Risky Roommate- So I'm pulling the plug

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Oct 10, 2008
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Hello all,

I currently have 4 beautiful plants growing in a closet under CFL's. They came from bagseed that I obtained from my roommate. We have separate rooms in a house that is rented. I have read extensively and tended to my plants very diligently and therefore my plants are healthy and bushy. Here's my current dillema:

It's been about a month of vegging now. Yesterday I decided, against my wishes, to turn them to the 12-12 cycle. Why would I do that you ask? Well my roommate, who got our seeds, is a moron. He leaves his door open with his lights on and plants in full view CONSTANTLY. He has parties with 10-20 people over and has his plants out. I swear there must be like 40 people by now who have seen his three (very stretched and sparse I might add) plants. (by the way just to humor the serious marijuana cultivators out there he has three 4-5 inch tall streched plants in two 3 inch or so pots. And the soil is half full in one of them. Yeah he's not getting any bud off that.)

This is not acceptable. I have heard many horror stories about the police in my area. For example, another one of my roomate's friends got an obstruction of justice ticket ($450 or so) because he either misspoke on his birthday or the cops didn't hear him right. They thought he said 5-1-88 when it was 5-11-08. So that's a pretty hard *** punishment for such a petty missunderstanding. Not the only story I've heard either. I can't imagine what getting busted would entail here.

So. I now am deciding to regretfully cut my beautiful ladies and grow some basil or cilantro. The anxiety I have had from my roomate's actions and parties is cutting into my professional work. All it would take is their drunk asses getting loud, neighbor calls in, cops come, dumbasses let them in, it smells like weed cause they were smoking and drinking underage, cops check the house, go to jail, get my *** raped 24-7 and have my future hopes and dreams shattered.

I am quite saddened that I have to do this. However, I will be growing again. I can build up my growbox while I wait, and practice stealth indoor cultivation while I'm at it. I love gardening. I have peppers, basil, sage and clilantro growing outside along with numerous houseplants ;)

While I know that the personal cultivation and use of marijuana is a rewarding and exciting venture, it is not worth jail. And while I can be responsible with my own personal cultivation, I can't control my roomate's risky actions.

I'd like to hear from you guys and gals on your opinions of my situation. What would you do? I feel this is the best choice, I have been suffering too much anxiety for this due to this roommate situation. Also, once I get in a better situation for growing how do you suggest I get hooked up with new seeds? I don't smoke enough to collect bagseed from bags I buy, I have a fairly limited budget and I prefer total secrecy (IE not like my roommate)

And also once I get done with this grow I might post a retro-active grow journal for discussion and to show off how good my babies look :)


the Badfish
order you some seeds,1 time,get your own place,grow some weed and keep you a mother and never ever tell anyone jack.its really simple.just make sure you have the proper gear to grow with or you will be disappointed with the results.jmo
finish them out and then move my friend...call Landlord now and have your name removed from lease...if the house gets popped you know nothing..that will teach that moron..Good luck with this....
BuddyLuv said:
I would buy him the dirtiest hooker I could and tell him it was a present. Then I would hand him a rubber that I obviously poked with a needle 10,000 times, pat him on the back and tell him to go get her tiger.

and then give him mites..lol..just as bas as crabs ..from what i hear:p
Buddy Love you must know some fillthy Hookers..lol....and my appolagies for High jacking your thread my friend..Happy Friday..Im going to smoke a bong now
When in college I had an idiot for a roommate, and his actions caused me to pull down the grow ;)

just in the nick of time too, 1 week later we get raided by campus cops because he payed for a pizza delivery with a couple joints [pocketing my $20]
but He was decent enuf to tell the whole story and I wasnt charged, but asked to move off campus housing asap :rofl:

the point is YOU are correct in taking down the grow until you can do it alone :aok:
andy52 said:
i agree,but i bet there is very few here that they are the only one that knows about their grow.everyone is either married,getting married or queer.

speaking from experience?...:p ...

Dont tell no one..period
WOW. Talk about quick responses. Thank you all for your thoughts and advice. The only reason he knows anything about my doings is because he is the way I got seed. I don't smoke enough to collect the bags, and I don't currently have enough knowledge on the ordering process (or extra cash) to get some good seeds.

So he was the ONLY person who knew. I also told my girlfriend, because she would obviously see it eventually. So I had to be honest with her but she is the one single person I'd trust with that secret. Hell, if I didn't have to tell her (IE if I had that growbox I'm dreaming of building) because it was stealth enough to hide from plain view I wouldn't have.

And also we do have separate rooms with locks and all. I'm strongly considering resigning my lease actually next year if two of my other roomates move out (one I get along with great- he cleans up after himself) because my room is absolutely the best. Nice location and everything too. So hopefully that will pan out next year and I can start it up again. I'll read up on the ordering from reputible sites, build something super stealth and grow friendly and then let you know how it turns out :)
4u2sm0ke said:
speaking from experience?...:p ...

Dont tell no one..period


By the way I'm waiting for Sunday 'morning' (before lights turn on) to cut them. I don't want them to smell the highest when they might throw another stupid big party. Anybody have any good ideas for using the fan leafs? I want to dry them and put some in a tea bag :) Making lemons out of lemonade here :p
Instead of posting this thread, I would be spending my time moving out ASAP.

Why you have been there even this long is beyond human comprehension. Sorry, but you deserve to be busted for such foolish behavior.
Can't believe I am the only one with this idea. Put them outside. If you were just switching them to flower you can put them outside and at least hope for the best. No reason to kill em, unless you are in a city or whatnot and can't do an outside flowering. I moved from an inside veg to an outside flower last year.
It would be a good idea but like you suggested the location here isn't the best for some weed plants outside. I have just cut them, and also since my outdoor basil and sage planter has been beginning to bud for a while now I've cut those too to dry them as well. You know you really learn things from gardening of all sorts... it's painful to part with your plants but that's just life.

Well thanks for everyone's replies and advice. It's interesting to hear how some people would choose to finish out the grow, and others suggest moving out asap :p I guess we all have different comfort levels, but it is obvious that everyone here is pretty much on the same page for the responsibility factor (not displayed by my roommate).

Be on the lookout for some pictures of the babies, they were looking very very nice.... its such a shame. And if anyone's got some useful ideas for fanleafs (i know i know.. but I have to have something to show for my efforts :) ) I'd be glad to hear them!
Good advice pc. Yep I've bugged out and next time I will be totally stealth. I'm going to be doing the research on a reputable seedbank and going to save up some cash for some good seed... and I won't have to deal with this kind of mess :)

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