Psychedelic Mary Jane

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Aug 29, 2008
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Alright, i want to start this new thread on Weed and its hallucinogenic effects. the other day, me and my buddies are getting ready to blaze up my recently harvested homegrown goodness :p, when me and my one buddy who are waiting on our 3rd to arrive decide we cant wait and gotta rip our big 3 foot bong. i pack up a nice bowl and rip a big ol' hit off of that baby. i happen to take my hit just in time to walk up and greet my buddy with a big cloud of smoke in his face.. so i walk out my room and up the stais, every step feeling more and more lightheaded and finally when i reach the door and exhale the smoke, i find my self grabbing for that door because right now, im tripping:holysheep:. now when i say tripping i am relating this to SALVIA, as this is the only halucinogen i have done. that bong hit made my body and head get "the shakes" u know that feeling when u are tripping. i have noticed this before off bong hits of some gooood ****, but this has definitely been the most powerful. i have read tho, that this is more likely to happen when your body has low blood sugar, i hadent eaten all day, seems likely to me..
any of you guys had any experiences like such?
i had an experience once but not like yours.

Back when i was young and dumb there was this ice cream parlor giving away free ice cream for a day to get rid of all their stale cones.
A friend of mine and i spent all morning getting majorly baked.
Apparently we ate alot of ice cream but i dont remember any of it.
Like i have flashes of us walking down the street, getting a ride and being amazed at the radio cause the base was totally shaking my whole body, and meeting some other friends there who didnt know i smoked but thats about it. I can remember about 15 minutes of the whole day
Yo Ho i5am1nsane,
I am an advocate of good health, and as such I would recommend that the next time you and your buds are going to hook up, you remember to set yourselfs up with a few things you just got to have on hand.
It is smart to stay well hydrated, but you burn energy as well. On those days that your gonna party on, then grab some stuff to ward off the munchies. Myself I know a good bowl of soup before I bake is gonna be a smart thing and it will give me lots of that good energy. Beats passing out and slamming your head into something.

smoke in peace
KingKahuuna :cool:
for the 1st time in many yrs,the other night i smoked a nice small bud in my glass pipe.hell of a buzz.the thing is i had eaten a couple hrs prior.i thought it would help me sleep,as i have some sleep issues.when i went to bed,i could not go to sleep,for it was like i was speeding my arse was some dank i had harvested about 2 months ago.
I've never really been a big eater, I tend to prefer to drink my calories instead of chewing them :hubba:. We tend to eat once a day in late afternoon. This is common for people my age (54 :rolleyes:). I am a big fan of vitamin supplements - multivitamins and MSM. That said, I usually have a few martinis in me when I reach for the bong. Occasionally, I feel the need for a little sugar after the bong - enter frozen M&Ms - a handful does the trick. I sleep like a baby ;)
never been a big eater either, although i am a big man, 6'4", 220. dude i would'nt reccommend holding a rip off the bong in , and walking up some stairs. the shaking would be all the blood rushing to your brain trying to recieve a boost of oxegyn. and remember the theory?, what goes up?, will come down. grab a candy bar
Banjo is right. I'll bet holding your breath and running up the stairs blacked you out. I do that if I stand up too fast when high. My vision kind of tunnels out and comes right back. It does't worry me much.
jeepsteve said:
Banjo is right. I'll bet holding your breath and running up the stairs blacked you out. I do that if I stand up too fast when high. My vision kind of tunnels out and comes right back. It does't worry me much.
That's what happens when I have a seizure.
hey guys, thanks for all the replies, besides it being some dank bud, im pretty sure running up the stairs was a big contributing factor in the strength of the effect.
Psychedelic? Sounds like lack of oxygen experiences to me. I have real psychedelic stuff happen every time I smoke, like I get faint colorful patterns in my vision, like a very low dose of acid. ( I know the sight rules, I only mention acid to explain the visual effect i get from weed).

Any one else get this too?
Blancolighter, I get trails out of my peripheral vision when i smoke, especially if i'm in dim lighting or outside at night. I always assumed it was because of the years of abuse i put my body (and mind) through with my previous drug usage. While those days are behind, me i've always assumed there has to be sort of long term ramifications.
not long ago, i smoked some of that good ol' WW and was listen'n to the headphones on my puter at the same time (big bass type of track) but had em set right behind my ears cause the volume was rather high at the moment. anyway, might of been the beer too but, my vision started wiggle'n kinda like a shroom trip for about a minute. and i was sit'n down the whole time. can't remember the diet for the day tho...
Gotta eat right... THC naturally dropps our blood sugar, Not enough to be dangerous, unless you have not been eating right. This in turn causes the munchies. I eat a well balanced diet, as well as the vitamins and suppliments. I never get the munchies. And cannot recal even having a runny nose in the last 5 years. Alot of times I will smoke with a piece of peppermint candy in my mouth. Because we cannot eat right all the time. This will keep ya from feeling that way, and you should'nt get the munchies to bad. Ohhh and don't hold yer breath and run up a flight of stairs... That may help, then again could have been one of those flashback things I heard about....

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