does anyone live alone? And grow?

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tcbud said:
Am I just too high, I have NEVER seen pics posted like that here at MP. NOPE never.

Good luck with that nute burn.

exactly what i said. i saw them, then looked at my bong and then, I was like, " whats so special about this character, that he gets life size poster pics, i want posters of my buds too" . My god how does he do it?
thats all im concerned about.

And yeah good luck with that burn...... it makes em tough in the long run eghhh???
no.... but thats what i tell my self when it happens to me..... sometimes its fun to be delusional.

anberlinaddict said:
Ha I actually have a 9mm I bought about 2 years ago under my bed.. i honestly have no problem unloading on someone that comes in un-invited. But I think some of you mis-understood. I meant "im terrified to live alone" not phsyically.. just mentally... like the thought of being a grown-up an adult getting by 100% on your own with no help scares me. I will **** someone up that comes in my house un-invited no doubt lol. But thats not what i meant >.<

gotta grow up bud. its scary taking that leap,,, but once you do.. you wont ever wanna go back and be dependant on someone else again. its scary but if ya keep your head straight and dont jack around, and take care of business youll be set. Really its all about self discipline and responsibility. I dont think anyone is perfect at either of those two and is constantly something that must be worked on constantly in life

Living alone as a "grown up" will teach you more about life than you have learned thus far. Learn from these experiences and thee shall prosper
That's it.....Ya'll have convinced me!.... I'm tossin' the o'lady out TODAY!!! :hitchair:....
"Kick rocks you seahag!".. :rofl: :p

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lol Hick...I love living with hubby. I dont have to answer much or talk when I dont want to. I dont feel a need to escape him or anything...Hubby is my best friend..known him since I was 15 cant imagine life without him...when you have a person that clicks it is great to be together...

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