Beer Golf Tournament

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Puffin Afatty

Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007
Reaction score
Howdy Golfers :ciao:

I decided to try starting a golf tourny, and thought it would be fun to do a toke before each stroke [that could be 40 or more tokes] and decided it would be enuf to take a hit after each hole, 18 bongs will be enuf for Meeee ;)

Good luck to the contestants :aok:
canibanol cannonball said:
:bong1: and to you Good luck! am i cheating if i do extra bong rips? :bong1:

NO, it is actually encouraged, go right ahead and smoke, smoke, smoke :rofl:
now ya need 2. i'm in just registered. i'm practicing now. lol so is there a specific time to play the tour or when it starts? i never participated on any mp tournaments yet...
Thanks Zipflip :aok: I think we need to fill the roster first and then the game begins, I didnt know it would be this hard to fill 8 places :rofl: I will send everyone a PM when we fill it for sure :hubba:
Puffin Afatty said:
Thanks Zipflip :aok: I think we need to fill the roster first and then the game begins, I didnt know it would be this hard to fill 8 places :rofl: I will send everyone a PM when we fill it for sure :hubba:
cool. gotcha