Would it be totally crazy to fly and try and take some weed along.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
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Dixie land
Have any of you flown since 911 and taken weed along for the trip or do you think maling it to where your going is a better idea or would you just try and score a bag their. Slim
I wouldn't take the chance to try and travel with it. is it worth it. if you have a cannabus card, you can find a local dispensary. that's what I do.
if you packaged it right, you would probably get it through, but those random searchs ****. I got stuck in one for no reason. they said it was just random on my boarding pass. searched all my carry on bags and made me strip and they made me miss my plane
I don't fly.
But I do know people that have.:hubba:
Where u plannin on going?:rolleyes:
Inside yer own country, shouldn't be any problem, so long as you know where to put it....ummm..........yah in/up there! :eek:

Say you go to Mexico or the Dominican, they sometimes have dogs. :holysheep:

Have you ever noticed when they bring in the K-9's that if a female dog was on premise, that the dogs are no longer effective?
There's no way that LEO can prevent Nature from taking it's course! Hormones can't be supressed, not even in the most highly trained dogs. Just like boyz will be boyz, and dogs will be dogs!
If I was gonna fly, I'd visit a female shepard and a rotty that are in heat and rub my suitcase and all my belongings on them.

Pheromones can be shot across a room, unlike men's hormones that are secreted by close contact only.

I once seen a bust go down and they brought in the dogs.........only to have to take them out for the guyz had 2 females dogs. The K-9's go crazy when they smell a female in heat and won't be effective or used.
I knew a friend who did this on one of my company flights. He made it through- granted we landed in denver and smoked, but no way I would do that..

I always get harassed by TSA or whatever they are called. Must be my boyish good looks...

Dont do it..

Think of it as taking a break and weakening your tolerance.

with high security and etc etc.

is it worth the legal cost/drama/headache to get caught with an 1/8th
on your persons. If you get caught you will be t hought of the dumbest
person alife. KNowing how security is and to still risk it.

everyone is going to think you deserve what you get.
if u rub the dog smell on ur stuff like oscar said and the dogs start sniffin your baggage and goin crazy they will no somethin is up and ask you to open thoes suitcases ,that would just be drawing attition thoes men work with thoes dogs all day if your bag smells like a femaile in heat its gonna draw all kinds of attition to your bags lol
Try to score a bag there. Heck just going from east coast to vegas since 911 plenty of security...i wouldn't try it. If you can't score just drink and have fun. Everywhere I have gone...I was able to at least partake with someone.
Plus you are under federal law, not state. just stepped up from simple possession to what ever the feds wanna chuck at you.
Not smart, don't do it. I won't even fly commercial since 911,,,,what a hassle, much less consider stashing some bud on me.
thats why i love drivin cross the country...i agree with the "dont do it"crew!
Yea i mean i brought a few bags on a domestic flight with me...I just put them in the pocket of my jeans in my carry on bag, had no problems. Usually they dont have k-9s for domestic flights.
Yea but usually they are either looking for bombs or large quantities of drugs. If they catch you with a few bags im sure they wont prosecute you to the fullest extent. Its all about what your comfortable with though.
depends on where i am going, see if it's still within the borders i'd take my own, and then score some more while i'm away...

if i'm going into canada, **** f-takin my own, they got some betta buds anyway, I'm a big fan of all you guys and gals out there that grow me some bomb BC Creeper....

anywhere else i'd just get it there.... and i wouldn't mail it... cos yeah, i think the post men would smell it and be like... Mmm... More Free Marijuana Guys!
Ok... here's a little advice from a crazy canadian on trying to fly around with weed on your persons... here's a story for ya...

this guy I know was flying out of Vancouver International back in Jan 2000 to Florida to see his baby girl for the first time, as she was born there a week earlier. On the way to the airport, he told the cab driver his plans to see his newborn, so the cabbue offered to smoke a joint with him on the ride to the airport.

of course, being a stoner and not having any on him cuz he was flying, he accepted... big mistake. while he was standing in line to board, some dog wandered up and sat beside him while he was standing in line. cuz he was stoned, he thought someone had lost their seeing eye dog or something so he just petted it and asked out loudly if anyone had lost their dog... k, u can stop laughing now - I said, buddy was stoned :banana: :banana: :banana:

anyways... the only person that responded was some airport employee that was flanked by 2 rather large security dudes. buddy was asked to go with them so they could talk... in a small room, in private.

He was told the drug sniffing dog picked him out for an interview. "any reason why the dog singled u out?" buddies bags were searched as well as his person. "do I have to do a more thorough search?" was asked as he pulled out a box of latex gloves.... "OHHH NO! NO!... ok... the cab driver smoked a joint with me on the ride over here." buddy told him - which was the truth, and the employee just smiled and said ok.

buddy missed his scheduled flight, so the employee reschedule another for him later that day. by this time he wasn't stoned no more, so he went and sat in the lounge drinking for 6 hours until it was time to go.

even though he was never charged or anything, it's now on his record that he was searched at the airport on suspision of transporting narcotics. that comes up whenever he leaves the country or tries to come back in. so my advice is, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT ATTEMPTING IT, just look for it wherever you end up - it's everywhere, and you might even get something better than u r used to... that's how it is for me.

that's the story of my "buddy"... hope it makes u think....


smoke 'em if ya got 'em :smoke1:
you could roll a couple joints and stick them in the coin pocket in your jeans. they won't be felt when you get patted. at least they don't at the ballgames...dont overdue it. they won't be in the best of condition when you get to where your going but...........

i've never seen a drug dog in an airport personally but i wouldn't risk it. Grass is just to easy to get wherever it is your going. As a matter of fact, i could swear i had seen a website to help locate it.
Oscar said:
If I was gonna fly, I'd visit a female shepard and a rotty that are in heat and rub my suitcase and all my belongings on them.

I don't know man, wouldn't this draw more attention to your bag? Not to mention everything you own would smell like dog :)

I'm with the "it's not worth it" sect.
i have crossed the country with a couple layovers 3mons after 911 no probs, are you m or f, and where are you going, i also brought stuff back from the cannibus cup after 911, no probs, i hid them both differently each time, it none worth the risk but it can be done if you d rather smoke ur ****

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