running out of room!

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Feb 4, 2009
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well my first grow attempt began with 6 plants of bagseed in 6" pots under 6 26 watt CFLs (i know CFLs suck but i started out before i began really reading. to be honest looking back on it i screwed up a bunch of stuff with this grow. i wanted too long to transplant, grew them in miracle grow soil, and im using shitty lights. since i started this one i've learned a great deal thanks to the guys and girls on this site and my next setup should be 10x better.

anyway back to the problem. i flowered them and was left with 3 females. when i transplanted the plants they were only 12-14" tall. after a week and a half in the 2 gallon pots they are now closer to 2' tall. that means with the pot they are around 3' tall in a box thats a little under 5'. my worry is i'm daily having to raise up my lights cuz the plants are growing so fast. they are only about a week and a half into flowering.

so my question is, should i try to scrog them before the plants get too big for the box? i'm also a little worried the lower branches arent getting enough light now that the light are so much higher.

here's some pics for visual reference:
prior to flowering

current pics


by the way. where the aluminum foil ends is where i had to knock out the middle shelf. should help get a sense of the growth when compared to the 1st pic.

also the left plant has a bunch of fan leaves that curl up, im not really sure why they're doing that. i thought it might be overwatering but thats definatly not the case. any thoughts?
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Hello Cheech :)

They will grow 2.5 - 3 times the height when first put into flower.

You may need to expand your grow depth by a foot or 18 inches and have your plants in a triangle and not in a line, this will allow you more growth area while you combat height with LST.

Or try the scrog, its your call :)

Time is against you, we can all see that from the pics.

When you are using CFLs, you need to do everything you can to optimize your lights. I would recommend getting rid of the foil and painting all the walls flat white. Flat white paint is a far better reflector of light than foil. You are also losing a whole bunch of light because you have no reflectors. IMO, ifg you could get more/better light in there, you would probably be okay and see far less stretch.
yeah i pretty much figured as much. i think i'll leave them be and hope they dont get too much taller over the next couple weeks while i wait for my HPS to come in. after that i'm planning on moving them to a bigger better space where room wont be as much of a problem.

like i said i started these out without much prior reading on properly setting it up.

on another note, my next grow will be auto strains, and i wanted to take a male and female and put them in there to get some seeds out of them. before that happens i plan to paint the interior white and ghetto rig a reflector made out of sheet metal. i'll probably paint the inside of the reflector white too. would this box be sufficient for that or once my next setup gets started should i just scrap the box altogether?

BTW, what does LST mean?
sorry if i sound like a bit of a noob. this was my first grow attempt so im trying to learn as much as i can so i can improve as much as possible.
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not sure how to do it any other way. i tried adding them through the insert image button on the post but wouldnt it be the exact same code as what photobucket gives me? im confused
cheechmarin123 said:
not sure how to do it any other way. i tried adding them through the insert image button on the post but wouldnt it be the exact same code as what photobucket gives me? im confused

Below where this box is, it says, "How to resize and post your pictures" Go there. It is a really good tutorial. Or, you can also go to "Attach Files" in the Additional Options section further down on this page. Click Manage Attachments.

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