Bhc: Bong-hitters Club

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What is our smoke session times? 4:20 on the hour?? LOL

  • 4:20 east

  • 4:20 central

  • 4:20 on every hour

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How strong you want I don't make any old thing. I have three stills a reflux a pot and tea kettle just to play with. I can get 194.7 in the reflux, only good for pure spirits no taste like the pot still double run and aged in oak the best, the pot still is 50+ yrs old.
The bottle I am drinking tonight is 10yrs old + 1999 on bottle that is 6 in oak 4 in glass bottle

to much typing not enough BIU and drinking
:tokie: :tokie: Had to roll them UK Have a drink with me while we smoke these:tokie: :48:

I see you blue hit it hard :48: :tokie:

4u, SM and a duck these await thee:bong1: :bong1: :bong1: :bong1:
OZzy im the biggest trash talker in the world. to be honest with ya im to scarred to try anything 125 proof. the fact that you can makes me fear you:confused:

but the fact that you can also make it, thats impressive. I myself am more of a beer man. But only good beer none of that watered down crap they sell to broke college kids. If it has the word "light" in it im probably gonna steer clear of it, but thats just me.
Right now I have found myself buying alot of Magic Hat and Shinner 12 packs.

good morning bhc, im back and i cant leave u guys alone for 2 days without getting into trouble, what did i say b/4 i left. anyhow had a great time it was a great show. one long ride back, 5 hrs with the last 2 in pouring rain. got to meet geoff tate of queensrych at the motel.diddnt have my camera with me at the time .ill post some pics later of the show.
lets have a session, biu style:bong:
Good Morning BHC:ciao:

64f and sunny only a 10% chance of rain.

Love gettin blazed doing school ****
Is this necessary? This is the type of rule violations which got the Mods/admin coming to the BHC in the first place. Please read the site rules before ruining it for everyone at the BHC.
:bong: :bong: Good Morning ditto on the weather

Waking and baking with my BIU and love doing it so y'll take a:chillpill: on the cussing

Queensryche said the truest word very written about the drug wars "Brother killin brother for the profit of another. Game point Nobody wins" Empires

And don't forget to BIU:bong: :bong: :bong1: :bong1: :bongin: :bongin:
hi bhc . sorry to hear about your setback buddy luv. i thought i had things ready (grow room)for the trip and all is ok except i had a high temp of 101f :holysheep: heres some pics of the concert. dream theater were flawless, zappa plays zappa was awesome dwezzle can really play, frank would be proud. queensrych was good but showing age.
the guys from big elf talking to the crowd, they were ok the other one is queensrych playing empire.View attachment 125555

View attachment 125556

View attachment 125557
:bong: OK its :rant: time

:rant: This is a bad year so far first a Bear eats my Purplebuds, then the hill slides on a patch, this morning when I go look things over and the perlite in the soil has floated to the top of 2 patchs:shocked: I had drainage ditches around then that the mulch run into and is gone:confused2:

Now that you have had to see that enjoy one or 2 of these:bong1: :bong1: :bong1: :tokie: :tokie:
Hick said:
It matters absolutely "0" 'who started the thread, or who "WAS" the "group leader". Those things are easily changed. Changed without any consultation to you.."imagine that!"
"I" know who is now, and obviously "you" don't..:) but you're willing and ready to criticize and argue about it. Spouting off about things you know nothing about, have no access to, and are incorrect about, certainly makes you appear "special".
"better to keep your mouth shut, and have folks think you a fool, than open it, and remove all doubt"...;)
I hope you impressed someone, because it only further solidified my opinion of you ..:D

:ciao: sounds as tho you are Flameing me??? thats against the rules..:hitchair: well for some people anyway:eek:
4u continues to 'poke and prod'.. I've decided I don't want to punish everyone thats enjoying this thread. But I am going to eliminate the trouble makers.
I am finished accepting attacks against my actions here and against my character.
If anyone wishes to petition MarPassion with my removal, feel free.
Untill I hear otherwise from "him", I'm going to moderate the forum exactly as he has established the rules.

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