Your best smoke ever?

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Starfish Enhancer
Jan 18, 2009
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What is your most memorable smoke?

Mine was smoking naked, in the shower. First time smoking in house. Munchies close, cartoons on, bed!
I dont understand your answer or I dont understand the question.
nah, he means your most memorable time while high.

mine was probably the time i got busted at school.. smoked some crazy stuff a friend took off his dad. we were dumb though, and didn't skip. just smoked between classes, then went to class and stunk the place up.
needless to say we got busted.. but sitting in the office, hilarity ensued.. another buddy walked in and said "you guys look wasted", to which my buddy replied "i'm F-ing wrecked" not knowing the principal was standing right behind him.. then seconds later when the principal asked if we'd been smoking pot, my buddy so calmly replies "nope" lol

nothing spectacular, but it was so comical.
Well the best herb ive smoked i got off my old dealer way back in the day. He needed some baggies and said he would hook us up if me and my friend brought him some. Well, we did. We already got some dank ish off him but this was danker. Just one of those herbz that have that super strong tangy sour smell that makes ur mouth water. Long story short i think it may have been laced wit something but,in any case, aint nothin touched it since......maybe thats a good

As far as favorite time smokin. Sorry but me and my girl love smokin while well u know....gettin it on. I know u bong tokers might not be able to relate but i chief on the blunts so it's great. Best of both worlds. I try not to get ash on her
best smoke i ever had was while a student of emergency medicine. i sat front row with a buddy of mine, and we daily traded "head of the class" honors. (which in itself should say something against stereotyping stoners)

we pulled an all day study session before class one night. on our way to get something to eat we smoked a little bowl of some mexi-shwag, however my friend pulled out this little black/red hash rock and scraped a super fine powder onto it. i have NEVER been so high in my life. we went to class and couldn't contain our giggle fits. our prof asked us to leave the room and came out into the hall to ask us if we were high. i'm not a good liar, and told him we were "slightly toasted". he asked us if he could use us as an example of what "people on marijuana look like". we weren't in any real position to argue and went back into the class, where we were mauled like guine pigs, having our vitals taken etc. the class was astonished, and some people were quite obviously jealous of our fortune. we were never talked down to, or treated any differently by the professor. we did make a few new "friends" however!!

we both passed the class #1-2. :stoned:
:goodposting:Best Smoke I Inhaled....:p
Grand Daddy Purple, Purple Erkle, Or Lavender.

All Of those I got off my dealer from Cali. He grew some hydro and it was CHRONIC:fly:
benamucc said:
best smoke i ever had was while a student of emergency medicine. i sat front row with a buddy of mine, and we daily traded "head of the class" honors. (which in itself should say something against stereotyping stoners)

we pulled an all day study session before class one night. on our way to get something to eat we smoked a little bowl of some mexi-shwag, however my friend pulled out this little black/red hash rock and scraped a super fine powder onto it. i have NEVER been so high in my life. we went to class and couldn't contain our giggle fits. our prof asked us to leave the room and came out into the hall to ask us if we were high. i'm not a good liar, and told him we were "slightly toasted". he asked us if he could use us as an example of what "people on marijuana look like". we weren't in any real position to argue and went back into the class, where we were mauled like guine pigs, having our vitals taken etc. the class was astonished, and some people were quite obviously jealous of our fortune. we were never talked down to, or treated any differently by the professor. we did make a few new "friends" however!!

we both passed the class #1-2. :stoned:

WOW! Where u live Utopia?;)
HHHHHHUUUUUUUMMMMM I smoke to much to have a favorate time oh nevermind my favorite time getting high is when ever i get high lol
i wish i could smoke with my mom or dad they used to but quite idk why tho lol alot of my family used to smoke i unly got 1 uncle that still dose and a brother my second oldest brother quit because hes going into the army i told him BBBOOOOOOOOOOO you suck he just laught and said got to do something their are really no jobs around and he just got fired over bullshit
Haha this might not have been my best smoke ever but it was definitly one of the most memorable; The time I almost swallowed the joint.

I was in a car with a bunch of older guys I didn't really know that well, but I was matching on a fat joint, they were sooooo stoked on the joint and when they were done rolling it they passed it to me for sparks. As I was lighting it they were conversating to themselves on how excited they were to smoke it, Wellllll this was the first time ever I almost swallowed a whole joint, I was sucking in alot of air around the joint and woops, I inhaled it into the back of my throat, I then spent the next couple of seconds choking and sticking my fingers to the back of my mouth, I then pulled the joint out, was kinda gooey, but noone saw a thing haha, so I continued to light and pass the damn thing haha.
No contest. It would be the lid of Northern Californian I bought off a Garberville logger back in 1980, which I took to the Grateful Dead concert that Christmas, got invited back to join the band in Napa Valley after the concert, and had a time that must have been simply wonderful because the only thing I can remember is that Barbara who I met at the party refused to hook up with me.
Smoking fresh #75M Hand Washed Home made Bubble............


I recon the best has yet to come.....:ciao:
While not my best time smoking, one of my more memorable times was when I was still living with my parents. My parents never had any problems with me smoking pot, their drug talk was "stay away from hard drugs and don't get caught." They both smoked in their younger days, but not anymore. Despite this I still felt the need to keep my habit on the down low. So, I was smoking a joint in my bedroom in the basement, thinking my parents had already gone to bed. Suddenly I hear someone in the other room "Smells pretty good down here." My mom had come down to put some clothes in the dryer. She then asks if she can have a puff. I felt like saying no, but I was smoking grass in their house, so I also felt like that answer was not even an option. So I said yes. I take a drag off the J and hand it to her... Honestly the weirdest moment I have ever had smoking. Felt like I was handing a dildo to a nun. She took a couple of puffs and promptly went to bed. The incident was never mentioned again. The first and only time I ever smoked with either of my parents. I still get a chuckle out of it over a decade later.
I'm with OldPainless the time i smoked with my grannie we were camping and i was rolling one when she came out of the camper 1st thing in the morning. She asked me what I was doing and I said twisting one up you wanna try? only asking as a joke and she said sure fire it up so I did. I took a big draw and handed it to her thinking she would not take it. But to my suprise she took it and hit on that thing like she was a war cheif sitting around the camp fire and I almost fell right out of my seat...LOL.. so we sat there and smoked away I'll never forget it....take care..
I;m just a wishin and hoping I haven't smoked it yet hopefully its in the closet now!!
Glad to c this thread i got a 37 year old daughter thats watched me and her mom get high all her life, her folks are fiends dopefiends on the skunk bud i just love it but she will not smoke with us, shes married smokes with her old man, smokes with all my old buds she known all her life but won't toke with her popa, *** ,I feel like a ugly stepfather lol, I really liked to see the erkle posted on here,thats what i'm doing now in my grow room I got 4 big girls that produced 20 nice clones a erkle grow with White widow waiting in the wings lol, check it out in the photos just gonna post a pic, i seen the flowers starting this morning and i tell u things are getting stinkyyyy
probably the first time i smoked weed. i remember it vividly i was about 12 or and my friend B.j. and these other kids went into the local store after biking around. i got white milk and he got gatoraide...we went back up to the skate park and he pulled out a little bag of this shigity-shwag he stole from his brother. we went behind the bleachers and packed it in this bowl that he has fashioned out of skotch tape and tin foil....i hit it then passed it and then he hit and passed it, and then BARFFFF... i puked up the whole 12oz milk i had just drank all over this kid i didnt really know that was with us...HAHA...i wonder what happened to those kids..i know one of em is in jail for smuggling like 18lbs of mushrooms
I have a exciting time to share. It was long ago with my male companion Tony from Brazil. We spend the holiday weekend at a woodin cabin in the forest. He brout with him some marihuana that was not liek any I had tryed.

The whoel weekend was spent exploring every inch of eachotters bodies. It was mindblowwing. A few short days I will remember 4 a lifetime. He was the most wonderfel. I wonder what every happened to Tony.

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