Your Highs and Lows

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103° F | 67° F
39° C | 19° C ..

xx to tt
Here in ontario, Canada
around 20 degrees celculis during the day and this month i have seen a few nights down to 5 degrees celculis, so getting chilly some nights.
this week's been a little cooler in my parts now...around 89 F - 66 F
108f high yesterday
55f low last night
Northern Ca.

Apparent Temp. 33 °C

High Past 6 Hrs. 34 °C

Wind Chill 32 °C

Low Past 6 Hrs. 32 °C
Here in the northeastern USA we are at 2500' high 70's to mid 80's during the day and bottoming out at 58-70's in the evening.Quite comfy :D
Humidity 82 %
Cloud Cover 72 %
Visibility 11 km
Max Temp. 34 °C
Min Temp. 19 °C
High Past 6 Hrs. 20 °C
Low Past 6 Hrs. 19 °C
Max Temp. 25 °C
Min Temp. 13 °C
High Past 6 Hrs. 14 °C
Low Past 6 Hrs. 13 °C

Apparent Temp. 11 °C
High Past 6 Hrs. 13 °C

Low Past 6 Hrs. 9 °C

Precip Past 24 Hrs. 4.1 mm

Humidity 95 %:eek:
Hourly Weather Summary
Saturday Afternoon, October 4
FRANCE Hourly Weather

1c / 34f at this moment at 6am

High expected to be 11c / 52f

We had an air frost, this is the back of a car this morning.

2 frost.JPG
Kinda early frost for you hu, hip

DAmp start to the day in France

Apparent Temp. 13 °C

High Past 6 Hrs. 14 °C

Wind Chill 9 °C

Humidity 94 %
Western Romania.

Highest (aside from me):16 C - 60F

Lowest: 6 C - 42 F

Been raining for 2 days now. Incoming fog for another 2, then sunlight again .

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