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Just a Dawg
Jan 6, 2006
Reaction score
just puttin up some pics for a couple of peeps :)

C99xK2 is a project of mine. Also going to make K2xC99 get both sides. K2 and Cindy are very stable so should be easy to work through. I got a loooong road ahead. The F1 cross is sure showing its hybrid vigor :) One has some sign of the c99 traits in veg, but mainly showing its K2 side.

c99 canopy.JPG

C99 male.JPG

C99 male close.JPG

c99 male trait.JPG

C99 male close 2.JPG

C99 x K2.JPG
Its Bros Grimm F3 Cindy99 awaiting to drop some pollen for collection :)%
I will be following along--C99 and K2 are two great strains. I can't wait to see what you get with those 2 :hubba:
here's a shot of the female I picked out to make more seeds with. Thanks all for the compliments :)
Hey Umbra...any more i like to see 50/50 female male ratio. tells me plant is behaving like it should. but thats just me.
Males are just as important as females in this game IMO. Why i don't like femd seeds. To me its blocking of any future progeny which to me thats very important.

on a side note: I have almost quit completely using any wet ferts...i finally got my soil chimed in to be dry ferts with an occasional booster at the end. I just do xplants into a newer hotter mix each time until flower...then at the end i just get the microbes dancing with some FF big bloom. What has worked a huge amount is greensand as it takes a little time to break down and breaks down right when its needed :) K has always been the harder of the macros for me to get. :eek: My dirt is hot as a firecracker tho ;) Bone blood horse crap and some other goodies. :)

You perked my interest...lol...anything cindy has got me! I'd like to get my hands on some grimms stock...but can't find any. Is that something you've been holding for awhile Mutt?

I'll be following this thread for sure!
Locked and loaded buddy, I can't wait to see how this turns out. And good news I got the interweb in camp!!!! that means I can stay in touch, muahahaha. Good luck bro, like you'll need it, shoot me your soil recipe if you get a second.
umbra said:
I agree about males being important. However, whenever such a small sample size is used then the probability of 50/50 is off a bit. A larger sample would even it out more, I believe.
So true..like i joke about with some med grower friends...you got the left side of the plant :p
Joey weeds seemed to do very well off the pheno he got from his cindy ...like a euro peep said...anything cindy touches turns to gold ;) I'm glad he kept it alive for others to get...he knew what he had ;)
I wouldn't trust gypsy bro on that one...i'd let that one roll on for a bit and see what happens Gypsy been known to do some funky stuff.

LL i been runnin Cindy crosses for 5 yrs (crossed with both indy and sats). i'm die hard about this strain...she works for me almost perfectly. I know she just needs that certain sumit.....but we all know what kinda hell thats gonna be to find :p
K2 hit my spot...NL5 x WW that one has sumit goin on as well ;) The cindy seeds i got luckily came from very reliable sources that took special care in selecting parents all from bros grimm orig, F1 stock.. So I've been blessed in that dept. ;) There are some very killer cindy phenos rolling around :) -REv has some cindy hybrids that are jam slap up ;)
K2 beans i got have been Bx'd and inbred to F4 so extremely stable stock ;) I've abused this plant left and right and would recommend it over the IBL of NL5 for newbs....its the best of both white and indy sides rolled into a 9 week strain ... works great for pain insomnia and appetite ;-) K2 version i got was inbred for more advanced cancer peeps :(
Tater said:
shoot me your soil recipe if you get a second.
Epsoma Bio-tone
Blood meal
Bone meal
Horse manure compost
regular pit dug OD compost...got everything in it from eggshells to worm castings as well as hardwood ash from the stove and leaves and mushies picked from the horse pasture
epsom salt
composted cow plop
Coco Coir
and in my main compost heap the newspaper from the bottom of the bird cage. ;)
I keep DE handy and sprinkle the top at the sign of gnats.

the rest of the time its just add water :)
another note...dude i know is watching this grow always said late flowering males are the ticket. I will never arugue that...but when looking at it at a certain perspective...late flowering might not be what the person is after. Would it not be shooting for the sativa side of a male when it comes to hybrids? So I chose a different path to find the male that mimics the female i want. i hope others chime in and give us there concepts on male selection :) It seems to be the most lacking info on the net. fems are more than covered :p
Its such a debatable breeding concept but so very very important ;)

just some notes from my note book...
The male and female showed preflowers within 48 hrs of each other. Both had same stretch period, both were same leaf structured, both switched from stretch to flow within 24 hrs of each other. both were vigorous and had the best overall health.
Hey, Mutt, is there any particular sign that says the male is ready to gather pollen from? I'm doing my first collection and like my first grow, I don't know squat about what I'm doing here. I've got this WW male that's just beginning to put out flowers, but they're all different sizes and different maturities. When can I take pollen and know it's viable? I can freeze the pollen to store it, right?

I got some C99 X Apollo 11 from Joey--I'll try and post those when I grow them out.

umbra said:
Gypsy has Grimm F2 @ seedbay

Thank You! You know I think you mentioned this to me before...and I spaced it out or something. Thanks for reviving that braincell! I think you mentioned that they were not cheap, and that made me not even look right now, because I'm laid-off and can't justify spending any $ on seeds right now. Thanks for the info though! It's not selfed seeds is it? Nevermind I can look for myself...thanks man!

Mutt yeah I know about gypsies reputation...I'm not in the right financial situation to be buying any beans right now anyway.

As far as males go in a perfect world I would keep pollen from every male in the set, but don't always have the room to do that. So for me selection was based on structure and smell of the plant. I know that this could possably not be the best way to do things as I believe that recessive genes play alot into the equation. With my C99 hybrids all the males (4) showed at the same time about 5 days before the fems. This was with preflowers at about 4 weeks into veg. I pollinated 2 different fems from this set, and saved the pollen in an airtight tin. My intentions are to use this pollen again on the offspring from the seeds that are produced. Unless I decide to make a bigger male chamber, then I will keep all the males from the set from these seeds. I'm not saying I'm doing this right either...if I'm off base one of you guys that is more knowledgable then me please correct me! I'm in no way a breeder. I am excited to see what the f2 of these hybrids will give me. With the ones I'm growing right now, you would think they all came from clones...they are very close to the same. Leaning more towards the C99 I think...the smell is fruity, nothing like I have smelled when growing straight AK47.

Am I right in breeding this male pollen back to the offspring, or should I collect and breed from the brothers of the same set? Not trying to jack the thread either, if someone would rather PM me an answer to my question that is fine...but we are talking about C99...so it may be fitting to post it here if Mutt doesn't mind.

This is going to be an interesting thread!
umbra said:
I prefer to use males that pollen out from the center of the plant, rather than the the top.

I've never heard this. Can you go into some detail as to why?
umbra said:
Pollen can be frozen, BUT...no moisture.
Yes Mutt later blooming males. I mentioned before that when all you chase are early flowering males, eventually you emulate ruderalis traits. So that is not a trait I look for in males. I prefer to use males that pollen out from the center of the plant, rather than the the top.
I totally agree with the early flowering males on that one.
I typically in the past have gone for the later ones, but this one seemed to chime right in. Just told me yep i'm the one you want. This one wasn't fast to show either. just fit the selected female. :)

if Mutt doesn't mind.
not at all :)

Hey, Mutt, is there any particular sign that says the male is ready to gather pollen from?
When they open up its dropping and viable. I leave mine in under the HID until i get nervous :p Then out by a window on top of plexi with NO draft. Ussually within a couple of days from when i pull it.. it drops.
Mutt said:
I totally agree with the early flowering males on that one.
I typically in the past have gone for the later ones, but this one seemed to chime right in. Just told me yep i'm the one you want. This one wasn't fast to show either. just fit the selected female. :)

not at all :)

When they open up its dropping and viable. I leave mine in under the HID until i get nervous :p Then out by a window on top of plexi with NO draft. Ussually within a couple of days from when i pull it.. it drops.

I'm not good enough to leave it indoors--it's on the patio, but I'm waaay down south, past the land of cotton. I was gonna use foil backed insulation board under it to gather the pollen.

Thanks, sir.
I'd be worried about the wind pencil head....it might blow all the pollen away.
My oppinion is the male needs very little of anything to shed. I put mine in a box in a different room with a cfl. Made some tin foil basins that wrapped around the stem to catch falling pollen. I collected quit a bit like this, and then cut the tops, and put them in a baggy leaving the stems sticking out to realease anymore that they wanted to. I didn't get a bunch of pollen, but it doesn't take much...good luck to you PH!

I've been wanting to make just a breeding chamber where I can put say 3 palnts in it a male and 2 or 3 fems...but then I'd need more room, and would be dealing with fully seeded plants. I really don't need that many a couple branches on a couple plants does me fine.
I hear you , Mutt, but I'm more afraid of central haet and air taking it into my grow room.

I think I'll take Legal's advice--I gotta shed out back and plenty of flouros for shop lights. I guess I could let him hang out there for a bit.

Here again, this isn't a save-the-world endeavor--I'm just trying to take things up a notch this year, produce some of my own seeds just to see if I can do it. These are my last WW seeds (and an easy as hell strain for this newbie to grow out several times) and I'd like to have some in the future-box.

If I keep screwing around until I pollenate my current grow, I'll have lots of seed, won't I?:eek:
:yeahthat: :hairpull:

That's what I'm talking about. I'd love to put it in the yard, but stealth is out the gate once I do that. I've got great neighbors who seem to like me, but I wouldn't wanna push them that hard to keep MY secrets.