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mojavemama said:
Ok, I'm sold on the 10" wide PVC Pipe. I've only worked with narrow PVC and it was the dickens to cut. What do you cut the wide stuff with?

Any kind of good Saw will do the trick.PVC cuts easy with a sharp saw. I use my Table Saw.;) Main thing is ,,just holder steady when ya cut,,let the saw do the work.:D
WeedHopper said:
Any kind of good Saw will do the trick.PVC cuts easy with a sharp saw. I use my Table Saw.;) Main thing is ,,just holder steady when ya cut,,let the saw do the work.:D

How do you seal the bottom? The end caps I saw are rounded :confused:
ArtVandolay said:
How do you seal the bottom? The end caps I saw are rounded :confused:

WOW,,how did I miss this for so long,,sorry Art.
Fraid I got my stuff from a Plumbing buddy of mine,and I didnt ask him at the time where he got the Flat Caps.I havent seen the guy in quite a while,,and his number has changed. I will look around to see what I can find out. I looked on the net, and all I could find,, had round bottoms.:rolleyes:
I know what Im gonna do next time,,,Im gonna cut a 1ft square piece of Plexy Glass,,set the 10" PVC pipe in the middle and glue it down with Aquarium Epoxy. That way it has more stability. I only have like eight of those made with the flat end Caps,,and I want more,,so I guess Im gonna have to use my idea of the Plexy Glass Bottom.:hubba: