Excellent grow site

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Mar 27, 2009
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Don’t know if it’s the done thing to guide people away from the forum for a while, but in my search for knowledge, I come across some sites I feel are worthy of a mention.
If you’re thinking about your first grow, (or your 10th) you might find this one of help.
Nicely laid out site with good photos and what seems like, sound advice. (There’s also no crap pop-ups or sales pitches. A great site methinks.
It starts with a link to ‘the decision’ and I enjoyed every page through to ‘smoking the finished product’. Great photos and info throughout for those just starting and people who don’t know it all. :evil:
Give me some feedback as to whether or not I should post any more sites I’ve vetted and deemed suitable. :D
That is actually the WORST site I have EVER seen for growing MJ. Maybe the folks at amsterdam seeds had a part ya think?

Horrible. No interaction with other folks for real time advice. It is simply one dudes take on how to grow weed, and I wouldn't bet the farm on ole Owens advice.

Not to worry though, I sent Owen an Email explaing the faults of his site and the horrible notion that he knows what he is doing.

Not to slam you at all Vess, just that site is just wrong.
NorCalHal said:
That is actually the WORST site I have EVER seen for growing MJ. Maybe the folks at amsterdam seeds had a part ya think?

Horrible. No interaction with other folks for real time advice. It is simply one dudes take on how to grow weed, and I wouldn't bet the farm on ole Owens advice.

Not to worry though, I sent Owen an Email explaing the faults of his site and the horrible notion that he knows what he is doing.

Not to slam you at all Vess, just that site is just wrong.
Saved me some time on that one! glad i was busy while you filled us in
As I looked into the site more, I found another horrible wrong item.
It is a " Search Engine claiming to search the top 10 MJ sites, and when you do, it lists posts from only 2 sites. Neither site is close to the par of folks here, and at other "Top" sites.

The more I look into this, the more I want to slap Owen.
HippyInEngland said:
I know a great site too.

Check this one out, I think you will be surprised at how it has everything that anyone could ever want or need to help them grow free MJ, it doesnt matter if your a novice or a 30+ year pro, all are welcome at it.


i would have to second that the site your on now is the best site i have found for great info its helped me alot with the art of growing:headbang2:
i think its time to blaze:bongin:
After reading part of that site. I see why the newbies (like me) ask the dumb questions? They were there first and got confused.

Wish You had posted before I wasted my time NCH, but the server was busy and I had nothing better to look at.
NorCalHal said:
That is actually the WORST site I have EVER seen for growing MJ. Maybe the folks at amsterdam seeds had a part ya think?

Horrible. No interaction with other folks for real time advice. It is simply one dudes take on how to grow weed, and I wouldn't bet the farm on ole Owens advice.
Sorry NorCal.
I really enjoyed the journey. I’m not saying everything is necessarily correct, but I found it helpful as a beginner.
People were winging on about ‘bandwidth’ problems and stupid questions last week..
And I’m afraid to say, that despite what the elders on the forum think. You can’t find ‘everything’ you’re looking for here.
But this place is all about opinions, and I judge by the consensus of opinion that this is not a good grow site.
I JUST HAPPEN TO THINK IT IS! :hubba: Judge for yourself.
ozzydiodude said:
After reading part of that site. I see why the newbies (like me) ask the dumb questions? They were there first and got confused.

Wish You had posted before I wasted my time NCH, but the server was busy and I had nothing better to look at.
After the tenth time of trying, I get fed up with the ‘server busy’ banner.
The problem is the popularity of the site. The server can’t cope with the traffic, and as for search engines. So many posts that seem to bare no relation to the search being conducted. Trying to find specifics is a waste of hours looking for something, and then just googling it.
Don’t get me wrong. There’s more info here than you could ever wish for. Trouble is, finding it without trawling through dozens and dozens of posts that bare no relation to the search questions.
I find most stuff by accident or links through the resources page. It’s a shame really, but the site would be a lot more user friendly if the deadwood was cleared away.
Please don’t take this the wrong way. I love the site and most of the people I’ve dealt with. But, for me, its quite a frustrating place to navigate most of the time. Great browsing though; if you’ve got the time.
(God that’ll start a riot) :D
Prologue: This is not a PUI (posting under the influence) post.

Would you rather the site was shut down until the server busy problem is resolved? I would prefer that all who have issue with server busy "pretend" the site is temporarily closed until the issue is resolved. Personally, I am "fine" with you surfing elsewhere and wish that you would.

I guess my parents didn't raise a spoiled brat that had every latest toy. You (and others like you) need to admit that this site is below your standards for performance and move on. Life really isn't all that complicated.

Glad you got a chance to meet all of us, we're a really great bunch, and, happy you can't stay.
ArtVandolay said:
Prologue: This is not a PUI (posting under the influence) post.
Personally, I am "fine" with you surfing elsewhere and wish that you would.
I guess my parents didn't raise a spoiled brat that had every latest toy. You (and others like you) need to admit that this site is below your standards for performance and move on. Life really isn't all that complicated.
Glad you got a chance to meet all of us, we're a really great bunch, and, happy you can't stay.
Sorry Art. You did seem to take it the wrong way.
Could I just point out that this is the best forum I’ve come across. So I’ll be staying mate. (If that’s OK?)
But Art. “Spoiled brat. Every latest toy. (Others like you). I’m a poor disabled ex soldier mate. Not the duke of Westminister. Sheesh Art. A bit touchy aren’t we?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. It’s easy to take something the wrong way on a forum.
Sorry for any offence caused, and I’ll end it here.
PS. I hope we’re OK Art. Don’t want to fall out with anyone over a busy sign. :eek:
I'm sorry. I post better under the influence. This is a PUI post :D

They're doing what they can! It's a FREE site. Due to the nature of the material, we can't send money to MarP, which we would all be happy to do.

Is it bad enough to find a new site? Only each person can answer that individually. But the ones that stay and whine are beginning to wear a little thin. Stay and enjoy and don't complain or move on. Again, I'm sorry. I tend to see things in black and white.


How are the kids?
Hey Art Wal=mart has rose colored glasse sless than $5. If your are tired of seeing gray.:p
wrathkill said:
i would have to second that the site your on now is the best site i have found for great info its helped me alot with the art of growing:headbang2:
i think its time to blaze:bongin:

hands down this is the best site ive come across, my 2ndry favourite site is 420 :)

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