Another Bust and another Bad Rap for MMJ

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Grow Pretty Flowers
May 24, 2007
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4/10/2008 Fresno, CA (KFSN) -- Fresno police discover a home that had been turned into an indoor marijuana garden. The bust wouldn't have happened if someone hadn't robbed a nearby fast food restaurant.
Police looking for a robber in northwest Fresno found much more.
Investigators found 300 marijuana plants growing in this home, which is right next to an elementary school.
Officers spent several hours Wednesday night boxing up 3 rooms filled with the plants. A man suspected of robbing a Taco Bell was believed to living at the house. Investigators searched the home and found the plants instead.
Sergeant Doug Zavala with the Fresno Police Department said, "It was all in the house. Different rooms in the house. I believe there were 2 or 3 bedrooms as well as the front room. There were plants. They were in all different stages of growth at the time." Police arrested 29-year old Michael Beckman for growing the plants. Police still have not caught the Taco Bell robber.

Here is a link to the video story

300 plants for personal use? Nope !!
300 plants for medical use ? Nope
300 plants for his friends ? NOPE
300 plants for pocket money ?? OH YES :hitchair:
So I guess we can assume this guy didn't rob the Taco Bell? Why would he is he had 300 plants? I wonder if the popo messed up at all, you know barging into a house looking for a supposed Taco Bell robber on foot...LOL. Yeah another guy helping the MM cause, get a job and cut the plants down there buddy (maybe 50 or less), there are sick people out there who want to wring his neck right now I'm sure.
snuggles said:
So I guess we can assume this guy didn't rob the Taco Bell? Why would he is he had 300 plants? I wonder if the popo messed up at all, you know barging into a house looking for a supposed Taco Bell robber on foot...LOL. Yeah another guy helping the MM cause, get a job and cut the plants down there buddy (maybe 50 or less), there are sick people out there who want to wring his neck right now I'm sure.

Leos find away of always busting the wrong people instead of the right people. We pay taxes for this.
Won't the charges get dropped? They were looking for a robber and found the MJ instead. Unless they went back, got a warrant, then busted the guy. The ladies are still gone though.
hitide said:
its messed up what the police did here.Illegal search and seazure,violation of cival rights,ect.there are crooked cops in every town,belive that. couldnt they come up with a better story that a Taco Bell robber,thats somebaloney 'n cheese.

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gettinggray1964 said:
true-true and i bet there are more crookied cops than there are towns.
we need to fight 4 our rights,duck a pig
haha need to go rambo on the pigs when they do a illegal bust like that... to many crooked cop stories, i bet half of the plants were reported... its like american ganster the cops did to turn profit, maybe. man rambo, and american ganster are 2 good movies though...ha
all charges were dismissed on this case, I bet thats really gotta make thier butts pucker. and by the way mike is mmj certified.
hitide said:
all charges were dismissed on this case, I bet thats really gotta make thier butts pucker. and by the way mike is mmj certified.
he might be mmj certified but unless he is a caregiver than he is in the wrong
Pothead420 said:
he might be mmj certified but unless he is a caregiver than he is in the wrong

Can a caregiver in CA legally have 300 plants? That's taking it waaay past the federal prosecution level:holysheep:
300 is a small garden, imo.

You boys don't understand what is going on out here in the West.

It's ON.

The STATE AG issued a memorandum that STATES you can have collective grows. What this means is ONE person can grow for NUMEROUS folks, as long as EACH person has a MMJ rec. This means One person can have a friggin warehouse grow for 15 of his buddys and "aquire" thier plant number limits also. Also, there is a Doctor in Fresno that will recommend a plant number on the REc.
So, lets say doc gives you a 80 plant Rec. He gives 10 of your buddies the same. Now, you can start a grow and have 880 plants. This would all be legal under STATE law.

Now, some counties have different limits, but they are SUPERSEDED by what your actual doctor recomends.

Bottom line, if you have the proper paperwork, State LEO will not fade you. They might take your show, but you will get no court date.

You have to understand that just because you have a MMJ rec, doesn't mean that person is going to grow, they would rather have someone else grow for them. Just like fruits and veggies, we can all grow our own, but we choose to go to a store and but them. SAME PRINCIPAL.

I told you all IT's ON.
NorCalHal said:
there is a Doctor in Fresno that will recommend a plant number on the REc.

So what is this Doc name that in Fresno? I am almost ready to get MY MMJ Card !!:D I going to see my liver doc today and by friday I WILL have all my papers to get started..
How many plants will this Doctor give me ?
As soon as I get Mine, My Wife is going to get Hers too.. Yea more plants and that means a BIGGER Grow room..:hubba:

P.M. me on that info..

NorCalHal said:
300 is a small garden, imo.

You boys don't understand what is going on out here in the West.

It's ON.

The STATE AG issued a memorandum that STATES you can have collective grows. What this means is ONE person can grow for NUMEROUS folks, as long as EACH person has a MMJ rec. This means One person can have a friggin warehouse grow for 15 of his buddys and "aquire" thier plant number limits also. Also, there is a Doctor in Fresno that will recommend a plant number on the REc.
So, lets say doc gives you a 80 plant Rec. He gives 10 of your buddies the same. Now, you can start a grow and have 880 plants. This would all be legal under STATE law.

Now, some counties have different limits, but they are SUPERSEDED by what your actual doctor recomends.

Bottom line, if you have the proper paperwork, State LEO will not fade you. They might take your show, but you will get no court date.

You have to understand that just because you have a MMJ rec, doesn't mean that person is going to grow, they would rather have someone else grow for them. Just like fruits and veggies, we can all grow our own, but we choose to go to a store and but them. SAME PRINCIPAL.

I told you all IT's ON.

So Interesting what U say here!! I got the room for a few Buddies! ! But I would have to put up some Razor Wire and fencing around the Graden to Keep the Neighbors Out.!!:hubba:
Thanks Bro..
these LEO must be fired...out of the shield dept.. out of the enforcement
someone here at calf.. must tell mike to take these leo to the court that the got in with no warrant and try to replace the guy that robbed taco belland let that guy cut loose by have a lust on the potent 300 plants.. even though they say its criminal.. Mike need tell judge these officers need go back to training or remove their badges for wrongdoing arrests.. give these cops hassles as much mike can!! these gotta to STOP.. and teach LEO lesson to back off !!! just back off
if they see couple plants.. that guy will not steal anything from taco bell!!

man I wanna go calf.. I already gave NC courts hassles.. I'm ready for bigger state where we can grow!
NorCalHal said:
300 is a small garden, imo.

You boys don't understand what is going on out here in the West.

It's ON.

The STATE AG issued a memorandum that STATES you can have collective grows. What this means is ONE person can grow for NUMEROUS folks, as long as EACH person has a MMJ rec. This means One person can have a friggin warehouse grow for 15 of his buddys and "aquire" thier plant number limits also. Also, there is a Doctor in Fresno that will recommend a plant number on the REc.
So, lets say doc gives you a 80 plant Rec. He gives 10 of your buddies the same. Now, you can start a grow and have 880 plants. This would all be legal under STATE law.

Now, some counties have different limits, but they are SUPERSEDED by what your actual doctor recomends.

Bottom line, if you have the proper paperwork, State LEO will not fade you. They might take your show, but you will get no court date.

You have to understand that just because you have a MMJ rec, doesn't mean that person is going to grow, they would rather have someone else grow for them. Just like fruits and veggies, we can all grow our own, but we choose to go to a store and but them. SAME PRINCIPAL.

I told you all IT's ON.

Any way you cut it, the feds see things very differently than what your state says is gravy. Cali is the one pushing the limits and they would most likely be the first state to take the heat IMO.
Collective grows are nothing new, but most states restrict your patient #'s so it keeps you under the federal level. For instance, in OR you can caregive for 4 people with 6 flowering plants and 18 seedlings each. Thats 24 plants for each patient x4= 96 which is right under that magic number of 99.
These warehouses are whats going to ruin it for everybody IMO. Again just my opinion...
I grow for money to pay my bills, rent and feed myself and my wife.


Anyone who has a problem with this is just 100% jealous. I sell to patients and clubs by the pounds.

I REFUSE to be a wage slave EVER again. I grew up on a culinary herb farm...this is what I was born to do.

Have "issues" with growing for profit?

Betcha they are guilt related. Cannabis is NOT a drug...some people here on MP NEED remember and believe this.
Saying growing for profit is like saying having livestock for profit is wrong by that logic.

The olny thing ruining the "cause" is FEDLEO.
I am PROUD that Cali is pushing the envelope. Someone has too. If it wasn't for Cali, nothing would have changed over the last 10 years.
The Fed law WILL change, sooner then later imo. Once that happens, we will OVERGROW the planet.
If my state has no issues with how much I grow, or how much area I use to grow, then the FEDLEO should back off.

99 plants. This is MORE then enough for the average home gardener. BUT, what about the guys who create these strains for everyone? The seed creators? They HAVE to grow THOUSANDS to stabilize a strain in order to market it. If it was not for these folks, many of you would have no ability to grow the strains you do, or grow at all due to not having beans.

I hear you Manny, and I understand your point. But, FEDLEO does not tell me how many bottles of booze I can have, so they should back off on how many plants I can have. This is between me and MY state lawmakers, not the feds.

This is the whole point.

Folks, you have to understand what I see everyday. TONS of folks unable to grow due to a number of reasons. These folks can SAFLY go to any number of State Sactioned MMJ Dispensaries and buy what they need, AND pay STATE and LOCAL tax on thier purchase. If it was not for Bigger Growers who sell thier excess to the dispensaries, these folks would be back on the street buying Herb. Then these folks are dealing with thugs, who often have other "drugs" that they expose to folks. That is the problem.

The dispensaries provide a safe haven for the average joe( not Joe the Plumber) to have multiple choices and price ranges to buy what they want and can afford. There would be NO dispensaries if not for Big Grows.

I hope you all understand my meaning here.

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