so disturbing..

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yeah that part was a little freaky, but more photo analysis will be required as on the clip you can clearly hear that it`s his "friend" the photo expert. but, what i thought was the most freaky was that contractors that set up cameras, hoping to catch the vandals as their stuff was moved and things destroyed. that chair moving, and the panel being ripped out and up.
but then again that could just be fishing line, not vissible to the eye.
but, interesting stuff all the same.:smoke1: :confused2: :smoke1:
Quantum physics,is the "break down of the things smaller than an atom"
the multi-verse is still a theory,i thought, but i could be too stoned for this conversation, great as it is, very good thread man.
i dont understand ur apple logic Mr. Appleseed. You dont need to observe it for it to fall like no one needs to observe the tree for it to grow. None of the ppl shooting these films see the things, even when they look for it. taking away religion what is your strict scientific explination for it people? do you think its a look into the past? i think that is the case at times but when new property is put on an area how do the figures interact with that if they are a loop?
that`s all theory man, nothing like that is "fact". one big multiverse,even black holes are not understood whatsoever. however, Prof. Stephen hawkings has came up with some great theory`s regarding them.
"Dark matter" however "is" fact as it`s effect on the universe can and has been observed:) .
anyway, that was hard work thinking just then. Time for a spliff :ccc: :ccc: or 2.:48: :48: :tokie:
Planes of existance...will that ever be decided? Heck, the smart guys can't even decide about gravity...

"Mathematicians are prone to think that the progress of physics is paced by theory. Once the end-of-the-road theory has been found, there must be no more experimental surprises. This is a pious hope. History tells a different story. Ever changing theories are required to explain new discoveries, observation, and experiments. Many as yet unknown experimental facts are waiting in the wings. By 1988 Hawking had lost sight of the end of theoretical physics and claimed that Einstein's general theory of relativity and the present version of quantum mechanics were inconsistent with each other. This realization stems from a clash between far-actions required in quantum mechanics and the field contact actions inherent in the remaining theories."

**For the rest of the book: (Anyone with a 12th grade level of reading can understand this book. It'll make your head hurt tho'.)

Newton versus Einstein
How matter Interacts with Matter
by Peter Graneau and Neal Graneau

Little book. Big read.

i have no idea what u just said. were those scientists talking about ghosts?

and those black holes will stretch you to death really.
quantum physics man, and theories by Einstein and Isaac newton.
that sort of stuff.
for the intelectuals among us:).
:tokie: :smoke1: :stoned: :bolt:
need to be buying that book i think...
and those black holes will stretch you to death really.[/quote]

well it`s possible that they could shred you into a long line of atoms, but they may also be able to transport you to another dimension, or another part of our own lil` universe. taking the shape of a "worm hole", another one of Einstein`s theories.
That man was, and is a genious, so far ahead of his time.
A renound professor at eaton was asked by a student "is it true sir, that only 3 ppl on the earth understand Einstein`s theory of relativity?"
To which the professor answered "einstein understood it, i understand it, but who`s the third person!" yeah he was even ahead of us now, far ahead.
when they analysed his brain there was 15% more grey matter, compared to a healthy 25 yr old.
makes you wonder man eh?:smoke1: :stoned: :smoke1: time for a spliff.
if you go thru the hole its not going to rearrange you back into anything.
And about your quote, if the man was so smart why did he help trigger the arms race with his A-Bomb? Science is Science, but politics owns both.
GrewUp To ScrewUp said:
if you go thru the hole its not going to rearrange you back into anything.
And about your quote, if the man was so smart why did he help trigger the arms race with his A-Bomb? Science is Science, but politics owns both.

and eh, just how do you know what happens in a black hole, oh don`t tell me, you went there for your easter holidays.
and i don`t think your in any position to judge a man that brought science to the masses, you must have missed that.
His A-bomb, wrong again, this is getting to be a habit with you.
He gave the mathematics,equasions, and as i recall it was your country that built the A-bomb.and dropped it, that his fault too?
but hey that`s a habit with your government any how, look for a scape goat, usually a dead one.
politics doesn`t control science, what planet are you on. Science is furthering the knoledge of our suroundings, politics and governments may put up tax payers cash for the research, but the results are controled by no-one.:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: all grown up? doesn`t sound like it. maybe you should change that to "not grown up just yet" and with a long way to that`s science.
goodnight, think it`s past your bed time kid.

P.S. I diddn't need to visit it this Easter to know that.

P.S. AGAIN Jeez get over my title. What do you have a fetish for literal translations of internet forum screen names?

lets not argue dude,it`s a friendly place here:48: .
and the black holes, it`s complete theory, nothing more nothing less.yes they are there, but no one "knows" anything about what would happen. before America went to the moon,nasa was worried that the lunar module would sink straight into the moon,so if you didn`t know what our nearest satelite was made of, knowing for sure about something as diverse as a black hole.
That's enough with the politics folks.

I let this go to see how it would come out. Well, you've all re-enforced the long standing reason we don't allow political discussion here. It causes arguments.

We're not here to argue about anything.

The politics are finished.

Not another word of it.

Please don't start any more discussions that are about politics.

If you guys want to argue over politics, then go find a group that people do that in. We don't do that here.

This is a group for the discussion of marijuana or other peaceful topics.

Politics isn't a peaceful topic.

Give it a break.

This is the last post the has any politics in it that will stay alive in this or any other thread.


If you're here to argue, you're lost. Go somewhere else and argue all you want.

Thank you. That's the end of this nonsense.
i had the perfect political response too.

anyways i think its just a safe bet using are common sense to know that entering a black hole probally want be pleasant. and i suspect if you came out the other side you wouldnt look very pleasant either.
another time, another forum, another lifetime, maybe shuggz?
Heh and to make this conversation a little funnier, scientists just discovered Kryptonite

"The mineral was dug up at a mine in Serbia. Scientists were shocked to discover that the chemicals it contains were the same as those listed for kryptonite in the film Superman Returns. But that's where the similarities end"
maybe....just maybe, you`ve had a lucky escape man......

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