Warfish's first real grow

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Warfish they find d.b.cooper in there yet? A Garden of green my friend, good job!
Thank you, the chef :) It is kind of nice that my biggest problem to date is now having to decide what ones go and what stays, hehe :) This is thanks to the MP forum for sure :D I have 6 that are undetermined on sex still but in my eyes at least 4 of those are looking like girls. So I may have to sacrafice a girl or two in order to make room over the next week or so as they sex.
I have thinned out the crop some and am hoping these will have enough room to make it now. I had 15 5 gl buckets on the floor 4 days ago and am now down to 10. Removed 4 and moved one up to the throne :)

The remaining plants are...
3 White Widow
3 Northern Lights
1 California Hash Plant
1 Blue Hash Plant
1 Kandy Kush x Skunk
1 LA Confidential x Skunk
1 Sleestack x Skunk

One thing I am not lacking is variety, hehe :D

Here is a pic as of a few minutes ago.

Well, I thought I could make it with 10 plants on the floor, but I just cant make my girls suffer in a cramped environment :( So I removed 2 more plants today and took clones from them for possible future use. I really hope I dont regret this decision of giving the remaining ones more room. It was very stressful to come to this decision, heh. I just dont want a stretched out and uneven SoG that I'm unable to deal with. :eek:

So anyway.... :) Current room temps are 75-76 daytime and 62-64 night. Humidity has been between 45%-60% depending on how recent I have watered. The plants are covering a footprint of 5'x4' with a 1000w lamp, so the lumens are at 7,500 lps :D
Currently feeding 1 tsp MaxiGrow, 1 tsp CalMag, and 1 tsp blackstrap molasses per gallon on every other watering, I will be adding Gravity at week 5. Very slight tip burn was apparent a few days after first feeding but looks fine now so I will stay with same dose for now.

Here is a pic as of a this afternoon with 8 plants left on the floor, down from 15...

Hey man, been awhile since I stopped in, looks like you are handeling everything smoothly! Good call on giving the girls some elbow room. I know it's hard to do, but you will probably yeild more with fewer happy plants than more cramped plants...it's wierd how that works...but it is what it is. My first attempt at indoor I crammed 8 plants in a 1 1/2x3x6' closet type thing. Under a 400w light, and ended up with 30 g/plant...when I cut it down the next grow with fewer of the same plants I got 50g/plant out of 6 plants. When I did 4 plants I got 80g/plant...so you can see how that works. I built a bigger room, added more light an extra 600w...and still only went with 6 plants, but the results on this one are not in yet. I'm just trying to show you that more plants doesn't equal more yeild.

Looks like you got it all under control man! Keep it up!
Thanks for stopping in and for all the nice comments everyone :)

Green is my favorite color, OHC :D

Legalize, I dont think I will regret removing the plants I did. It is now so much easier to get in and water and care for what I do have, so I think there life will be of higher quality cause of it :)

Everything is showing alot of pistils already, weee! :p The Northern Lights has the smell of my very favorite smoke I have tried before, it is already making my mouth water! lol.

While my wife does not puff, she does fully support me with this project. Especially since it has really brought me out of a deep depression that I had been dealing with for years. This last couple months I have been alive again it seems, hehe :) A good hobby is a great thing!
Warfish just wanted to say hello and take a look at what you had going on over here.. I too over the last six months have been very very down' the an who too me under his wing.. a girl in an all male union and taught me everything i know that makes me good at what i do was killed in an on site accident i was six feet away ' this does give me something well not fully legal but positive to do with my time... of track your stuff looks great
Thanks for stopping in fruity86 :) Your good karma is helping my girls I think!

BBB, Nice to see you taking a look here :) Glad your feeling a bit better now ;)

My girls are getting huge already :D I got really stoned tonight and started looking at pics of them and so now I have to post today's pic, hehe! As you can see they have already filled in the open spaces I made for them. My wife says there growing so fast it's like out of a Stephen King novel, Attack of the Killer Indicas! If made into a tv movie I'm sure Fox would pick it up.

oh your in for a treat...glad to see the freebies stay the same size.
Hey PUFF MONKEY :) Good to see you stopping in! I'm getting some good growing karma from the wide audience now, hehe

Well, I guess I better update my grow list, as it has changed since the last update of it. I removed a couple more plants, took clones from them for future use. It was a very difficult decision to pick what to keep and what to let go. I pretty much decided to go back to the grass roots of my grow, heh. That being the classic strains of White Widow and Northern Lights. So I kept 3 of each of those. I am actually down to only one of the DNA freebies in my garden at this time. I kept the LA Confidential x Skunk. So the new grow list is...

3 White Widow
3 Northern Lights
1 Blue Hash
1 Califorina Hash
1 LA Confidential x Skunk

There all over 24" now except one NL that I tied down when it went to 12/12 (the plant on the throne)
Ladies are jamming warfish! Just started three of the freebies myself. Big time mojo to ya!
lookin' really nice warfish... I'm sure with a little refining to the title a network might just pic that flic up. lol
Green Mojo to War~ and his ladies!:hubba: :D :holysheep:
the chef, Thank you for the green mojo! :) Your green mojo power is strong!

lordhighlama, Thank you for stopping in! Think we can get Quentin Tarantino to direct it? :D

2Dog, Thank you much for the green mojo, and for the green mojo for my girls, hehe :)

Nothing out of the ordinary to report at this time. The girls are taking 1 gl every 3rd day, every other watering is with nute's. LA Confidential x Skunk is the only one of my girls asking for more nute's, I shall oblige her in 3 days :) all the rest still show very slight tip burn 3 days after feeding.

My favorite girl from early on (White Widow) has just gotten to be even more of my favorite as she matures. Her color is a beautiful lime green coloring. She has a ton of branching and by far the thickest stock of all my girls at the base. She looks very indica dominant to me, petite little leaves and excellent branching with many colas. She is also the furthest along on budding too. I have taken 4 clones from her that all look to be doing well so far :) All the others I only took 2 clones from.

Pic of the garden then a pic of the White Widow #1 that is my favorite and it's lil baby buddage, day 11 of 12/12 :D

**edit I must be really stoned, thats alot of perma grin in this post!




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