Bonneville County Busts Teen for Growing Pot in Bedroom

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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2007
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A teenager is taken to juvenile jail, charged with growing pot in his bedroom.

The Bonneville County Sheriff's Office was called to the home after the mother went into her 17-year-old son's bedroom and found small plants growing under lights - she suspected the plants to be marijuana.

Deputies were called and identified the plants as illegal and waited for the teen to return home.

When he did, he was questioned and charged with felony manufacturing of a controlled substance, and taken to 3-B Juvenile Detention Center.

The six pot plants were tested, then put into evidence.
Ruin my life for my own good.
A felony conviction is going to be a real advantage in her kids future.
Not to mention the education her offspring is going to get in juvy.
By the time she gets him back she will have lost him .
she was ticked off that he threw her crack cocaine away probly.
Some people are so brainwashed that they think doing that is something helpful for their sons or daughters.

What a stupid thing for a parent to do.

If it were an addictive substance and the parent had tried every other possibility to get the kid off the dope, then fine, but doing it for growing a few MJ plants that 1, keep the kid off other more harmful drugs, 2, keep him from using street dealers were he might get ripped off or get his butt beat is stupid.

Parenting should have a test before getting pregnant would be allowed. If the parent-to-be is too stupid to pass the test, then don't let them bring a kid into the world to be ruined by them.

Poor kid has a felony conviction now that his loving Mom got him.

Stupid, stupid, stupid parent.

Did I mention that I think his Mom is an idiot?
I could have seen my parents doing something like that only if they kept nagging me to quit, and have taken everything that i like away then my car, and still didnt. But im sure they would have asked me about them before calling the cops to I.D what it is... thats messed up. She should have talked to her son about getting rid if it first.
She possibly just ruined the rest of her sons life. There are too many people other who don't know the facts about marijuana. What she did was very unnecessary probably just going to cause more problems for them.
ill do ya one better then that ,,,,,,when I told my daughter to leave ,,,,she called the cops on me and my grow room,,,,told them I was growing pot in one of the bedrooms ,,,,the lady Rasta was smart enough to make me take the room apart the day after the child left,,,,some how she knew the child would call the law,,,,fools showed up asked to look around ,,asked why they told me,,,said sure ,,,fools went right to the room that was the grow room ,,,opened the door nothing ,,,,,children can be so mean ,,,,don’t know if ill ever forgive that one ,,,,p,l,r
I created a sealed 4ft by 2ft greenhouse planted 1 white widow plant i addeda port so i couyld add 100% Oxygen at 4-6 liters per hour I using normal grow techniques I started the O2 at flowering 24 hours a day..I also immediately changed the lighting to Ultra Violet 18 hrs and complete darkness the rest..what i have is a short plant completely snow covered far more than usual with the crystals carpeting the floor of the pot and extremelyt sticky has anyone else tried this and if so gotten these results?
ummm....not sure how to say this, someone else wanna go from here?
"Life's a b**** like the mom from Blow" - Jadakiss

Even big time coke dealers get the cops called on them by their moms.

That lady is so stupid! My friend's mom smashed his bong in the driveway when we were walking back, I used to be like "Is that your mom with the bong?" Smash! (good memories, haha)

But leave the police out of it!!
rasta said:
ill do ya one better then that ,,,,,,when I told my daughter to leave ,,,,she called the cops on me and my grow room,,,,told them I was growing pot in one of the bedrooms ,,,,the lady Rasta was smart enough to make me take the room apart the day after the child left,,,,some how she knew the child would call the law,,,,fools showed up asked to look around ,,asked why they told me,,,said sure ,,,fools went right to the room that was the grow room ,,,opened the door nothing ,,,,,children can be so mean ,,,,don’t know if ill ever forgive that one ,,,,p,l,r

yea a similar situation happened to a good friend of mine. It comes down to that no one can know.
that is horrible. i thought see how that kid will ever be able to look her in the eye again. unless they mess with him n brainwash him or sumtin
octobong007 said:
ummm....not sure how to say this, someone else wanna go from here?

ya sure.... "... then my eyes flew open, and I lept out of bed to put pen to paper about this trippy dream I just had...." ;)
LucySypher said:
I created a sealed 4ft by 2ft greenhouse planted 1 white widow plant i addeda port so i couyld add 100% Oxygen at 4-6 liters per hour I using normal grow techniques I started the O2 at flowering 24 hours a day..I also immediately changed the lighting to Ultra Violet 18 hrs and complete darkness the rest..what i have is a short plant completely snow covered far more than usual with the crystals carpeting the floor of the pot and extremelyt sticky has anyone else tried this and if so gotten these results?
Start another thread on that with some pics :)
FruityBud said:
A teenager is taken to juvenile jail, charged with growing pot in his bedroom.

The Bonneville County Sheriff's Office was called to the home after the mother went into her 17-year-old son's bedroom and found small plants growing under lights - she suspected the plants to be marijuana.

Deputies were called and identified the plants as illegal and waited for the teen to return home.

When he did, he was questioned and charged with felony manufacturing of a controlled substance, and taken to 3-B Juvenile Detention Center.

The six pot plants were tested, then put into evidence.

What a family tragedy. I guess you won the power struggle, Mom. Way to be a mature adult about things.
this is kind of embarrassing but the same thing happened to me.. except for the whole getting arrested thing. my mom found a couple plants in my room too but wouldnt screw over her own son.. she was pretty rattled tho haha.. in hindsight, probably not my best idea
rasta said:
...children can be so mean ,,,,don’t know if ill ever forgive that one ,,,,p,l,r
That's right man, young women and men sometimes think as children and use betrayal as a weapon. I guess there are stories of that as far back as we started walking upright. In the wild, only some species even consider betrayal a reality. In some, they eat each other. that's real betrayal.

I'm sorry, but I know everyone knows my real meaning with the words I used above, but when I re-read it, I seriously lost it....HAHAHAHAHAA

LearningTheWays said:
She possibly just ruined the rest of her sons life. There are too many people other who don't know the facts about marijuana. What she did was very unnecessary probably just going to cause more problems for them.
"She JUST ruined the rest of her sons life. There are too many people other who don't know the facts about marijuana. What she did was very unnecessary and WILL cause more problems for them.".....try getting a decent job or really ANY job with a felony me, i fighting my 3rd right, none of my "crimes" involved theft ,violence,robbery,assault,fraud or "hard" drugs...but in this messed up little one world society that no one is willing to look past the mistakes a man may make in his younger years and hire him based on his skills and attitude at present...sad but true

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