ph problems please help

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Active Member
Jan 14, 2009
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ok i just recieved a couple of babies from my friend who didnt ever test the ph while watering.the plants are extremely yellow and are not looking healthy.they are about 3 weeks old and under an hps 1000 that is about 5 ft away from plants. the yellowing is not from the my question is do plants usually come back after a ph deficiency? and if so do plants often hermaphrodite from this problem?all answers are appreciated thanks
they are clones in soil no new growth its only been a day since theyve been under the light. they were previously under a fluorescent. i have no clue what ph water he was using. he lost his ph meter so it was never tested.
what makes you think its a ph problem?
maybe just using up energy for the roots ,,,your new growth should be green :peace:
do you know the strain? and if your in soil what type? could be a "N" and with out pics I am leading blind..I would say give them a good shot of "N" and :watchplant: post some will get better help my friend:bolt::bong:
pretty sure its ph they are seriously unhealthy looking. fully yellow. how often should i water also and whats a good ph in your opinion?
Make sure you check your water runoff's PH. Sometimes soil can lower or raise your PH quite a bit. I send my Nutes into the soil at 7.2,,,runoff is 6.8. Another words if I PH my water and nutes at 6.8,,I would end up with to low a PH 6.4,, for soil. Perfect PH for soil is 6.7 to 6.8.

also found this
Cannabis will grow in almost any soil*, but it flourishes when the pH is between 6.5 and 7. Commercial potting soil almost never has a pH above 7.5. A lower pH is more common, even as low as 5.5. Some potting soils purchased at a nursery are pH balanced and near a neutral 7. However, most potting soils have a tendency to be acidic.
acording to Fox Farm Cowboy..propper PH for soil is 6.3-6.8 but you are doing a great job with your ladies..and my new say its a PH issue but yet you have not checked..hmmmmm could be Tap water was used. get some Disstilled what from food store. get a moister meter from Home depot..wait for the meter to read 1 or dry..then water the next light need to let the soil dry compleatly..the plant dont need much water..Good luck
maybe your friend was pissing on his plants..I read that its good for them..but IDK:rofl:

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