Using Sugar to increase bud size?

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Rehab is for Quitters

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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I just came across this in my grass growing says you can use sugar or mollasses to increase bud size. It further explains that the sugar/mollasses/honey will increase soil microbials and make the plant's use of nitrogen more effective. According to this book, bud size will increase by 20% or more when sugar is used during the flower stage.

Has anyone ever tried this? Does it work? If so, how much sugar/mollasses/or honey should I use?

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Ive never tried it but i hear it works. I have read in several magazines that suggest the exact same thing, 20%. Thats not bad and not alot of work either.
After an internet search, I found that you are supposed to add 1 tablespoon of molasses to the water in the last 6 weeks of flower.

Still not sure if this is a myth or not. Has anyone had any experience with this?
the use of "sugars" is to give the plant carbohydrates.

I do this during flowering. I believe it leads to more trich production, hence, more THC. I use it when trichs start forming, stopping at the final 2 weeks of straight water before chopping. my feeding schedule is feed, H2O with carb, H2O.
Yes, during flowering your plants will use their carbohydrate stores quicker then they will use their nutrient stores. So adding simple and complex carbs will give your plants a major boost.

Also all of the benefical bugs will feed on the carbs to stay alive.

Check out carbo-load by advanced nutrients. That is what I use and I love it, this is one product that you will actually be able to see a difference from using it.
nasty stuff , ppl here have tried that i guess when they are curing it or something though , cuz its all sugary ... i only mentioned this cause theres a possibility they do what this thread is about , if not sometime they add the sugar lol ....confused yet , i almost am
Uk1 said:
nasty stuff , ppl here have tried that i guess when they are curing it or something though , cuz its all sugary ... i only mentioned this cause theres a possibility they do what this thread is about , if not sometime they add the sugar lol ....confused yet , i almost am

I am not quite sure what you are trying to say...You are saying people use carbs during their cure? By the way, what is sugary?
sugary is sugar tasting on the weed , lolz im just saying ive bought stuff before that was coated in sugar so if thats to do with this thread i wouldnt advise doing that
I once saw Hick post something about using fruit juice instead of the molassas or sugar and stored it away behind the bong hits.... HICK YOU OUT THERE??!!
Yes, the use of, I beleive it is called, Backstrap or blackstrap molassas is widely used in many nutrient lines.... Liquid Karma has it also. Most nutrient lines have at least one product with the sugars in it now.
Check this out, it will explain what adding carbs does for your plants. I myself like to add both simple and complex carbs. This means not only sugars but also starches.

Carbo-load is 100% organic and can be used in hydroponic systems.

If you grow hydroponically you should only add something if it will totally dissolve because other things can very easily clog pumps or air stones, and they can cause bad bactaria to grow.

Here's a link
I've heard of a reciepe of one cup to one gal, sugar to water. Sugar is suppose to be taken up by the roots and promote a taste as well. But finding a sugar taste in smoke is very difficult :ccc:
Adding sugar/molasses/carbs feeds beneficial bacteria in the soil. Adding humic acids feed beneficial fungi in the soil. I'm not 100% on this but I don't think roots can absorb sugars. The plant produces its own sugars. I read this somewhere and if I can find it will post a link.
i think most of the bloom feeds have carbs in
the one i use has molasses listed as an ingredient
i use flora nectar
FloraNectar is a carbohydrate additive that optimizes the greatest transference of sweetness and aroma into your fruits and flowers. FloraNectar contains all natural raw cane sugar, molasses, malt syrup, select plant based esters, L-amino acids, organic acids, polyflavonoids, vitamins and essential minerals. FloraNectar ensures optimal metabolic rates during the flowering and fruiting phase when nitrogen levels have been reduced. FloraNectar fulfills the additional energy requirements of your plants throughout all phases of growth and during stressful times of transition.
So is there a down-side to adding carbs ... or are there any risks to using it with a soil grow?

I'm trying to figure out why everyone doesn't do this. Seems so easy, cheap and low tech, but this is the first I've ever heard of it.

Also, I am in week 5+ of flower right now. Should I start using it now or is it too late for this harvest?

Thanks for all the replies.
what nute are you using now... You might be using them already and not know it heh.
Rehab is for Quitters said:
I just came across this in my grass growing says you can use sugar or mollasses to increase bud size. It further explains that the sugar/mollasses/honey will increase soil microbials and make the plant's use of nitrogen more effective. According to this book, bud size will increase by 20% or more when sugar is used during the flower stage.

Has anyone ever tried this? Does it work? If so, how much sugar/mollasses/or honey should I use?


Go to grocery store, get both mollasses and fructose. try a very small amount of each, you will like the results.
u can use it when ever its not gunna hurt it doesnt add more nutes to your plant it jus adds sugar i am going to acctual flush my plant with flora nectar bcus it helps speed up sugar tranfer not only dat your smoke will taste 100% better inda long run