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Active Member
May 21, 2009
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Hey everyone,

I used to post on another board but they suck and i cant get any help out of anyone over there so I thought i'd see what wise people here have to say...

I am very sad this morning. I came home last night to check on my kush plant that is about a month in 12/12 and it didnt look very happy. I think the lights were on for three to three and a half hours with now water in the res.

I forgot that there was almost no water in the dwc yesterday before the lights came on and my plant has shriveled.

Does anyone have any advice on how to save this? I added water, hygrozyme and a some light nutes but is there anything else i can do?

If anyone has had this happen and has been able to bring the plants back, how long did it take?

thanks in advance
I have had it happen, I found that the roots engulfed the air stone in my DWC and after that the stone would not work properly. I had to move them to a new res with new air stones. Make sure your air stones are still working. I would just go plain water for a while, say 12-24 hours and then add the nutes. If she is really dried out you might want to lightly spray her with some plain ph adjusted water, but I would do this VERY lightly and be sure to have a fan on her. She should be back within 24 hours if all is well and she wasn't left dry too long. Having air blowing across the leaves allows them to respire faster and the plants will drink more water.
Hey thanks a lot man...so you say keep the fans on? I was wondering because some branches are limp and kinda flopping around with the fan on them.

I will check the air stones thanks for that too

I put three gallons in the res last night and only added enough nutes for one gallon so 1/3 strength...you suggest adding more water to dilute more or drain and refill with plain water?

She looks so sad today about the same as last nite, we will see what happens when the lights go back on.

as far as drying out...its not as bad as i remember it the first time. Only 1 or 2 leaves are crispy to the touch and everything is still nice and green just sad and shriveled looking

I HATE MY STUPID MISTAKES...luckily Ive already taken clones, if worst case senario comes to be.

Thanks Again man i really appreciate it and any other advice is welcome

The Effen Gee said:
What do the roots look like?

If they are way brown and slimy your screwed.


I will check the roots too!

You guys are great - keep the words of wisdom coming

yea I keep an oscillating fan in my grow room at all times. The constant blowing air will strengthen the stems. The ones flopping around can just be tied up if need be. Any chance you have a pic you can put up? You will get a lot more help that way.

I didn't mention it since you probably already know being a DWC grower, but check your ph, check your ph, check your ph. It is even more important right now as your plant is trying to absorb everything it can.
Im using gallon jugs of distilled water...the pH runs a little higher than the RO water I have used in the past not much though.

Ideally, my pH should be around 6. Right?
I'm using pH test strips and its reading about 6.2. Is that a big deal?

Thanks again man just sprayed the plant...hopefully things look up by tomorrow, stil gotta look at the roots, tonight.


I'll work on a picture
the leaves are a little more brittle than i thought
For DWC you should be running your pH between about 5.5 and 6.0. You need a digital pH meter to accurately test your pH. The pH scale in expotential like the Richter scale, so .2 can be a big deal. I would not be giving any nutes at all now. I ran out of water in my DWC once when I had to leave town unexpectedly for a family emergency one time. One plant survived and one didn't....
So everything looks the same as it did the day before. If she was going to come back i would have noticed something over the last 24 hrs right?

This sucks I dont think my cutting are rooting either.
I dread the thought of starting from seed again.
Not brown not slimey, they look alright.
They were flowering. I've been thinking about throwing the lights on for 18 or 24 hours to see if that creates any new growth. I dont think the leaves are going to come back to life.

I take that back the roots are not healthy...there are some that look ok but I dont think its gonna make it back

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