When should you first transport?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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I have 4 week old seedlings in solo cups and plan to transport them twice. Since i cannot see the roots I am curious to how long it will take the root system to fill the cup and then transport?
do it when you can pull the soil out of the cup and it holds it shape.
Amon1011 said:
I have 4 week old seedlings in solo cups and plan to transport them twice. Since i cannot see the roots I am curious to how long it will take the root system to fill the cup and then transport?

To be honest and at a guess, about anytime. Work the whole plant & soil out of the cup, if you see a lot of roots...transplant...if you don't...do it anyway, you got the plant out, less shock for it later, and just like death, sooner or later you're going have to do it anyway... :D
I start mine out in 4in pots.When it is time to start and give nutes(around week 3),is the time I transplant into there final resting spot.Either 4 gal containers or 1 gal pots,depending on how big I want my plants and what room they are gonna flower in.Keep it GREEN:D
I transplanted from solo-cups at about 2 weeks from seed and my babies could not have been happier! The best thing is to cut the solo cup open, and has been said, take ALL the soil and root and plant with you when you transplant. You'll definitely be able to see the roots when you open up the solo cups! :-D

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