put them in the tent they got sick again!

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It's like my tent / led lights started shooting out gamma rays that are nuking my plants..

Like I said, happy under fluorescents, dieing in the tent
There is some truth in your statement, the LED's do "feed" the plants sorta.
approx 2 feet, give or take a few inches.

they drank all their water.. drinking lots.. still growing.. looking a lil more perky for sure

They get 2 day old tap water today
i think initially was likely a bit of shock
-going from weak light, to transplanting, to more intense light.

but now; that third pic looks like all the perfect example pics i see of magnesium.. odd it seems more at the top though. i always thought it was lower. (i never have it looking exactly like the photo references you see for nute def)

the spots could be cal.
..wait for a few more replies with better knowledge, but i'd say you might need to get some calmag..
you mentioned you were using RO water.. so you've got nothing, maybe they need some?
Thanks for the reply kaotic,

I thought it looked like cal/mag issues as well. Although after researching the fish emulsion it appears there is cal/mag in it.

I have a bottle of earth juice cal-n-mag, but was advised I shouldn't need it, atleast not in veg?

Regardless, I used plain tap water this time.. has a ppm of about 200 should have some calmag in there
What are you N-P-K numbers and the micro-nutrients for the fish emulsion? I just think they look like they need more food.
5-1-1 is the n-p-k. It doesn't say anything about micro nutes. I just gathered that from reading around the net. That fish emulsion contains cal / mag and other good micro nutes

Should I give them full feed of fish emulsion? 1tbl / gallon

I have earth juice microblast if you think they need more micro nutes.
**I should note, I looked up the ingredients of the earth juice cal-n-mag I was using, and it doesn't sound like its very compatible with organics.**

Calcium Nitrate
Magnesium Sulfate
Magnesium Nitrate

Could that be causing the problems? Didn't seem to hurt them when using it with a tea, but I gave a plain r/o water with 75ppm of the cal/mag a week ago. So it is suspect..

I gave them the myco madness 2 days ago in an attempt to undo the possible damages, at the same time I didn't notice any problems until yesterday, so it is suspect as well.
Could that be caused from under watering?