Please Help...I am new!

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Aug 8, 2009
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Hello All. I have a couple question. I have been "studying" to grow some good bud. I have bought videos, books, and browsed around forums for months now. I would like to have an 8x8 grow room for flowering with 4-600 Watt Hps Lights. Should I use 2-1000 Watters instead? Next question is: Should I do 1 main grow and crop, or have the room with plants of different stages of growth, so i can harvest more often? I have seen and read about both, but am not sure on which way to go. I would like to have a total of 24 plants in the room of either Big Bud, Or Ak-47. Please help me here...Thank you so much for your time....
I am no expert , but if money isn't a problem I would go with the 600 watters. As far as staging, it all depends on how much you smoke, If what you will grow in one grow will last you until your next harvest then there is no need to stage them,Personally I have started 5 plants and every 3 or 4 weeks i plan to start 5 more so I constantly have fresh head smoke.But don't listen to me I am sure an expert will have an answer for you.
It would be most efficient to have the 600 Watters... I would also recommend doing all different stages of growth at once as I find it more entertaining and efficient. Good luck. Whatever you do, I'm sure it will work great
Thank You for the responses... Very helpful My mind is made up now. The 600 Watters are it. As far as the stages, I am not sure yet...but will figure it all out.
Most 600's will spread sufficient light on 16 square feet. 1 1000 is good for roughly a 5 by 5 space or 25 square feet. The 2 1000 would leave more areas with-out light coverage. As far as your harvests I think a perpetual harvest system is the best way to go for constant production. Staggering the start time of your plants and producing new veg plants to replace them as they mature can be a smooth machine once properly mantained and will lead to a steady amount of fresh herb as Frankos said. This method also gives growers the ability to analyze harvests and alter they're methods quickly and effectively as you can develope a sence of forsight when all stages of flowering are displayed.
in order to have a perp grow you need a veg area. where is yours? id go 4 2-8x8 rooms but if can only have one then nave 2-4x4 rooms. floros veg & 1-1000w hps. 600's r more efficient but if only 4x4 then youll save w/ floros in veg area. hope i make sense im crippled by the bubble.

edit: im crippled my math dont add up. u would have 2-4x8 rooms. so get 2-600's 4 flower area. they r more efficient w/lumen than 1000w

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