Sunakard Tent Grow 2014

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2012
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well i figure its about time to start up a new journal for the wonderful Mandala strains i have, i ordered 10 reg Satori, 3 fem Fruitylicious, and got 5 free Krystilica, tonight i soaked some rapid rooters and stuck the 3 Fem Fruitylicious and 3 reg Satori into the rooters to start germing, hopefuly in a few days ill have some new gals in my veg tent ;P

also i still have my Lemon Twist strain going and each harvest is getting better and better in amount and quality so im happy and will continue to run the strain although i wont be focusing on it in the journal.

so to get started everythings gonna be the same as iv been rockin for a while now, veg area contains a 4ft 4 bulb HO T5 fixture and i use Fox Farms Happy Frog potting soil for the vegging plants, when big enough i transfer from 1/3 gal pots to 5gal grow bags and use Fox Farms Ocean Forest which then sit in a new 5x5x7 tent with a 600 watt HPS light. also still using General Hydroponics "General Organics" line of nutes plus some organic teas with either nitrogen boost or potassium boos depending on where the plants are, veg or flower,...

so a few questions for those of you who have grown a variety of Mandala seeds, mainly Fruitylicious... i havnt found much detailed info on flower time or feedings, all i found on Attitude was that its a lite feeder so mostly teas and 1/2 strength nutes later on will be enough to finish strong but i didnt find anything on flower time. if anyone has grown out Fruitylicious with success, how long did you flower for and is it true that its a lite feeder.

since there is nothing really to show at this time ill keep updating without pics until there is something worth snapping a pic of ;P
Good luck and Green Mojo. A 600watt HPS in a 5x5 tent will leave you like 30 to 35000 lumens short of 5000 a square foot. You would need a 1000w HPS to hit that target.
Mojo for your babies... Hamster is right about being underlit... we found a 600w was alil weak in a 4x4 space and jumped to a 1000w in the 4x4...
Greenest of mojo to the grow Sunakard. I am not familiar with Mandala's fruitylicious.
You will have to educate us on another wonderful mandala strain. Looking forward to it.
well thus far im using 3 panels i built and an existing wall in my room as the flower space, its 4.5x5 and im getting great results, im sure they could be better but as of right now i dont have the cash to upgrade to a 1000 watt light. but it most defently is in the works for the future, if all goes well with work i should be able to upgrade before these Satori and Fruitylicious go into flower.
would yall recommend upgrading to a 1000 watt or add another 600 watt to push it up to 1200 watts total? adding a 600 watt i would modify my hood to hold both bulbs instead of just 1. so i guess it comes down to upgrade or modify?
I would go with 2@ 600. but then you could use a 1k and have 1600watts:D

lol of what? theres nothing of any real interest to see, just some rapid rooters in a nursery tray.
well that was extreamly fast... all 6 seeds (3 fem fruitylicious and 3 reg Satori) have already popped tails and should be poking their heads outta the rapid rooters tomorrow or saturday, pretty dang fast germinating so im already extreamly pleased with Mandalas seeds, ill keep posting updates as necessary and when theres something more to see ill post some pics for all to enjoy...
Do you not use LED's sunakard? I thought you did from your avi...
no i dont use LED anymore, i used 2 135watt UFO panels for my first 2 grows but no more, everyone around here helped me go towards HO T5 and HPS rather then LEDs. i just really like the pic of my first ever plant lookin all cute :D

im getting a tent within the week which is new for me since iv been using mylar lined panels to contain the light with-in my flower area, since its not an enclosed space like a tent i have the fan timer set up to shut off 30min after the light shuts off. so i guess where im going is when i get the tent do i keep the same sorta setup or does the exhaust fan need to run all the time? also i currently have a 424 cfm fan to cool my 600watt light, and ill be getting a carbon filter along with the tent, with the reduction in suction due to the carbon filter should i still get a fan speed controller to dial it down? i wanna make sure i can get all i need to in one trip to the store.

ooh also does Satori have a purple pheno type? cuz one of the satori beans is throwing a purple root and the seed leaves are also slightly purple... but its not fully out of the rooter or seed shell yet so yeah :D
I haven't seen a purple pheno from satori..

Hamster has a tent thread here that I bet will help you. Green mojo for your grow.
its official 100% germ rate, all 3 fruitylicious and all 3 Satori have "broken soil" well popped their cute lil heads outta the rapid rooters. on satori has a slight purple to it but who im sure that will grow out in a day or 2, iv seen purple root tail/main stem from germed seeds and they typicaly grow out of the purple after a day or 2 so we will see. still got 7 reg Satori and 5 Krystilica seeds left in storage for later down the road but so far im impressed with Mandala products, i cant wait for a few months down the road :D
WOO HOO, let the frun begin.. Greenest of mojo for the Mandala strains!!!!
Im bumed i put my 800 watt to close to my smallest seedling and i micro waved it it dryed out i just forgot to watch in just one hour i thought you were soposed to put them close because of the lighter warmth o well that is why i love this stuff i learn something new every day it was a ront so being inpatence i made a costly mistake. also i burried those night crawlers and boy do they stink decomeposing more organics i think?? anyone no if that was aq good idea.Ithink i will just get me a warm farm anyone no where to get them and the cost?So much reading i fell a sleep 1 am this mourning and got up at 430am abd started my tent system so far i lose 2 2 are growing like crazy but the frankinstein baby is all mutated bad gentics i asume Any one with ant tweeks i can do,so i can improve my grow now i got to order 10 more seeds, any one noes were to get good beans at a good price????????THENK YOU ALL GOD BLESS EVERYONE TODAY IT IS THE LOARDS DAY,LATER 8
well went out yesterday and got myself a tent, carbon filter and a bunch of other necessary things like soil and nutes. took me about 2 hours to get the tent all set up with the light and such but i still have some more work to do today swapping out flanges on my window panel and light hood so i can install the carbon filter, then onto transplants of some Lemon Twist thats ready for flower and upgrading clones from small pots to their full veg pots and hopefuly ill be able to transplant the 3 satori and 3 fruitylicious seedlings out of solo cups and into their veg pots by this weekend, soooo much work to do still but the rewards outweight the hard work needed lol. also ill be able to get some pics up hopefuly this weekend as well.
thanks rose, iv only had the tent for 2 days now and i absolutly LOVE it, i got everything hooked up finally, well kinda, got my filter hung and attached and its working great, i cant believe what a wonder carbon does, its crazy, currently i have the ducting from the fan to the light simply run through the hole in the tent since the HTG store near me was out of extra 6inch flanges till next week so for now it works, iv also got my buddy working on making me a new window panel, need a slightly different dimension now with the new setup. im so happy to finally have a tent, 0 odor is amazing, its nice to smell the fresh air again and not lemony/skunky air seeping throughout my house lol...
well tomorrow iv got yet more work ahead of me, a few transplants and a few moving from veg to flower, and might even harvest a couple plants if they are amber enough. so much hard work but this is such an enjoyable hobby, great smoke as payoff doesnt hurt either ;P