from them flowering--I'd guess probably at least a month.
I'll be following.......... green mojo....... stay safe

I believe that the mj odor may be part of you just knowing you have a grow. At this stage, it is very unlikely that they are giving off any kind of odor, let alone smelling like MJ. But, where is your fan exhausting? You are a long way away from them flowering--I'd guess probably at least a month.

Hey THG. The exhaust fan is dumping out into another room in the house. Currently not using the filter, as it's not needed. I think you may be right about the placebo effect. Another month of vegging? Sounds good to me. I'm excited for the final product, but I'm in no rush. Thank you for your input.

Thanks, Rosebud. Unfortunately there's only one place close to me that carries FF and they're open the same hours I'm at work (and they're a half hour from my work). Maybe I can scoot out of work early one day to get some better soil. I can't tell you how relieved I am that they made it through the first couple weeks. With the yellow they took on, I was seriously worried. But all seems to be well! :) If all goes well with this grow, I might go with T5 on the next one. But you're right, my money is gone. I'll keep the MH going until I flip them, then pop in the HPS.
They will do great under hps, just the mh is strong for babies, but yours are tough.