Wow, I actually got a reply from a Senate Member

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
well i got bored (high) one day so i wrote a member of my Senate of SC. well i have to say i was surprised he wrote back but the thought the guy put behind it was even more disturbing cause he actually has common sense. and yes it was a pre wriiten one from some website that i sent him. so here is my e-mailing back and forth.

Dear Representative,,

It is understood that while marijuana has been essentially illegal since 1937, the prohibition of this plant has not worked. There have been studies done that prove it has medical uses, if it didn't than the synthetic drug Marinol would not exist. It has also been proven that in recreational use it does less harm than alcohol. Please look at how much our government spends on trying to fight something that is of no threat to our society. Realize how many other ways that money could be spent to make this a stronger country. Also, look into how much more money the country would make through taxation, like it does with alcohol and tobacco. Don't be afraid to stand up and say this to your fellow politicians. We, your constituents, are asking you to do this for us and for our country.

Thank you for sharing your views. I would answer your inquiry the following way:

First, in states that have enacted legislation to legalize marijuana, I would research to find if there have been abuses and the extent of such abuses that have been reported.

I would also want to hear from the medical community about how prescribing and dispensing would be monitored so that prescriptions would not be prescribed for virtually any pain condition. For your information, I have not had a doctor contact me saying that such a need exists from the prospective you propose, although I am sure there are doctors that think as you do. The obvious question would have to be: Are there other painkillers that will accomplish the same result as marijuana?

I believe that the use of marijuana often leads to the use of other drugs that are stronger and more addictive. I have seen this with clients who began using when they were young and escalated to various addictions. Thus, I would have to be thoroughly convinced that it is possible to narrowly prescribe this drug as you recommend.

Further, I would have to see how the legalization has worked in other states, and would have to be advised by the medical community that there is a pressing need for legalization of the drug.

My instinctive reaction would be to decline such legislation unless overwhelming evidence, such as I have discussed above, could be produced.

However, I will certainly keep your views in mind should such legislation be introduced.


David L. Thomas

Hope this goes through and isn't a one way e-mail address. Let me first say I'm glad you took the time to answer with a real answer unlike other people that hold office.

You ask a really good question about the abuse, but forget about what medicine hasn't been abused. Let me give you an example, i went to the doctors not to long ago for a cold, while i was sitting there in the room waiting for the doctor to come and check me, i noticed on the door a sign that said "This office will not prescribe Percocet for more than 30 days". that right there should tell you something about abuse. its human nature whether we want to accept it or not and it doesn't matter if the drug is legal or not its going to be abused.

To answer your second question, lets look at other options for medicine and legal ones at that. Do you like to be dizzy, possible bleeding, vomiting, anal drainage, birth defects, itching, diarrhea, death etc...... Marijuana: Sleepiness, hunger, happiness. Now don't get me wrong, different medicines will work better for others and marijuana isn't going to be for everyone but why not allow an option for another that is safer and more natural than most if not all medicine that we can get now? Marijuana has been used for centuries and thousands of years as medicine. Lets not forget marijuana was used in the states as medicine before becoming an evil stipulation in everyone's mind.

You state that marijuana acts as a gateway drug, let me assure you it does not. Fact is when you have a drug dealer selling marijuana, he/she does not just sell marijuana. They will sale anything they can get there hands on and since you are already buying one thing well why not try to push meth, cocaine or whatever to make more money and to get you addicted so they can sell you more. Also drug dealers are not going to care about age. So when marijuana is sold with other drugs its no wounder we see people with addictions to hard drugs, and why you have seen them. if it was legal this will drop if not drop dramatically. Look at the Netherlands as an example cause they have one of the lowest drug addiction rates in the WORLD, now keep in mind its just decriminalized not legal there. meaning growing is still illegal. there shops are allowed to keep so much on hand and no more. is that not a clue as to what can happen here, cause i see it. Not to mention that young teens are less likely to try other hardcore drugs and marijuana there since it is taken out of the black market.

if it was legal for a pharmacy to sell or a compassionate center, we would have to allow the growing of it. Reason being is that we would have to monitor the centers. Look at California for example, they allow centers to sell it but really have no way to monitor the growing so the Gov. there doesn't know whats going out the back door. What is needed is a series of protocols that would say you can have x amount of plants then when they harvest them, they would have to keep a log of how much is processed. The growing sites could even be under Gov. control, more or less like the health inspectors.

It amazes me that we as Americans can't choose what we put in our bodies. Is it really a crime if we want to smoke some MJ? Are we hurting anyone? Who's hurting who when were at home smoking? Were not hurting anyone, and the pushiment for this is really absurd and just disgusting. The law is to protect others from someone else, unless there intentionally trying to hurt themselfs. Do we not as an American have no Pursuit to Happiness? Is this what this country is coming to? All i ask is make a plant legal with laws governeing it, like any law it will take time to figure out what will work and what will not work just like any other law. No law has been perfect when it hits the books and becomes law. MJ is worse than Cocaine on the drug scheduling laws as it stands now, its just not right.
I get personal replies from mine. me and my gf have gotten maybe 4.

be sure to point out tho in the future that marinol doesn't work and why it is a scheme to return profits to big pharma.

we dont want it legalized but only if they grow it(i.e. morphine from poppies, illegal to grow poppies)
I've ben sittin here trying to figure out how to respond to the letter I just got back from my state rep. I hope I can make as good of a argument as you did.
If you can work up some type of relation ship with him try to get him to meet you in person maybe take him fishing, then hit him with a j lol.. maybe thats all it would take. I bet He would think of a reason pretty quik to get himself some mmj.
I cant upload powerpoint files with this site's uploader, but i have a speach/slideshow i made for college a few years ago ill give ya. it has some good key points and cited sources you could look into. it was a general overview of all drug prohibition. pm me an email addy if ja ant it.
Hg, ive been thinking that. im fed up and im intelligent. im also very bored with time to waste. maybe i should just try and give it a shot.

If they would actually pay attention to science i would have no prob driving aroudn the state showing them all clear simple reasons why and science to back it up.

id wait outside for hrs. why not.

if it didnt work i could make a list of name and hit the local public news with a story about how reps from X# of districts are so readily ignoring open clear and concise information.
Did any 1 hear after we took over afganaistan the very 1st thing we did was to increase poppy production 400% the gov does not want to legalize drugs .guys there making to much money off it.... plus they want to keep the crime lvls up. They could wipe out crime over night if they wanted to
crime keeps us in fear and in need of big brother to protect us and keeps our minds distracted from bigger issues they dont want us thinking about

were only as free as the chain they have us on lets us be..
srry if this broke any rules about no politics
i wanna see your letters. i think soe people on here would write letters but dont know what to say.. so if you have one to cut and paste put it up for athers to work off of.. we need to get as many of them out there as possible..
thanks lowrider for yours
Hey Lowrider! Please keep us updated, if you get a 2nd response! :)
I would post my letters for you but they were typed, and im sure saved and archived thus tied to my home address and my name and information. ill summarize, but no verbatim. I would have a month ago, but my district had its election blitzed by some douche with hot money and won. i don't trust him(or his responses). the old rep was far more intelligent. you could just see it in his sentence structure and what he talked about.

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