The Cure ;) Questions ;)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2008
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Hi All,

We have taken months to nurse our lady's to full bloom then its chop :-|

Seems like the cure is just as inportant.......

I read "A bud is completely dry, cured, and ready for sale or consumption when the stem in the middle of the bud snaps"

But is it not after the hang and snap there ready to cure?

Is humidity a question?

Small room or buds cure quicker?

If they get too dry when in hang can I spray them?

Sorry for the questions that been asked and answered before :-|

Peace Thanks
Hello spacecake :)

The cure is the most important part of your whole grow, forget everything you have so far done, this is now your deciding time to either have quality or rough and ready.

A bud will feel dry to the touch after hanging, most people think this is dry, it is not, the inside of the bud and its twig wooden framework have moisture in them still, this moisture will be re absorbed into the bud and leaf once put into jars to cure.

Once in jars you need to 'burp' the jar (all this means is open the jar daily for 20 mins) for 2 weeks and then every other day for 2 weeks, you now have cured bud with even moisture content :)

This is how I do it, others do it differently.

Humidity is your enemy, it allows mould spores to infect your buds, both in the hanging stage and curing in jar stage, that is why you 'burp' the jar, it lets damp moisture out and lets dry air in.

Never spray your buds to re moisten them, all you will do is sodden them and that will put you back to stage 1 where you need to re dry your buds.

If moisture is needed for any reason then put a slightly damp bit of paper the size of your thumb nail in the jar with the buds, or some people use a bit of orange peel or potatoe or such things, but I find they mould quicker than the buds so only use the paper :eek:

As I said, this is just the way I do it, others will pop along and tell you how they do it :)

More info here ...
Thanks Hippy ;) Thanks great ;)

When you say "A bud will feel dry to the touch after hanging, most people think this is dry, it is not, the inside of the bud and its twig wooden framework have moisture in them still, this moisture will be re absorbed into the bud and leaf once put into jars to cure"

That mean leave longer then put in pots? Or just when outside da crisp pop them in ?

Great Info for me Love ya ;) Spacecake
While on the subject I had a question about drying. Now I don't have much space and the only place I have to dry my bud is next to where my light hangs. Now I know they should be in a dark place to dry as light degrades the THC, but my light is an LED light that only give of a specific spectrum of red and blue light, nothing else. I guess I was curious as to what part of light destroys THC so I can know whether or not my LED gives it out.
Higher frequency = higher energy. Blue light is at the high end of the spectrum. However, I don't think you need to worry. You need a lot of high frequency energy to destroy the THC, like UVA and UVB in sunlight. Your LED will have none of that. Like, think of curtains that fade in the sun. Same thing. Think your LED lamp would fade curtains? No way!
The real thing you need to worry about is temperature. THC has many different chemical variants (that is why indica and sativa is so different) but heat is the enemy of the 'highest' ones. So above all you need to keep it *cool* in cure and *cool* in store, best in a fridge!
Me, I would pack the cut bud into plain brown (not padded) manila envelopes about letter size, and just leave them in the closet. The paper envelopes allow the bud to dry out slowly so they cure OK, you won't have a mold problem, and they also keep out most of the light. That's what I do and my smoke is pretty nice, smells like cinammon with a lemon tang.
How long does the transition to THC take? to het the max Is it after the first dry or when birbing if put into glass jars?
