24/0 or 18/6

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2009
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I just read an arcticle at 420magazine.com that states a plant grows more efficiently at night working on stored energy then id does during the day while it is storing the energy. Check it out and tell me what you think.

change the x's to t's
Well i use 18/6 cos thats how i was shown and cos thats when they do the most growing and that for me has just confirmed it so thanx :)
stully said:
I just read an arcticle at 420magazine.com that states a plant grows more efficiently at night working on stored energy then id does during the day while it is storing the energy. Check it out and tell me what you think.

change the x's to t's

The link is not to an article--it is just a posting in the forum and looks to me to just be someone's opinion. I see nothing to back up the statements made. We know that cannabis is a C3 plant, that it needs no dark period, and that it photosynthesizes as long as it has light, water, nutes, etc. Someone is going to have to show me controlled experiments to make me believe that 18/6 is better than 24/7.
I have ran side by side comparisons. Though not under scientifically "contoled" conditions, they were very close.
What I determined/deduced, was that "I" got very similar 'amounts' of growth, same number of nodes....BUT.. 24/0 reduces stretching and produces tighter internodal growth.
what about male to female ratio ? i read somewhere that 24/0 has a tendancey to produce more males - i think it was a jorge cervantes vid
In my opinion, 24/0 is better. I've never done experiments to test it but I have great results with 24/0 so that's what I will be sticking with. Just my thoughts. Take care and be safe.
yea same here. i prefer 24/7.
no reason really ive done both.......i just think its easier
The Hemp Goddess said:
The link is not to an article--it is just a posting in the forum and looks to me to just be someone's opinion. I see nothing to back up the statements made. We know that cannabis is a C3 plant, that it needs no dark period, and that it photosynthesizes as long as it has light, water, nutes, etc. Someone is going to have to show me controlled experiments to make me believe that 18/6 is better than 24/7.

I made no claim to it being absolute truth, I threw it out for discussion to get more "opinions". Isn't that what a forum is for?
viper said:
what about male to female ratio ? i read somewhere that 24/0 has a tendancey to produce more males - i think it was a jorge cervantes vid

Thats a good question/theory where can I read more about it. I also heard basically the same thing. A guy claimed 24/0 added a bit of stress and could ultimately add enough stress to cause herme. Once again I don't know if this is truth or if there was any real basis for this guys hypothesis, maybe I can dig it up and post the link.
stully said:
I made no claim to it being absolute truth, I threw it out for discussion to get more "opinions". Isn't that what a forum is for?

easy, THG was just doing her part to ensure that your "link" was not confused with an article of undeniable proof, rather an anecdotal post that shouldnt be taken as fact without more research.

she was in the right imo.;)
Yeah i always suggest 24/0 if you want the most out of your plants according to height restrictions. But most people choose 18/6 to save money, or give themselves time to not worry about checking there baby's, also because of temp problems.. I just say if you can do it than go 24...
due to summer heat, ive made the switch from 24/0 to 18/6.

So far, i have noticed increased stretching but thats it. If it makes it easier to take cuttings this way, then i wont be going back. Im tired of taking 2-3" cuttings because they grow so tightly due to the amount of light im giving them.

either way, there is obviously no reason for 24/0 lighting, its a waste of power and the plants use the dark period for advanced root growth.

Does it really make a difference??? I submit that it does not and have tried both with no real differences other than tighter nodes.

hope this helps

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